那須塩原市 - Weblio 英和・和英辞典 (original) (raw)
該当件数 : 17件
7. Restrictive requirement shall apply to heads of relevant municipalities and food business operatorsconcerned not to distribute any wild mushrooms collected in Kanuma-shi, Nikko-shi, Moka-shi,Ohtawara-shi, Yaita-shi, Nasushiobara-shi, Nasukarasuyama-shi, Mashiko-machi, Shioya-machi,Nasu-machi and Nakagawa-machi, for the time being - 厚生労働省
6. Restrictive requirement shall apply to heads of relevant municipalities and food business operatorsconcerned not to distribute any log-grown brick caps (outdoor cultivation) produced inUtsunomiya-shi, Ashikaga-shi, Sano-shi, Kanuma-shi, Moka-shi, Otawara-shi, Yaita-shi,Nasushiobara-shi, Sakura-shi, Nasukarasuyama-shi, Kaminokawa-machi, Mogi-machi,Ichikai-machi, Haga-machi, Mibu-machi, Shioya-machi and Takanezawa-machi for the time being. - 厚生労働省