試験デザイン - Weblio 英和・和英辞典 (original) (raw)



The simulation results are compared with a limitation and the data from the comparison are provided for showing whether or not any limitation is violated during simulation by a test rod pattern design. - 特許庁


For a subset of a test rod pattern design which may be a subset of a fuel bundle in a reactor core, a reactor action is simulated and a plurality of simulation results are produced. - 特許庁


In this method, a set of the limits applicable to a core is defined (S10) and a test core loading pattern design to be used for the loading of the core is determined on the basis of the limits (S20). - 特許庁


The investigator(s) and medical staff should understand the study design and the investigational product, its target, its mechanism of action, and any anticipated adverse reactions, and should include individuals with an in-depth understanding of clinical pharmacology. - 厚生労働省

一般にヒト初回投与量は,最も感度の高い動物種を用いた非臨床毒性試験における無毒性量(NOAEL:No Observed Adverse Effect Level)をもとに,アロメトリック補正,あるいは,薬物動態(PK)情報に基づいてヒト等価用量(HED:Human Equivalent Dose)を算出し,さらに被験薬の特性や臨床**試験デザインを踏まえた安全係数を考慮し設定される.例文帳に追加

Generally, the first-in-human dose will be selected as follows. First, the No Observed Adverse Effect Level (NOAEL) will be determined for the most highly sensitive animal species used in non-clinical studies. Next, the Human Equivalent Dose (HED) will be calculated based on those values, with the appropriate application of allometric correction or pharmacokinetic (PK) information.Considerations will include a safety factor based on the investigational product properties and the clinical study design. - 厚生労働省



To provide a fuel injector geometries standardized and molded having a standard post-attaching electric plug assembly, capable of corresponding to various length and designs of plugs and to install after assembly and a test of a standard fuel injector. - 特許庁
