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該当件数 : 14



これには、哺乳類を用いた生殖細胞のin vivo 遺伝性変異原性試験(げっ歯類優性致死突然変異試験、マウス遺伝性転座検定、マウス特定座位試験など)で陽性の場合、または、哺乳類を用いた体細胞のin vivo 変異原性試験(哺乳類骨髄細胞染色体異常試験、哺乳類赤血球小核試験、マウススポット試験など)の陽性に加えて、当該物質が生殖細胞に突然変異を誘発する可能性についての何らかの証拠(例えば、哺乳類精原細胞染色体異常試験、精子細胞小核試験、精原細胞を用いた姉妹染色分体交換分析、精巣細胞を用いた不定期DNA 合成試験(UDS)などでの陽性結果や、活性を示す当該物質あるいは代謝物質の生殖細胞への曝露の証拠など)がある場合、または、次世代への遺伝の証拠はないがヒト生殖細胞に変異原性を示す陽性結果がある場合(例えば、暴露されたヒトの精子細胞中の異数性発生頻度の増加など)が該当する。例文帳に追加

These include substances showing positive result(s) in in vivo heritable mutagenicity tests in mammalian germ cells (rodent dominant lethal mutation test, mouse heritable translocation assay, mouse specific locus test, etc.), or positive result(s) in in vivo mutagenicity tests in mammalian somatic cells (mammalian bone marrow chromosome aberration test, mammalian erythrocyte micronucleus test, mouse spot test, etc.) in combination with some evidence that the substance has potential to induce mutations in germ cells (for example, positive results in mammalian spermatogonial chromosome aberration test, spermatid micronucleus assay, sister chromatid exchange analysis in spermatogonia, unscheduled DNA synthesis (UDS) test in testicular cells, or evidence of exposure of germ cells to the active substance or its metabolite(s)), or positive results showing mutagenicity in human germ cells without evidence of transmission to progeny (for example, an increase in the frequency of aneuploidy in sperm cells of exposed human subjects). - 経済産業省



Further since inhibiting acetylcholine degrading enzyme activity, increasing an acetylcholine concentration in hippocampus with deepest reference to learning and memory and raising a percentage of correct answers of a radial maze test using a scopolamine-induced learning disorder rat used widely as a dementia animal model, 2,5-piperazinedione, 3,6-bis(phenylmethyl)-, (3R, 6S)-(9Cl) has learning and memory improving action. - 特許庁


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