「hump」に関連した英語シソーラスの一覧 - Weblio英語類語検索 (original) (raw)


意義素(意味の分類) 対応する類語・関連語
性交渉をもつ have sexual intercourse with get laid, bed, hump, sleep together, lie with, have it away, fuck, roll in the hay, make love, have it off, bonk, know, be intimate, have sex, have intercourse, sleep with, jazz, bang, make out, do it, love, get it on, screw, eff, have a go at it 詳しく見る
前方へ曲げ、前に肩を引き込むことにより背中を丸める round one's back by bending forward and drawing the shoulders forward hump, hunch, hunch over, hunch forward 詳しく見る
膨れ出るか、突出しているか、その環境から突出する何か something that bulges out or is protuberant or projects from its surroundings gibbosity, protuberance, bump, swelling, bulge, excrescence, jut, protrusion, extrusion, hump, gibbousness, prominence 詳しく見る


get laid, bed, hump, sleep together, lie with, have it away, fuck, roll in the hay, make love, have it off, bonk, know, be intimate, have sex, have intercourse, sleep with, jazz, bang, make out, do it, love, get it on, screw, eff, have a go at it

交わる、 交接、 床入り、 同衾、 一発やる、 寐る、 共寝、 セックス、 ファック、 抱く、 床入、 寝る

この場合の「get laid, bed, hump, sleep together, lie with, have it away, fuck, roll in the hay, make love, have it off, bonk, know, be intimate, have sex, have intercourse, sleep with, jazz, bang, make out, do it, love, get it on, screw, eff, have a go at it」の意味

have sexual intercourse with


「性交渉をもつ」の意味で使われる「get laid, bed, hump, sleep together, lie with, have it away, fuck, roll in the hay, make love, have it off, bonk, know, be intimate, have sex, have intercourse, sleep with, jazz, bang, make out, do it, love, get it on, screw, eff, have a go at it」の例文

This student sleeps with everyone in her dorm


Were you ever intimate with this man?



mate, couple, copulate, pair


have, take, fornicate


hump, hunch, hunch over, hunch forward

この場合の「hump, hunch, hunch over, hunch forward」の意味

round one's back by bending forward and drawing the shoulders forward



change posture


bend, flex


gibbosity, protuberance, bump, swelling, bulge, excrescence, jut, protrusion, extrusion, hump, gibbousness, prominence

隆起、 突出物、 盛り上がり、 こぶ、 突出、 突出し、 膨らみ、 脹み、 出張り、 突き出し、 つき出し、 出っ張り、 出っぱり、 瘤、 膨み、 脹らみ、 突起

この場合の「gibbosity, protuberance, bump, swelling, bulge, excrescence, jut, protrusion, extrusion, hump, gibbousness, prominence」の意味

something that bulges out or is protuberant or projects from its surroundings


「膨れ出るか、突出しているか、その環境から突出する何か」の意味で使われる「gibbosity, protuberance, bump, swelling, bulge, excrescence, jut, protrusion, extrusion, hump, gibbousness, prominence」の例文

the gun in his pocket made an obvious bulge


the hump of a camel


he stood on the rocky prominence


the occipital protuberance was well developed


the bony excrescence between its horns





frontal eminence, occipital protuberance, belly, caput, mogul, nubble, nub, snag, wart

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