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Typical yakukin were 10,000 ryo paid to roju (members of the shogun's council of elders), 5,000 ryo to the posts equal to roju, 4,000 ryo to wakadoshiyori (the position next to roju) and sobayonin (political coordinators), and 2,500 ryo to rusui (officer in charge of the Inner Palace), rikugun bugyo nami (deputy magistrate in charge of army), kaigun bugyo nami (deputy magistrate in charge of navy), gaikoku sobugyo nami (deputy general magistrate in charge of foreign affairs), ometsuke (chief inspector of the Edo shogunate), machi bugyo (magistrate in charge of administration of Edo), and kanjo bugyo (commissioner of finance) (however, these amounts were restricted according to stipends of the territory). - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


皮膚に対する使用感および安全性に優れ 、敏感肌、アレルギー体質の肌に対し、肌荒れ等の予防・改善に有用な皮膚化粧料、並びに紫外線等の外的刺激で生じる炎症や皮膚メラニンの生成もしくは沈着を抑制し、紅斑(日焼け)、皮膚黒化、シミ、ソバカス等防止することができる皮膚化粧料を得る。例文帳に追加

To obtain a skin cosmetic which has excellent sense of use and safety for the skin, is useful for preventing and ameliorating chapped skin, etc., of the sensitive skin, the skin of allergic constitution and a skin cosmetic which controls inflammations and formation or deposition of skin melanin caused by external irritation such as ultraviolet light, etc., and prevents red spots (suntan), skin melanization, stains, freckles, etc. - 特許庁
