weblio英語例文検索 (original) (raw)



The jurisdictional area corresponds to the whole area of Ishikari, Teshio, Tokachi and Hidaka Provinces, four counties of Kitami Province (Soya County, Esashi County, Rishiri County and Rebun County), nine counties of Shiribeshi Province (Otaru County, Takashima County, Oshoro County, Yoichi County, Furubira County, Shakotan County, Bikuni County, Furuu County and Iwanai County), and seven counties of Iburi Province (Abuta County, Usu County, Muroran County, Horobetsu County, Shiraoi County, Yufutsu County and Chitose County), according to ryoseikoku. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
