黒なまず - Weblio 英和・和英辞典 (original) (raw)



Biwako-onamazu are normally bluish-black.発音を聞く - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


This organic electrolyte battery is composed of the positive electrode using the carbon fluoride obtained by carbonating easily graphatizable carbon, an organic electrolyte, and a negative electrode capable of discharging an lithium ion, and a spherical graphitic material comprising spherical cokes or mesocarbon micro-beads having mesophase small spherical body produced in a pitch carbonating process as a raw material and the mixed body of them is used for the easily graphitizable carbon. - 特許庁


Kubihiki (a tug of war between two persons with a loop of cord stretched around their necks) and janken (the game of 'paper stone and scissors') which were Ozashiki-Asobi (games with Geisha - Japanese professional female entertainer at drinking parties) in red light districts were used as themes and there is the example of 'November 11, 1855, the night of a big earthquake, namazu mondo' (literally, talk on catfish) in which Mathew Perry and a catfish play kubihiki.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

そのかたわらでは長野県澤酒造「くろさわ 柱焼酎仕込」のように、江戸時代の柱焼酎、すなわち『童蒙酒造記』に書いてあるような、まず米焼酎から造ってそれを醸造酒に添加する方法でアルコール添加している日本酒も造られている。例文帳に追加

At the same time, there are some Japanese sake brands like "Kurosawa, Hashira-jochu sikomi" of Kurosawa Brewery in Nagano Prefecture, which is made by blending brewed sake with alcohol of kome-shochu (rice distilled spirit) in the way of hashira-jochu of the Edo Period as written in "Domoshuzoki."発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To suppress scattering of an electrode material, to prevent blackening in a discharge tube, and to extend a service life, by reducing the time of unstable discharge generated after application of a start pulse. - 特許庁



The resident charged particles 31 are separated from a wall surface of the partition member 5 and a corner part of a cell C by vibration generated by movement of the partition member 5 and black charged particles 31b and white charged particles 31a are moved to a first substrate 12 side and a second substrate 13 side, respectively. - 特許庁
