「weed」に関連した英語シソーラスの一覧 - Weblio英語類語検索 (original) (raw)


意義素(意味の分類) 対応する類語・関連語
雑草から離れた clear of weeds weed 詳しく見る
マリファナの通称 street names for marijuana locoweed, grass, pot, sens, mary jane, gage, green goddess, dope, smoke, skunk, sess, weed 詳しく見る
喪のしるしとして男性が(腕か帽子につける)黒のバンド a black band worn by a man (on the arm or hat) as a sign of mourning mourning band, weed 詳しく見る
栽培された植物を追い遣る植物 any plant that crowds out cultivated plants weed 詳しく見る



locoweed, grass, pot, sens, mary jane, gage, green goddess, dope, smoke, skunk, sess, weed

ウイード、 草、 ドープ、 ウィード

この場合の「locoweed, grass, pot, sens, mary jane, gage, green goddess, dope, smoke, skunk, sess, weed」の意味

street names for marijuana



marihuana, cannabis, ganja, marijuana


mourning band, weed


この場合の「mourning band, weed」の意味

a black band worn by a man (on the arm or hat) as a sign of mourning








any plant that crowds out cultivated plants



tracheophyte, vascular plant


corn cockle, corn campion, agrostemma githago, crown-of-the-field, scleranthus annuus, knawe, knawel, corn spurrey, spergula arvensis, corn spurry, sea spurry, sand spurry, spergularia rubra, indian chickweed, molluga verticillata, carpetweed, alligator grass, alligator weed, alternanthera philoxeroides, yellow rocket, sisymbrium barbarea, rocket cress, barbarea vulgaris, rockcress, wormseed mustard, erysimum cheiranthoides, wild rape, wild radish, jointed charlock, raphanus raphanistrum, runch, pennycress, ambrosia, ragweed, bitterweed, thistle, yellow star-thistle, barnaby's thistle, centaurea solstitialis, horseweed, conyza canadensis, canadian fleabane, erigeron canadensis, fleabane, erechtites hieracifolia, fireweed, hieracium praealtum, king devil, yellow hawkweed, california dandelion, capeweed, cat's-ear, gosmore, hypochaeris radicata, parthenium hysterophorus, bastard feverfew, bristly oxtongue, oxtongue, picris echioides, bugloss, pilosella aurantiaca, orange hawkweed, hieracium aurantiacum, senecio doublasii, threadleaf groundsel, benweed, ragwort, tansy ragwort, senecio jacobaea, groundsel, senecio vulgaris, cockle-bur, cocklebur, cockle-burr, cockleburr, nettle, tumbleweed, wild parsnip, madnep

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