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The classification includes such items as literary art, chogi (ceremony at Imperial Court), Jingikan (Department of Divinities), Daijokan (Grand Council of State), the Setsuroku family (the family which produced the Regent and the Chief Adviser to the Emperor), the Kugyo family (kugyo means a Court noble), besso, achievements, teii (Chinese name of police), naiki (secretary of the Ministry of Central Affairs), kiden (biographical books), Onmyodo (yin-yang philosophy), rekido (the study of the calendar), tenmondo (astrology), ido (medical ethics), Buddhist service, Dazaifu (local government office in Kyushu region), foreign countries, miscellaneous writings, misfortunes, shokoku-zatsuji (miscellaneous matters of various districts), shokoku-kumon (official documents of various districts) and shokoku koka (merits and demerits of various districts), however, these items are about existing parts, therefore, it is unknown what kinds of classification were included in the missing nine volumes. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス