「digit」に関連した英語シソーラスの一覧 - Weblio英語類語検索 (original) (raw)


意義素(意味の分類) 対応する類語・関連語
人間の手または足の指、あるいは他の脊椎動物のそれに相当する部分 a finger or toe in human beings or corresponding body part in other vertebrates digit, dactyl 詳しく見る
長さの単位として使用する、指の幅の長さ the length of breadth of a finger used as a linear measure digit, fingerbreadth, finger's breadth, finger 詳しく見る
記数の体系を集合的に形作る要素の1つ one of the elements that collectively form a system of numeration digit, figure 詳しく見る



digit, fingerbreadth, finger's breadth, finger

フィンガー、 指

この場合の「digit, fingerbreadth, finger's breadth, finger」の意味

the length of breadth of a finger used as a linear measure



linear unit, linear measure


digit, figure

数字、 ディジット

この場合の「digit, figure」の意味

one of the elements that collectively form a system of numeration


「記数の体系を集合的に形作る要素の1つ」の意味で使われる「digit, figure」の例文

0 and 1 are digits



integer, whole number


binary digit, octal digit, decimal digit, duodecimal digit, hexadecimal digit, significant figure, significant digit, 0, zero, cipher, nought, cypher, ace, i, single, unity, 1, one, ii, 2, two, deuce, triplet, leash, ternary, trinity, trine, 3, tierce, trio, triad, trey, ternion, terzetto, threesome, troika, iii, deuce-ace, tercet, three, iv, little joe, quaternity, four, quaternary, tetrad, foursome, quadruplet, quaternion, quartet, 4, quatern, little phoebe, quintet, fivesome, phoebe, cinque, quint, 5, fin, v, quintuplet, pentad, five, six, sixer, captain hicks, half a dozen, sise, vi, sestet, hexad, sextet, 6, sextuplet, sevener, heptad, septenary, seven, vii, 7, septet, 8, ogdoad, octet, eighter, viii, octonary, octad, eight, eighter from decatur, niner, 9, ix, nina from carolina, ennead, nine

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