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loan on policyの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 15



(vi) If there is a request from a small or medium-sized enterprise for loan condition changes, etc., when it is confirmed that another financial institution (including a Government-affiliated Financial Institution, etc.) changed loan conditions, etc. for that small and medium-sized enterprise, then based on policy, etc., does this financial institution endeavor to meet the request for loan condition changes, etc., considering the possibility of improvement or reconstruction of that small and medium-sized enterprise and that another financial institution (including a Government-affiliated Financial Institution, etc.) changed loan conditions, etc.? 例文帳に追加

(ⅵ)中小企業者から貸付条件の変更等の申込みがあった場合であって、他の金融機関(公庫等を含む。)が当該中小企業者に対して貸付条件の変更等に応じたことが確認できたときは、当該中小企業者の事業についての改善又は再生の可能性、他の金融機関(公庫等を含む。)が貸付条件の変更等に応じたこと等を勘案しつつ、方針等に基づき、貸付条件の変更等の申込みに応じるよう努めているか。 - 金融庁


(vii) If there is a request from a housing funds borrower for loan condition changes, etc., when it is confirmed that the housing funds borrower received loan condition changes, etc. from the Japan Housing Finance Agency as stipulated in the SME Finance Facilitation Act, Article 5, Paragraph 2, or other similar party stipulated in responsible ministerial ordinances (hereinafter referred to asHousing Finance Agency, etc.”), then does this financial institution endeavor to change the loan conditions, etc. based on policy, etc., considering the situation of that housing funds borrower’s assets and revenues, and that the Housing Finance Agency, etc. changed the loan conditions, etc.? 例文帳に追加

(ⅶ)住宅資金借入者から貸付条件の変更等の申込みがあった場合であって、中小企業金融円滑化法第5条第2項に規定する独立行政法人住宅金融支援機構その他これらに類する者として主務省令で定めるもの(以下「住宅金融支援機構等」という。)が当該住宅資金借入者に対して貸付条件の変更等に応じたことが確認できたときは、当該住宅資金借入者の財産及び収入の状況、住宅金融支援機構等が貸付条件の変更等に応じたこと等を勘案しつつ、方針等に基づき、貸付条件の変更等を行うよう努めているか。 - 金融庁


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