「acid」に関連した英語シソーラスの一覧 - Weblio英語類語検索 (original) (raw)


意義素(意味の分類) 対応する類語・関連語
酸の特徴を持っているさま having the characteristics of an acid acid 詳しく見る
調子において辛辣である、または冷嘲的であるさま harsh or corrosive in tone caustic, sulfurous, vitriolic, sulphurous, acerbic, virulent, blistering, bitter, acerb, acrid, acid 詳しく見る
酸っぱい味がする being sour to the taste acidulous, acidulent, acidic, acid 詳しく見る
LSDの通名 street name for lysergic acid diethylamide battery-acid, loony toons, elvis, lucy in the sky with diamonds, back breaker, window pane, pane, dose, superman, acid, zen, dot 詳しく見る
酸味を持っていて、リトマスを赤くし、塩を形成するために塩基と反応することができる水溶性化合物の総称 any of various water-soluble compounds having a sour taste and capable of turning litmus red and reacting with a base to form a salt acid 詳しく見る



caustic, sulfurous, vitriolic, sulphurous, acerbic, virulent, blistering, bitter, acerb, acrid, acid

辛辣、 痛烈、 苛辣

この場合の「caustic, sulfurous, vitriolic, sulphurous, acerbic, virulent, blistering, bitter, acerb, acrid, acid」の意味

harsh or corrosive in tone


「調子において辛辣である、または冷嘲的であるさま」の意味で使われる「caustic, sulfurous, vitriolic, sulphurous, acerbic, virulent, blistering, bitter, acerb, acrid, acid」の例文

an acerbic tone piercing otherwise flowery prose


a barrage of acid comments


her acrid remarks make her many enemies


blistering criticism


caustic jokes about political assassination, talk-show hosts and medical ethics


a sulfurous denunciation


a vitriolic critique





acidulous, acidulent, acidic, acid

酸っぱい、 酸い

この場合の「acidulous, acidulent, acidic, acid」の意味

being sour to the taste





battery-acid, loony toons, elvis, lucy in the sky with diamonds, back breaker, window pane, pane, dose, superman, acid, zen, dot


この場合の「battery-acid, loony toons, elvis, lucy in the sky with diamonds, back breaker, window pane, pane, dose, superman, acid, zen, dot」の意味

street name for lysergic acid diethylamide



lysergic acid diethylamide, lsd



酸、 アシッド


any of various water-soluble compounds having a sour taste and capable of turning litmus red and reacting with a base to form a salt



chemical compound, compound


alkapton, alcapton, homogentisic acid, arsenic acid, cerotic acid, hexacosanoic acid, chloric acid, chlorous acid, monobasic acid, dibasic acid, tribasic acid, tetrabasic acid, fulminic acid, gamma acid, hydriodic acid, hydrocyanic acid, prussic acid, hydroxy acid, hyponitrous acid, lysergic acid, manganic acid, 2-methylpropenoic acid, methacrylic acid, selenic acid, sulphonic acid, sulfonic acid, titanic acid, perchloric acid, carboxylic acid, aminobenzoic acid, nitric acid, aqua fortis, nitrous acid, aqua regia, nitrohydrochloric acid, malonylurea, barbituric acid, lansoprazole, prevacid, boric acid, boracic acid, orthoboric acid, bromic acid, carbamic acid, carbolic acid, hydroxybenzene, oxybenzene, phenylic acid, phenol, carbonic acid, chromic acid, citric acid, cyanamide, cyanamid, cyanic acid, cyanuric acid, ferricyanic acid, ferrocyanic acid, fluoroboric acid, hydrofluosilicic acid, fluosilicic acid, formic acid, fumaric acid, gallic acid, glyceric acid, hydroxyacetic acid, glycollic acid, glycolic acid, hydrobromic acid, hydrochloric acid, chlorohydric acid, hydrogen chloride, hydrofluoric acid, hydroiodic acid, hypochlorous acid, iodic acid, isocyanic acid, itaconic acid, maleic acid, oxalacetic acid, oxaloacetic acid, ethanedioic acid, oxalic acid, oxygen acid, oxyacid, pantothen, pantothenic acid, para aminobenzoic acid, paba, pectic acid, permanganic acid, phthalic acid, picric acid, pyruvic acid, dichromic acid, silicic acid, sulphanilic acid, sulfanilic acid, thiocyanic acid, toluic acid, triphosphoric acid, undecylenic acid, uric acid, oil of vitriol, sulfuric acid, vitriol, sulphuric acid, xanthic acid

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