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gapers' block
gapers' block (複数形 gapers' blocks)
- (chiefly US and Canada, idiomatic) A traffic jam resulting from motorists slowing to look at a motor vehicle collision or other roadside distraction.
gaper's block
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2010/10/03 20:09 UTC 版)
gapers' block (複数形 gapers' blocks)
- (主に米国用法 かつ カナダ用法, idiomatic) A traffic jam resulting from motorists slowing to look at a motor vehicle collision or other roadside distraction.
- 1967, "Above It All," Time, 10 Mar.:
In the lingo of the traffic reporters, "gapers' block" is a tie-up caused by motorists slowing down to gape at an accident. - 2001, "Rocky Road Rocky Mountain National Park boasts as ear-popping drive full of peak experiences," Wichita Eagle (Kansas), 25 Mar., p. 1G:
In the pretty, tranquil valley, elk were feeding just off the highway, creating a gapers block.
- 1967, "Above It All," Time, 10 Mar.:
- gawkers' block
- gawker block
- gawker blocker
gapers block
gapers' blockのページの著作権
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