「assemblage」に関連した英語シソーラスの一覧 - Weblio英語類語検索 (original) (raw)


意義素(意味の分類) 対応する類語・関連語
集まるという社会的な行為 the social act of assembling gathering, assemblage, assembly 詳しく見る
特定の目的のために部分を組み立てられる構成要素のシステム a system of components assembled together for a particular purpose hookup, assemblage 詳しく見る
ひとまとまりにされた、またはひとつのまとまったもの全体とみなされるいくつかの物 several things grouped together or considered as a whole collection, aggregation, assemblage, accumulation 詳しく見る
1つの場所に集まっている人々のグループ a group of persons together in one place gathering, assemblage 詳しく見る


gathering, assemblage, assembly

会合、 アセンブリー、 集結、 コンベンション、 集、 会、 集まり、 会議、 コンヴェンション、 会集、 会同、 アセンブリ、 集り、 集い、 集会、 集合

この場合の「gathering, assemblage, assembly」の意味

the social act of assembling


「集まるという社会的な行為」の意味で使われる「gathering, assemblage, assembly」の例文

they demanded the right of assembly



group action


mobilisation, mobilization, convocation, calling together, coming together, meeting, congregation, congregating, convening, convention, concentration


hookup, assemblage

この場合の「hookup, assemblage」の意味

a system of components assembled together for a particular purpose





collection, aggregation, assemblage, accumulation

集団、 集積物、 収集物、 集まり、 蓄積、 固まり、 集合物、 群、 コレクション、 集合体

この場合の「collection, aggregation, assemblage, accumulation」の意味

several things grouped together or considered as a whole



grouping, group


procession, pharmacopoeia, string, wardrobe, population, universe, armamentarium, art collection, backlog, battery, block, book, rule book, bottle collection, caboodle, lot, bunch, coin collection, collage, content, tout ensemble, ensemble, corpus, crop, tenantry, findings, flagging, flinders, pack, deal, hand, long suit, herbarium, stamp collection, statuary, sum, summation, sum total, agglomeration, gimmickry, nuclear club, agglomerate, pile, heap, mound, cumulation, cumulus, mass, combination, congregation, hit parade, judaica, kludge, program library, library, subroutine library, mythology, biota, biology, zoology, fauna, petting zoo, set, victoriana, class, category, family, job lot, parcel, package, packet, bundle, defense team, defense, defense lawyers, defence, prosecution, planting, signage, gaap, generally accepted accounting principles, pantheon, free world, third world, europe, asia, north america, central america, south america, oort cloud, galaxy, extragalactic nebula, fleet, repertoire, repertory, mixed bag, assortment, mixture, potpourri, motley, miscellany, miscellanea, variety, salmagundi, smorgasbord, clutch, batch, rogue's gallery, expo, exhibition, exposition, convoy, traffic, aviation, air power, flora, botany, vegetation, jurisprudence, law, menagerie, information, data, ana, mail, post, treasure, treasure trove, trinketry, troponymy, troponomy, smithereens


gathering, assemblage

集団、 人だかり、 団、 集まり、 群集、 人集、 群衆、 人集り、 群、 群がり

この場合の「gathering, assemblage」の意味

a group of persons together in one place



social group


building, carload, contingent, floor, pair, room, trinity, trio, triad, threesome, turnout, quartette, foursome, quartet, quintet, quintette, fivesome, sixsome, sextette, sextet, septette, sevensome, septet, octette, octet, eightsome, assembly, crowd, throng, multitude, concourse, audience, community, municipality, cast of characters, cast, dramatis personae, class, form, grade, course, year, social gathering, social affair, bunch, gang, crew, group meeting, meeting, covey, quorum, mass meeting, rally, commune, convocation, fair, bevy, entourage, retinue, suite, cortege, camp, muster, rap group, rave-up, table, wine tasting

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