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該当件数 : 27


In addition to ordinary swords, known as tachi or daito, there are also wooden copies of the weapons used in other schools, such as kodachi (small swords), saya bokuto (wooden swords with sheaths), naginata (Japanese halberds), yari (spears), kusarigama (chain-sickles), jitte (one hook truncheons), and bayonets used, respectively, in kodachi-jutsu (kodachi techniques), batto-jutsu (sword-drawing techniques), naginata-jutsu (naginata techniques), yari-jutsu (yari techniques), kusarigama-jutsu (kusarigama techniques), jitte-jutsu (jitte techniques), and jukendo (bayonet techniques). 例文帳に追加

太刀(大刀)だけではなく、小太刀、鞘木刀、薙刀、槍、鎖鎌、実手、着剣した銃など小太刀術、抜刀術、薙刀術、槍術、鎖鎌術、十手術、銃剣道においてもそれぞれの武器を木で模したものもがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A Musashi's biography "Niten-ki," written by Kagehide TOYOTA, an instructor of Niten Ichi-ryu Heiho in the Matsui family, describes many fights including a fight with Nichiei OKUZOIN, a master of Hozoin-ryu School of So-jutsu (art of spear) from Nara of Yamato Province, a fight with Shishido, a master of kusarigama (chained scythes) from Iga Province, fights with Hayato OSETO and Samanosuke TSUJIKAZE, masters of Yagyu Shinkage-ryu School from Edo; however, the information on those fights is not found in "Buko-den" on which Kagehide based, and there is no material to support the tales as well, therefore, presumably, those fights are not historical facts. 例文帳に追加

松井家の二天一流師範である豊田景英が著した武蔵の伝記『二天記』には、大和国・奈良の宝蔵院流槍術の使い手奥蔵院日栄、伊賀国の鎖鎌の使い手宍戸某、江戸の柳生新陰流の大瀬戸隼人と辻風左馬助等との試合を記しているが、『二天記』の原史料である『武公伝』に記載が無く、また、他にそれを裏付ける史料が無いことから史的事実ではないと考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス