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a study on management


「a study on management」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 13

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「a study on management」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 13


Based on these points, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry established the Study Group on Industrial Training and Technical Internship Program for Foreigners in October 2006. This group investigated measures for a more proper training and technical internship system (specifically, management of improper institutions which receive trainees/interns, more proper group management type reception of trainees/interns, etc.), measures for an improved system which is desirable for both trainees/interns and the companies receiving them (for example, introduction of an Advanced Internship System (provisional name), adding technical internship job types, etc.), etc. The group provided its conclusions in May 2007 (Table 4-4-19).例文帳に追加

これらの点を踏まえ、経済産業省では、2006 年10月、「外国人研修・技能実習制度に関する研究会」を設置し、研修・技能実習制度の適正化の方策(具体的には、不適正な受入れ機関への指導等の在り方、団体監理型受入れの適正化の在り方等)、研修・技能実習生と受入企業双方にとって望ましい制度の充実の方策(例えば、高度技能実習制度(仮称)の導入、技能実習者対象職種の追加等の在り方)等について検討を行い、2007 年5月に取りまとめを行った(第4-4-19 表)。 - 経済産業省



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