predecessor company - Weblio 英和・和英辞典 (original) (raw)

「predecessor company」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 16


The Keifuku Electric Railroad Co., Ltd., was established in 1942 to succeed the railway and tramway business that was operated by the Kyoto Dento in Kyoto Prefecture (Arashiyama, Kitano and Eizan lines) and Fukui Prefecture (Echizen Electric Railway Line), with the dissolution of the Kyoto Dento to transfer the power-distribution business to the Kansai-haiden Power Distribution (関西配電) (a predecessor of the Kansai Electric Power Co., Inc.) and the Hokuriku-haiden Power Distribution (北陸配電) (a predecessor of the Hokuriku Electric Power Company), and the electric generation and transmission business to the Japan Electric Generation and Transmission Company (日本発送電) under the power distribution control law (配電統制); in the same year, the collateral companies, the Kurama Electric Railway and the Mikuni Awara Electric Railway (三国芦原電鉄), were merged into the Keifuku Electric Railroad Co., Ltd.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

配電統制令により、京都電燈が配電事業を関西配電(関西電力の前身)・北陸配電(北陸電力の前身)へ、発送電事業を日本発送電へ譲渡し解散するのに伴い、同社の京都(嵐山線・北野線・叡山線)と福井(越前電気鉄道線)での鉄軌道事業を引き継ぐため1942年に設立され、同年中に傍系の鞍馬電気鉄道・三国芦原電鉄が合流した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


While my predecessor was in office, a law called the SME Financing Facilitation Act (Act concerning Temporary Measures to Facilitate Financing for SMEs, etc.) was established. In Japan, 99.7% of all companies are small and medium-sized enterprises, or SMEs, which employ 28 million people. Now, faced with growing economic globalization, especially since the Lehman crisis two years ago, SMEs have been suffering considerably from hardships. At the same time, though, SMEs have the advantage of being flexible and resilient and, from the viewpoint, the FSA considers SMEs to be extremely important. My hometown is the city of Kitakyushu, where Yahata Steel Works, initially a government-owned company, was founded 100 years ago, and served as the base for the creation of a large number of SMEs there. Fukuoka Prefecture, also home to factories of Toyota and Nissan, is the second-largest car-producing prefecture after Aichi, which explains the large number of modest-size companies and SMEs there.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

それは前大臣のときに、中小企業金融円滑化法というのをつくりまして、そんなところで一生懸命中小企業に対する融資というのは、まあ、企業の99.7%、2,800万人の方が中小企業で従事しておられるわけですから、今こういった経済のグローバル化の中、ましてや2年前のリーマンショック以来、非常に中小企業というのはあえいでおりますし、しかし同時に中小企業は機動性あるいは弾力性といった利点もあるわけですから、そういった中で中小企業を金融庁は極めて大事だと思っておりますが、私はいつか話したと思いますが、私は地元に帰って、私は北九州市ですから中小企業、まあ官営八幡製鐵所が100年前にできまして、それをすそ野として福岡県はトヨタも日産も、愛知県に続いて2番目の自動車生産県でございますので、たくさんの中堅企業あるいは中小企業が多いわけです。 - 金融庁


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