「artistic creation」に関連した英語シソーラスの一覧 - Weblio英語類語検索 (original) (raw)

artistic production, art, artistic creation

芸術、 アート、 作物、 工芸

この場合の「artistic production, art, artistic creation」の意味

the creation of beautiful or significant things


「美しい物や意味のある物の創造」の意味で使われる「artistic production, art, artistic creation」の例文

art does not need to be innovative to be good


I was never any good at art


he said that architecture is the art of wasting space beautifully



creative activity, creation


arts and crafts, ceramics, decalcomania, decoupage, drawing, draftsmanship, drafting, glyptography, gastronomy, origami, painting, perfumery, printmaking, sculpture, carving, topiary


pop, popular, cathartic, releasing, moderne, nonrepresentational, formalistic, formalised, formalized, americana, fine art, art, ground, talaria, vocabulary, esthetics, aesthetics, cinema, film, celluloid, expressive style, style, tout ensemble, ensemble, expo, exhibition, exposition, authenticator, appraiser, theorizer, theorist, idealogue, theoretician, theoriser, tension, stagnation, doldrums, stagnancy, longueur, finger-paint, fresco, distemper, illuminate, miniate, rubricate, emblazon, blazon, sculpture, sculpt, paint, repaint, charge, interpret, represent, show, depict, render, picture, illustrate, stylize, stylise, conventionalize, limn, portray, present, draw, charcoal, cartoon, fill in, shade, stipple, watercolor, watercolour, mold, mould, model, sketch, chalk out, lithograph, silkscreen, stencil, etch, engrave, aquatint, posture, sit, pose, deaccession