smoke tree - Weblio 英和・和英辞典 (original) (raw)


shrubby tree of southern United States having large plumes of feathery flowers resembling puffs of smoke 発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

ひとふきの煙に似た羽の生えた大きな花のある米国南部の低木状の木 - 日本語WordNet

Each time I think of you, I pick some branches of the tree and burn them in the fire; it is nice to cough with smoke, as if it were your memento. (Shin-Kokin Wakashu (New Collection of Ancient and Modem Times) Volume No. 8, "Song of sorrow").発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

思ひ出づる折りたく柴の夕煙むせぶもうれし忘れ形見に(新古今和歌集巻第八『哀傷歌』)に由来する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To provide an ion generating air purifier in which units each having a smoke and dust collecting function, an ion generating function or the function of generating a good smell of a fragrant tree are incorporated so that suspended matter such as dust and tobacco smoke and a bad smell such a smell of tobacco in a vehicle can be removed completely.例文帳に追加

集煙・集塵機能、イオン発生機能、香木臭気発生機能を有する各装置を内蔵可能にして車両内の塵埃やタバコの煙等の浮遊物質やタバコの臭い等の悪臭を完全に除去可能にするイオン発生空気清浄器を提供する。 - 特許庁

Noh-jiutai, (Noh chorus) sings Utai (a song) containing the volume titles of the Tale of Genji in order, such as 'To being with, the smoke of Kiritsubo (the Paulownia Court) quickly rose to the sky over Hossho last night, and words of Hahakigi (the Broom Tree) in the evening...,' and Murasaki Shikibu dances to the music.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

能地謡が「そもそも桐壺の、ゆふべの煙速やかに、法性の空に至り、帚木の夜の言の葉は…」と源氏物語の巻名を順に読み込んだ謡を歌い、紫式部はこれにあわせて舞う。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


But, at last, above the subsiding red of the fire, above the streaming masses of black smoke and the whitening and blackening tree stumps, and the diminishing numbers of these dim creatures, came the white light of the day.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

でも、やっと、消えゆく炎の赤の上に、流れる黒い煙の固まりの上に、白黒に焦げた木の切り株の上に、そしてかなり減った愚鈍な生き物の上に、昼の白い光が訪れたのです。 - H. G. Wells『タイムマシン』
