「greece」に関連した英語シソーラスの一覧 - Weblio英語類語検索 (original) (raw)

greece, hellenic republic, ellas

ギリシア、 ギリシャ、 ギリシャ共和国

この場合の「greece, hellenic republic, ellas」の意味

a republic in southeastern Europe on the southern part of the Balkan peninsula



hellene, greek, grecian, achaea, aegina, aigina, chios, khios, cyclades, kikladhes, dodecanese, dhodhekanisos, doris, mytilene, lesbos, lesvos, rodhos, rhodes, crete, kriti, ithaki, ithaca, mount athos, athos, capital of greece, greek capital, athinai, athens, actium, attica, corinth, korinthos, argos, delphi, mycenae, epirus, laconia, nemea, boeotia, salonika, thessalonica, thessaloniki, salonica, stagirus, stagira, thessaly, thessalia, arcadia, peloponnese, peloponnesus, peloponnesian peninsula, lemnos, limnos, olimbos, mount olympus, mt. olympus, olympus, parnassus, mount parnassus, liakoura, gulf of aegina, saronic gulf


eu, eec, european economic community, common market, european union, europe, european community, ec, nato, north atlantic treaty organization


actium, chaeronea, battle of lepanto, lepanto, leuctra, battle of leuctra, mantinea, mantineia, marathon, battle of marathon, navarino, battle of navarino, battle of pharsalus, pharsalus, battle of thermopylae, thermopylae, balkan wars, laurel, laurel wreath, bay wreath, pantheon, trojan horse, wooden horse, loan-blend, hybrid, loanblend, dithyramb, hellenic language, greek, hellenic, pean, paean, torch race, souvlaki, souvlakia, revolutionary organization 17 november, 17 november, ela, revolutionary people's struggle, midas, sisyphus, cacodemon, cacodaemon, eudaemon, good spirit, eudemon, bacchus, choragus, sibyl, optative, optative mood

balkan state, balkan country, balkan nation