weblio英語例文検索 (original) (raw)

This was not unique to tekiya, with construction associations made up of carpenters, scaffolders, and tsuchikata (also known as doteninsoku, these were groups of civil engineers involved in land reclamation and levee protection projects in the Edo Period), longshoreman associations consisting of river bank and dock workers, ferrymen and so on, and transport associations consisting of messengers, palanquin bearers and packhorse drivers, and so on, all formed along similar lines. 例文帳に追加

これは的屋特有のものではなく、大工、鳶、土方(つちかた)などの建設業団体や河岸、沖仲仕、舟方(ふなかた)などの港湾労働団体や籠屋、渡し、馬方(うまかた)などの運輸荷役団体と同じである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス