「structure」に関連した英語シソーラスの一覧 - Weblio英語類語検索 (original) (raw)


意義素(意味の分類) 対応する類語・関連語
構造を与える give a structure to structure 詳しく見る
建築された物 a thing constructed structure, construction 詳しく見る
何かの建設方法とその部分の調整 the manner of construction of something and the arrangement of its parts structure 詳しく見る
生物の特定の複雑な解剖学的部分 a particular complex anatomical part of a living thing complex body part, bodily structure, body structure, anatomical structure, structure 詳しく見る
要素群およびそれらの組合せである知識の複雑な構成 the complex composition of knowledge as elements and their combinations structure 詳しく見る
特徴的なパターンの関係によって組織された体系として見なされる社会の人々 the people in a society considered as a system organized by a characteristic pattern of relationships social organisation, social organization, social structure, social system, structure 詳しく見る



structure, construction

営造物、 構築物、 ストラクチャー、 構造体、 システム、 建造物、 工作物、 ストラクチャ、 メカニズム、 営造、 建築、 結構、 建築物、 構造物、 建物、 機構

この場合の「structure, construction」の意味

a thing constructed


「建築された物」の意味で使われる「structure, construction」の例文

the structure consisted of a series of arches


she wore her hair in an amazing construction of whirls and ribbons



artefact, artifact


hangar, repair shed, airdock, altar, arcade, colonnade, arch, area, balcony, bascule, boarding, body, bridge, span, edifice, building, complex, building complex, catchment, whorl, helix, spiral, volute, coil, column, pillar, quoin, corner, cross, deathtrap, defense, defensive structure, defence, door, entablature, erection, establishment, false bottom, story, level, storey, floor, fountain, guide, card-house, house of cards, cardhouse, cardcastle, lodging, housing, living accommodations, hull, jungle gym, lamination, landing place, landing, observation tower, lookout, observatory, lookout station, masonry, monument, memorial, hill, mound, obstruction, impedimenta, impediment, obstructer, obstructor, partition, divider, platform, weapons platform, porch, post and lintel, prefab, projection, public works, sail, offset, set-back, setoff, shelter, shoebox, signboard, sign, stadium, bowl, sports stadium, arena, superstructure, supporting structure, tower, transept, trestlework, vaulting, ways, shipway, slipway, wellhead, wind tunnel, honeycomb, counterbalance, equilibrium, balance, equipoise


base, understructure, fundament, foot, groundwork, foundation, substructure, plate, structural member



ストラクチャー、 システム、 組立て、 構成、 構造、 組みたて、 ストラクチャ、 組織、 組み立て、 造り、 組立、 組たて、 仕組み、 仕組


the manner of construction of something and the arrangement of its parts



artists must study the structure of the human body


the structure of the benzene molecule



physical composition, make-up, composition, constitution, makeup


infrastructure, substructure, architecture, computer architecture, cytoarchitecture, cytoarchitectonics, framework, fabric


complex body part, bodily structure, body structure, anatomical structure, structure

身体構造、 解剖学的構造

この場合の「complex body part, bodily structure, body structure, anatomical structure, structure」の意味

a particular complex anatomical part of a living thing


「生物の特定の複雑な解剖学的部分」の意味で使われる「complex body part, bodily structure, body structure, anatomical structure, structure」の例文

he has good bone structure



body part


layer, apodeme, calyculus, calycle, caliculus, tooth, pad, gill cleft, branchial cleft, gill slit, branchial arch, gill bar, gill arch, peristome, syrinx, bulb, carina, cauda, chiasma, chiasm, decussation, cingulum, concha, filum, filament, germ, infundibulum, interstice, landmark, limbus, rib, blade, radicle, rete, plexus, tube, tube-shaped structure, passage, passageway, fundus, funiculus, head, cavum, cavity, bodily cavity, root, tooth root, capsule, uvea, nucleus, lens nucleus, membranous labyrinth, bony labyrinth, osseous labyrinth, glans, alveolar bed, valve, vascular structure, lacrimal apparatus, cytoskeleton, nucleolus organizer, nucleolus organiser, nucleolar organiser, nucleolar organizer, kinetochore, centromere, aster, neural structure, plica, fold, convolution, gyrus, cartilaginous structure, ball, plate, horny structure, unguis, skeletal structure, costa, bridge, rotator cuff, cornu, corona, receptor, zone, zona





the complex composition of knowledge as elements and their combinations



his lectures have no structure



knowledge, cognition, noesis


arrangement, system, organization, organisation, form, shape, pattern, sentence structure, syntax, phrase structure, syllable structure, word structure, morphology, sound structure


social organisation, social organization, social structure, social system, structure

社会構造、 構造、 組織、 社会体系、 社会制度、 社会組織、 社会システム、 社会体制

この場合の「social organisation, social organization, social structure, social system, structure」の意味

the people in a society considered as a system organized by a characteristic pattern of relationships


「特徴的なパターンの関係によって組織された体系として見なされる社会の人々」の意味で使われる「social organisation, social organization, social structure, social system, structure」の例文

the social organization of England and America is very different


sociologists have studied the changing structure of the family



system, scheme


feudal system, feudalism, patriarchate, patriarchy, matriarchy, matriarchate, meritocracy, pluralism, class structure, segregation, separatism


political system, form of government



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