Ibusuki - Weblio 英和・和英辞典 (original) (raw)


該当件数 : 11



Volume 1 deals with the history of Confucianism in Japan from the ancient times to the prosperity stage of Gozan Bunka (culture of the Five Official Temples between the end of the Kamakura Period and the Muromachi Period) such as the age of Empress Jingu which was thought in the author's day to be the time when Confucianism was introduced to Japan, then Jofuku, Wani (Wang In), Prince Shotoku, AWATA no Mahito, KIBI no Makibi, SUGAWARA no Michizane and Shushin Gido, Volume 2 deals with the period from Gozan Bunka to the appearance of Genju KEIAN who brought prosperity to the culture of Confucianism in Satsuma domain, Volume 3 deals with the activity of Tadayoshi SHIMAZU and Bunshi NANPO who tried to develop Satsunangaku school (school of Neo-Confucianism in Satsuma) and Confucianism in early Edo period, and Volume 4 deals with the history of Shoryu-ji Temple (in current Ibusuki City) which was the center of Satsunangaku school and the history of Confucianism in Satsuma domain after the Genroku and the Kyoho Era, but this volume is unfinished.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

巻1では、日本に儒教が伝来したと当時考えられていた神功皇后期から、徐福・王仁・聖徳太子・粟田真人・吉備真備・菅原道真・義堂周信ら、古代から室町時代における五山文化興隆期を扱い、巻2では、五山文化から薩摩国の儒教文化を興隆させた桂庵玄樹の登場までを扱い、巻3では薩南学派の発展に尽した島津忠良や南浦文之の活躍や江戸時代初期の儒学を扱い、巻4では薩南学派の総本山とされた正龍寺(指宿市)の歴史や元禄・享保以後の薩摩藩の儒教史を扱っているが未完である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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