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該当件数 : 16


例えば、昨年の7月から今年の6月までの失の累計、広義でいいますとシティグループが約5兆8,500億、メリルリンチが4兆400億、そして、バンクオブアメリカが2兆4,300億ということでありますが、我が国、預金取扱金融機関の、狭義でいった場合のサブプライム関連の商品評価 であったりとか実現、これは合計でも8,500億くらいでありまして、これにもう少し広義の、先ほどのシティであったりメリルリンチと同じような範疇で申し上げると、証券化商品の全体では大体2兆4,360億円で、こういうところから相対的には安定している。例文帳に追加

If we look at the amount of cumulative losses between July last year and June this year, for example, losses related to securitized products as broadly defined totaled some 5.85 trillion yen for Citigroup, 4.4 trillion yen for Merrill Lynch and 2.43 trillion yen for Bank of America. Meanwhile, valuation and realized losses related to securitized products as narrowly defined, namely subprime-related products, totaled some 850 billion yen for Japanese deposit-taking financial institutions as a whole. - 金融庁



The judgment for the Mark Lester case states that "A person who selected to engage in an occupation such as an actor may be considered as having given comprehensive consent to the disclosure of his/her name and image to public. Therefore, so far as such person is concerned, there would be much less need for protection of the aforementioned personal moral rights. Further, considering that gaining popularity is the essence of such an occupation, a person like an actor normally wishes to have his/her name and images widely disclosed to public and thus he/she will not, unlike ordinary people, generally suffer mental damages due to the disclosure of his/her name and images. Therefore, the actor etc. is entitled to claim for compensation of damages on the ground of his/her mental suffering due to the unauthorized utilization of his/her name or images only where the method, manner or purpose of utilization is detrimental to his/her occupational reputation, fame, and public image or where any other special circumstances exist (for example, where the actor sticks to the belief that his name or images should never utilized for product advertisements)." This case held that the portrait rights and privacy rights of celebrities are limited to a considerable extent. - 経済産業省

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