「tract」に関連した英語シソーラスの一覧 - Weblio英語類語検索 (original) (raw)


意義素(意味の分類) 対応する類語・関連語
脳を通じてある道筋をたどる有髄神経線維の束 a bundle of myelinated nerve fibers following a path through the brain tract, pathway, nerve tract, nerve pathway 詳しく見る
ある特定の目的のために協働する身体部分の系 a system of body parts that together serve some particular purpose tract 詳しく見る
興味がある問題に関する簡潔な論文 a brief treatise on a subject of interest tract, pamphlet 詳しく見る
土地の延長した区域 an extended area of land parcel, tract, piece of ground, piece of land, parcel of land 詳しく見る


tract, pathway, nerve tract, nerve pathway


この場合の「tract, pathway, nerve tract, nerve pathway」の意味

a bundle of myelinated nerve fibers following a path through the brain



substantia alba, white matter


optic radiation, radiatio optica, commissure, peduncle, cerebral peduncle



tract, pamphlet

パンフレット、 小冊、 パンフ、 ミニコミ、 小冊子、 冊子、 トラクト、 小論文

この場合の「tract, pamphlet」の意味

a brief treatise on a subject of interest





parcel, tract, piece of ground, piece of land, parcel of land


この場合の「parcel, tract, piece of ground, piece of land, parcel of land」の意味

an extended area of land



geographical region, geographical area, geographic region, geographic area


infield, diamond, baseball diamond, center, center field, centerfield, leftfield, left, left field, outfield, right field, right, rightfield, short, railway yard, railyard, yard, desert, oasis, battlefield, battleground, field of honor, field, field of battle, minefield, breeding ground, glade, clearing, field of fire, grounds, athletic field, playing area, playing field, industrial park, grassland, mud flat, parade ground, fairground, midway, fairway, parkland, park, common, green, commons, picnic area, picnic ground, square, public square, toll plaza, range, sector, land site, site, subdivision, mine field, terrain, plot of land, plot of ground, patch, plot, lot

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