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吉保の4男柳沢経隆は宝永6年(1709年)甲斐国八代(現在の山梨市・甲州市)に甲府新田藩1万石を与えられ、享保9年(1724年)越後国蒲原 黒川(新潟県蒲原 黒川村(新潟県北蒲原)・現在の新潟県胎内市黒川)で黒川藩1万石の大名になり、幕末まで続いた。例文帳に追加

Tsunetaka YANAGISAWA, the fourth son of Yoshiyasu, was bestowed the Kai Nitta Domain with 10,000 koku in Yashiro gun, Kai Province (the present-day cities of Yamanashi and Kofu) in 1709, then in 1724 became the daimyo of the Kurokawa Domain with 10,000 koku in Kurokawa, Kanbara-gun, Echigo Province (which became Kurokawa Town, Kanbara gun, Niigata Prefecture (Kita Kanbara-gun, Niigata Prefecture) and is currently Kurokawa Tainai-shi City, Niigata Prefecture) and the descendents continued to hold that post until the end of the bakufu. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス