weblio英語例文検索 (original) (raw)


Sister Assumpta (Jodie Foster) cares about them and tries hard to guide them properly. 例文帳に追加

シスター・アサンプタ(ジョディ・フォスター)は彼らを心配し,まっとうな道に導こうと,懸命に努力する。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave

She was the foster mother of the sixtieth Emperor, Daigo, (her brothers were FUJIWARA no Tokihira, FUJIWARA no Nakahira, and FUJIWARA no Tadahira, and FUJIWARA no Onshi (or Yasuko) was her half-sister). 例文帳に追加

(同母兄弟に藤原時平、藤原仲平、藤原忠平、異母妹に藤原穏子がいる)第60代醍醐天皇養母。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When his foster mother of the Katsura family died in 1841, he returned to the Wada family where he was born, and grew up with his biological parents and elder sister. 例文帳に追加

翌年、桂家の養母も亡くなったため、生家の和田家に戻って、実父、実母、次姉と共に育つ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This (appointing the Princess Teishi (Yasuko) as Emperor Horikawa's Empress) followed the example of Nyogo, FUJIWARA no Onshi (Yoshiko) becoming Kotaibunin (the mother of emperor and empress) as Emperor Godaigo's foster mother, however there was no example in history for an Emperor's real mother or sister becoming the Emperor's Empress, (an honorific title for the Empress) it was said that there were some complaints from the court officials. 例文帳に追加

これは醍醐天皇養母として皇太夫人になった女御藤原温子の例に倣うとしているものの、天皇の同母姉妹で非配偶の后(尊称皇后)は前代未聞であり、廷臣たちの反感を買ったという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The reasons why Kagemori was appointed to Akitajo no suke might be as follows: his sister was married to MINAMOTO no Noriyori, Noriyori's foster father was FUJIWARA no Norisue and a daughter of FUJIWARA no Norisue was the mother of Emperor Juntoku, and Kagemori had a connection with Tadanobu BOMON who was a brother of Sanetomo's wife. 例文帳に追加

景盛の秋田城介任官の背景には、景盛の姉妹が源範頼に嫁いでおり、範頼の養父が藤原範季でその娘が順徳天皇の母となっている事や、実朝夫人の兄弟である坊門忠信との繋がりがあったと考えられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス