「os」に関連した英語シソーラスの一覧 - Weblio英語類語検索 (original) (raw)


意義素(意味の分類) 対応する類語・関連語
脊椎動物の骨格を構成する堅い結合組織 rigid connective tissue that makes up the skeleton of vertebrates bone, os 詳しく見る
口または口のような開口部 a mouth or mouthlike opening os 詳しく見る
左目 the left eye oculus sinister, os 詳しく見る
コンピュータプログラムの実行を制御し、様々なサービスを提供するソフトウェア software that controls the execution of computer programs and may provide various services os, operating system 詳しく見る
堅くて脆い青灰色、または濃い藍色の金属元素で、白金族の1つである a hard brittle blue-grey or blue-black metallic element that is one of the platinum metals os, atomic number 76, osmium 詳しく見る


bone, os

骨組織、 骨

この場合の「bone, os」の意味

rigid connective tissue that makes up the skeleton of vertebrates



connective tissue


furcula, splint bone, fetter bone, pastern, cannon bone, fishbone, talus, astragalus, anklebone, astragal, bare bone, cuboid bone, carpal, wrist bone, carpal bone, cartilage bone, centrum, cheekbone, zygomatic bone, malar bone, zygomatic, os zygomaticum, malar, jugal bone, clavicle, collarbone, coccyx, tail bone, dentin, dentine, ethmoid, ethmoid bone, calcaneus, heelbone, os tarsi fibulare, innominate bone, hipbone, hyoid bone, hyoid, os hyoideum, ilium, ischial bone, ischium, os ischii, long bone, os longum, ramus, membrane bone, metacarpal, metacarpal bone, metatarsal, nasal, nasal bone, os nasale, ossicle, ossiculum, bonelet, palatine bone, palatine, os palatinum, phalanx, pubis, os pubis, pubic bone, rib, costa, round bone, sacrum, shoulder blade, shoulder bone, scapula, sesamoid, os sesamoideum, sesamoid bone, os breve, short bone, sphenoid, sphenoid bone, os sphenoidale, sternum, breastbone, corpus sternum, gladiolus, manubrium, xiphoid process, tarsal, tarsal bone, temporal bone, os temporale, tooth, turbinal, turbinate bone, turbinate, tympanic bone, vertebra, zygoma, arcus zygomaticus, zygomatic arch, modiolus, lacrimal bone, skull, calvaria, skullcap, brainpan, cranium, braincase, occiput, sinciput, jaw, vomer, wormian bone, sutural bone, marrowbone


collagen, bone, osseous tissue, socket, marrow, bone marrow, lamella, bone cell, condyle, coronoid process, processus coronoideus, ground substance, intercellular substance, matrix


horn, endoskeleton



oculus sinister, os

この場合の「oculus sinister, os」の意味


eye, oculus, optic


os, operating system

オペレーティングシステム、 os、 OS

この場合の「os, operating system」の意味

software that controls the execution of computer programs and may provide various services



software package, software, package, computer software, software program, software system


disk operating system, dos, unix operating system, unix system, unix, windows


supervisor, supervisory program, executive program




computing, computer science


os, atomic number 76, osmium


この場合の「os, atomic number 76, osmium」の意味

a hard brittle blue-grey or blue-black metallic element that is one of the platinum metals



metal, metallic element

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