Divination by name - Weblio 英和・和英辞典 (original) (raw)

<The poem written **by** Prince Otsu when his secret rendezvous with ISHIKAWA no Iratsume was exposed **by** **divination** performed **by** an onmyoji **by** the **name** of TSUMORI no Muraji Toru> "We slept together knowing full well that, if we boarded the big boat (an analogy of a conspicuous action meaning a secret rendezvous), we would be caught in 'ura' (is a double-meaning word, i.e., 'inlet' and 'divination') that is under surveillance by 'Tsumori' (is a double-meaning word, i.e., 'port authority' and 'TSUMORI,' the name of Onmyoji).発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

<大津皇子と石川郎女の密会の事実が、陰陽師の津守連通の占筮で露見した際に、大津皇子が詠んだ一首>『大船(密会という目立つ大胆な行動の例え)に乗れば港湾管理者の監視下(「津を守る人の監視」と陰陽師である「津守通」の掛け言葉)のウラ(港が接する「浦」と「占い」の掛け言葉)で見つかるだろうと重々承知の上で、私たち二人は寝たんだよ』 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kien studied further into the art of divination ('ekigaku' in Japanese), and based on his own philological theory did he advance a 'Kaibutsu-ron' theory (literally, 'kai' means opening and 'butsu' means objects, the 'kai-butsu' referring to a method of grasping the meaning of a word by voicing it so as to understand an object via name) which interpreted a relationship between 'name' and 'object,' and published books annotating many basic literature for Confucianism (which literature was called 'Keisho'), the books including "Roshi" (Lao Tzu or Lao-tse or Lao·zi; literally "Master Lao"), "Soshi" (Zhuangzi or Chuang-tzu; literally "Master Zhuang"), "Resshi" (Liezi or Lièzĭ or Lieh Tzu; literally "Master Lie") and "Rongo" (Lunyu in Chinese or Analects in English, also known as the Analects of Confucius).発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

易学について研究を深め、独自の言語論により「名」と「物」との関係を解釈する開物論を唱え、「老子」「荘子」「列子」「論語」など多くの経書に対する注釈書を著した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス