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case surveyの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 46


In case the purpose of participation is the conclusion of export contracts, generous support is extended, including support for conducting a survey on local market trends in export items(demand, marketability, competitive situation, etc.) in question, finding of new customers, and an export consultation follow-up such as a buyer reaction survey, and support for making appointments when a business operator subject to the company office project makes a business trip to the country or region, and support for other activities, including the management of existing customers and business communications (Figure 3-2-3-13).例文帳に追加

参加目的が海外輸出制約である場合、該当品目の現地市場動向の調査(需要、市場性、競争動向等)、新規取引先の発掘、バイヤー反応度調査等の輸出相談フォローアップ、支社化事業者の現地ビジネス出張時のアポイント取得等の支援、既存取引先の管理及び業務連絡等のその他活動の支援等、手厚い支援メニューが用意されている(第3-2-3-13 図)。 - 経済産業省


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