SARDJANA ORBA MANULLANG | Universitas Krisnadwipayana (original) (raw)
Nazhruna, Jun 12, 2021
This research discussed the effectiveness of memorizing the Koran online for the Muslim millennia... more This research discussed the effectiveness of memorizing the Koran online for the Muslim millennial generation in Indonesia. The success of memorizing Allah's word for the Muslim generation in the millennial era is greatly influenced by the learning and training system. One aspect of learning is selecting and applying methods that are believed to be useful in memorizing the Koran. To obtain material for discussing this theme, we have conducted a series of data searches through Google Scholar and the Education Research Information Center. After the data is collected, it is then analyzed critically, involving in-depth coding and interpretation systems. The data analysis process begins with an understanding of the problem's theme and is then linked with data that will answer questions before being taken as findings with validity and reliability principles. By paying attention to the literature and publication review data about the effectiveness of the memorization method, it can be concluded that our findings include that the method of memorizing the Koran is practically very useful in learning in the Quran memorization foundation with all the advantages of this online web application. Thus these results will add new knowledge for many parties.
Jurnal Hukum dan HAM Wara Sains, Mar 31, 2023
Jurnal Hukum dan HAM Wara Sains
Cukai rokok memiliki peran penting dalam meningkatkan pundi-pundi kekayaan negara. Mengingat nega... more Cukai rokok memiliki peran penting dalam meningkatkan pundi-pundi kekayaan negara. Mengingat negara membutuhkan dana untuk pembangunan infrastruktur. Bahkan Pemerintah Provinsi berhak memungut pajak dari cukai rokok berdasarkan Pasal 2 ayat (1) huruf e yang menyebutkan bahwa Pajak Rokok merupakan salah satu dari lima jenis pajak yang dapat dipungut oleh Pemerintah Provinsi. Berdasarkan Pasal 29, Tarif Pajak Rokok yang dapat ditarik oleh Pemerintah Provinsi hanya sebesar 10% dari Cukai Rokok. Penulis menggunakan metode yuridis normatif untuk dapat menjawab implementasi kebijakan pemerintah dalam penggunaan pajak berganda dalam pembayaran jaminan kesehatan nasional dan dampak kebijakan penggunaan cukai rokok dalam pembayaran jaminan kesehatan Nasional. dinilai oleh pajak sebagai fungsi reguler. Penggunaan pungutan rokok untuk dana kesehatan termasuk dalam pajak berganda, yaitu pajak rokok yang menjadi kewenangan pungutan pemerintah daerah dan cukai rokok yang menjadi kewenangan pungut...
Awang Long Law Review
The National CC’s (NCC) ratification has completed the mission of establishing a NCC adequately t... more The National CC’s (NCC) ratification has completed the mission of establishing a NCC adequately through a legislative process on the development of codified criminal science and practice adapted to the conditions and characteristics of the Indonesian nation and state, which differed from legal politics during the Dutch colonial administration. It can br concluded from the results of the study that the regulation of corruption crimes between the Corruption Law and the NCC is still classified as an extraordinary crime, but there is a slight difference of increase/decrease in the minimum/maximum prison terms and fines. This is motivated by the implementation of the legal principle of proportional criminal responsibility. Then, the existence of Article 630 of the NCC is the implementation of legal preference Lex Generalis Derogate Legi Specialis and Lex Posteriori Derogat Legi Priori principles, when there is a double arrangement between the Corruption Law and the NCC. However, the NCC ...
Penerapan Hukuman Mati menurut Hukum Positif di Indonesia Ditinjau dari Perspektif Hak Asasi Manusia, 2023
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kedudukan pidana mati dalam perspektif Hak Asasi Ma... more Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kedudukan pidana mati dalam perspektif Hak Asasi Manusia di Indonesia yang di dalamnya juga terdapat perbandingan sistem hukum dengan negara lain. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode doktrinal, yang menggunakan studi literatur peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku, pendapat ahli, kesenjangan penelitian terdahulu, dan analisis dampak pasca berlakunya Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 2023 tentang Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana (KUHP Nasional) terhadap pidana mati. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keberadaan hukuman mati dalam hukum positif Indonesia masih dipertahankan, hal ini dapat dilihat dari berbagai ketentuan hukum (KUHP dan peraturan perundang-undang lainnya). Dengan diundangkannya KUHP baru, maka pidana hukuman mati tidak lagi merupakan pidana pokok melainkan pidana khusus (narkotika, terorisme, korupsi, dan hak asasi manusia). Hal tersebut menunjukkan politik hukum pidana telah diterapkan dengan menjunjung tinggi HAM dan sebagai hasil atas perbandingan sistem hukum pemidanaan yang berkembang di beberapa negara maju seperti Amerika yang memperlakukan pidana mati sebagai pidana khusus yang selalu diancamkan secara alternatif.
Begawan Abioso
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bentuk pertanggungjawaban ganti rugi terhadap perbuatan... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bentuk pertanggungjawaban ganti rugi terhadap perbuatan melawan hukum akibat penghinaan dan pertimbangan Hakim dalam menerapkan hukum pada kasus tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian hukum yuridis normatif yang dilakukan berdasarkan bahan sekunder. Berdasarkan hasil analisis didapatkan bahwa tuntutan perdata tentang hal penghinaan diajukan untuk memperoleh penggantian kerugian serta pemulihan kehormatan dan nama baik, sehingga kembali pada keadaan seperti seandainya tidak ada penghinaan yang sebagaimana diatur dalam Pasal 1372 sampai dengan Pasal 1380 KUH Perdata sebagai bentuk perbuatan melanggar hukum sebagaimana diatur dalam Pasal 1365 KUH Perdata. Dalam pengajuan gugatan terdapat batas waktu kadaluwarsa yaitu gugatan harus diajukan dalam waktu satu tahun sejak hari dilakukannya perbuatan dan diketahui oleh penggugat, sehingga tidak perlu menunggu putusan pidananya terlebih dahulu apabila ingin mengajukan gugatan perdata....
EDUTEC : Journal of Education And Technology
This study discussed the rethinking of the Merdeka learning curriculum, from the design of the im... more This study discussed the rethinking of the Merdeka learning curriculum, from the design of the implementation document to the achievement of results. The authors believe that there are quite several writings that discuss the contents of the Merdeka learning curriculum from different perspectives and perspectives. However, very few have tried to review how the implementation documents are and what the expected results are. This study used secondary data from publications, books, scientific journals, curricula, and other sources. After involving a series of studies which include coding the data, evaluating the data, analyzing the data sharply, and interpreting and drawing conclusions to get valid friendly data. We designed this study in qualitative terms, so after discussion and if there is in-depth data, we can finally say that a review of the curriculum documents they learned both in terms of implementation and the results to be achieved need to be thought out and revised in various...
Intizar, 1970
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana peran lembaga konsultasi dalam merubah sikap ... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana peran lembaga konsultasi dalam merubah sikap dan persepsi istri korban dampak kekerasan dalam rumah tangga (KDRT). Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian empiris dengan bertitik tolak pada pendekatan analitis deskriptif untuk mendapatkan data tersebut dengan pengamatan dan wawancara. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa sikap istri korban kekerasan dalam rumah tangga (KDRT) selalu menutup diri dikarenakan tindakan tersebut aib keluarga dan berpersepsi perbuatan pelaku semata-mata kehilafan. Oleh karena itu peran lembaga konsultasi dan bantuan hukum (LKBH) Sambas sangat penting dalam menggali informasi dari korban terkait fakta lapangan melalui pendekatan komunikatif dan persuasif, serta nilai kemaslahatan yang tertuang pada Al-Qur'an.
Problematika Hukum atas Pembentukan Perubahan Kedua atas UU KPK, 2023
This research is motivated by the rampant cases of corruption that occur in Indonesia. In this re... more This research is motivated by the rampant cases of corruption that occur in Indonesia. In this research, it aims to find novelty from previous research related to the formation and legal impact of the implementation of the 2nd revision of the KPK Law. The results of the study show that the birth of the Corruption Eradication Commission Law is a legal political embodiment of bureaucratic reform in eradicating KKN in government agencies. KPK as a law enforcement agency should not need to be dichotomized and included in a partial branch of power because of its independent function. The transition of employment status from KPK Employees to ASNs who have to go through the TWK stages which do not have objective standards resulting in the dismissal of some KPK employees is a form of constitutional loss due to the second amendment to the KPK Law. Thus, the dismissed KPK employee in order to restore his constitutional rights can submit a judicial review of the second amendment to the KPK Law to the Constitutional Court as a form of public participation in the field of oversight.
Tafáqquh: Jurnal Penelitian Dan Kajian Keislaman
This study aims to comprehensively describe the problems of unregistered marriages (sirri marriag... more This study aims to comprehensively describe the problems of unregistered marriages (sirri marriages) and their legal solutions. This study is a literature study that explains in detail the issues of unregistered marriages (sirri marriages) and their legal solutions. The data collection technique used in this research is the documentation technique. While the analysis technique used in this research is descriptive. After conducting in-depth research, an important conclusion was found that unregistered or unregistered marriages are events that still occur in society in the modern era as it is today. There are many factors that cause people not to register/register their marriage to the Office of Religious Affairs (KUA), including because they think that marriage is a personal matter so that the state does not need to interfere, they are worried that their pension money will be lost when registering their marriage, the marriage is carried out in minors, due to pregnancy out of wedlock....
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Konseling (JPDK)
Artikel ini mempunyai tujuan untuk memberi pengetahuan serta pemahaman tentang etika dan etiket p... more Artikel ini mempunyai tujuan untuk memberi pengetahuan serta pemahaman tentang etika dan etiket pendidik profesional dalam pendidikan karakter yang ada di Indonesia. Adapun pertanyaan yang akan dijawab dalam penelitian ini yakni bagaimanakah bentuk etika serta etiket pendidik profesional dalam pendidikan karakter yang ada di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian jenis kualitatif, kajian ini dijalankan dengan memakai metode kajian literatur. Sementara itu, hasil kajian ini memperlihatkan bahwa, kode etik termasuk sistem nilai, norma serta aturan profesional yang ditulis dengan tegas dan penuh komitmen, yakni apa saja yang baik serta benar dan apa saja yang tidak baik serta tidak benar untuk pendidik profesional. Kode etik profesional ini mempunyai tujuan untuk memberi pelayanan sebaik mungkin kepada seluruh pihak yang mendapat pelayana, dalam hal ini adalah peserta didik. Keberadaan kode etik ini mampu menghindarkan serta melindungi seorang pendidik dari tindakan yang tida...
Law enforcement and a sense of democracy are two issues that have attracted public attention, pri... more Law enforcement and a sense of democracy are two issues that have attracted public attention, primarily since legal reform was implemented. To prove law enforcement and democracy feel, we searched data for 50 articles published between 2010 and 2020. We analyzed them to gain an in-depth understanding of whether our assumptions were correct. We search for data practically, i.e., searching through digital aids on well-known publication data sources such as Google Books publications, Sagepub, Taylor & France, ResearchGate, and many other website data. Since we conducted this study in the era of implementing the national public restriction policy, we decided that this study would rely on secondary data. As for finding the answers to this research, we analyze them by coding, in-depth evaluation, and draw conclusions that answer the problem validly. Based on the discussion of the findings, we can say that the application of law in Indonesia adheres to the civil law legal system in terms o...
CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research - Zenodo, Sep 16, 2022
Companies. Fiduciary provides legal protection to creditors when the debtor is in defaults. The C... more Companies. Fiduciary provides legal protection to creditors when the debtor is in defaults. The Constitutional Court issued Decision Number 18/PUU-XVII/2019 related to the application for judicial review of Law Number 42 of 1999 on Fiduciary against the constitution or 1945 Republic of Indonesia Constitution. Constitutional Court's Decision No. 18/PUU-XVII/2019 states that the execution of guarantees cannot be carried out unilaterally by creditors, but must be through a District Court decision, unless there is an agreement on breach of contract between the debtor and the creditor and the debtor voluntarily submits the object of fiduciary. In this paper, it is intended to find out how the regulation of parate rights for the execution of fiduciary in Indonesian laws and regulations, the process of implementing parate rights for the execution of fiduciary by creditors who hold fiduciary rights and certainly, how legal certainty and legal protection for finance companies in executing parate of fiduciary execution after the Constitutional Court Decision Number 18/PUU-XVII/2019.
Paten adalah hak eksklusif yang diberikan oleh negara kepada inventor atas hasil invensinya di bi... more Paten adalah hak eksklusif yang diberikan oleh negara kepada inventor atas hasil invensinya di bidang teknologi untuk jangka waktu tertentu melaksanakan sendiri invensi tersebut atau memberikan persetujuan kepada pihak lain untuk melaksanakannya. Invensi yang diberi Paten telah diatur dalam Undang-Undang Paten (Undang-Undang Nomor 13 Tahun 2016) yaitu invensi harus mengandung suatu kebaruan, memiliki langkah inventif, dan dapat diterapkan dalam industri. Namun dalam sebuah invensi, tidak semua invensi dapat diberikan Hak Paten. Jika dalam sebuah invensi terdapat sebagian atau seluruhnya tidak memenuhi kriteria syarat patentabilitas yang diatur Undang-Undang Paten, maka invensinya itu layaknya tidak dapat diberikan. Apabila invensi tersebut tidak memenuhi kriteria yang diatur dalam Undang-Undang Paten tetapi ketika didaftarkan lolos dan dilindungi sepenuhnya oleh negara seperti dalam kasus ini (Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Nomor 47/Pdt.Sus-Paten/2017/PN.Niaga.Jkt.Pst), maka seharusnya p...
Pengadaan tanah bagi pembangunan untuk kepentingan umum diatur dalam Undang-Undang Dasar Negara R... more Pengadaan tanah bagi pembangunan untuk kepentingan umum diatur dalam Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945, Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1960 tentang Peraturan Dasar Pokok-pokok Agraria (UUPA) dan Undang-Undang Nomor 2 Tahun 2012 tentang Pengadaan tanah bagi pembangunan untuk kepentingan umum, Peraturan Presiden (Perpres) Nomor 148 Tahun 2015 tentang Perubahan Keempat atas Perpres Nomor 71 Tahun 2012 tentang Penyelenggaraan Pengadaan Tanah Bagi Pembangunan untuk Kepentingan Umum. Pengadaan tanah untuk pembangunan Jalan Tol Kisaran Tebing Tinggi meninggalkan permasalahan yang cukup serius yaitu pelaksanaan bentuk ganti rugi dan penyelesaian terhadap masalah bentuk rugi dalam pelaksanaan pengadaan tanah bagi pembangunan untuk kepentingan umum Jalan Tol Kisaran Tebing Tinggi. Metode penelitian dalam penulisan jurnal ini adalah metode pendekatan yuridis normatif. Secara ringkas kesimpulan dari hasil pembahasan adalah pemberian ganti kerugian dilakukan dengan cara pengg...
Jurnal Manajemen Industri dan Logistik
The purpose of this research was to get deeper undestanding on management of SMEs to win profitab... more The purpose of this research was to get deeper undestanding on management of SMEs to win profitable and sustainable business. The publication of books, journal, and websites were become the main sources of the data that we got electronically. Because of this reason, several literatures related to profitable business strategies have been carefully studied to understand superior and sustainable governance and business strategies. The literature included is the electronic literature such as books and scientific articles. After reviewing and obtaining the valid answers, we discussed them carefully. Finally, we find several business management strategies to increase the profitability and sustainability of SMEs such as strategies to attract customers, continue to use various promotional methods, seek to increase subscriptions, add new items, and increase discounts.
International Journal of Health Sciences (IJHS), Apr 4, 2022
This paper aims to identify the impact on public health and find solutions to problems. The autho... more This paper aims to identify the impact on public health and find solutions to problems. The author believes that the impact of the COVID Pandemic, especially on health, is not only felt by urban communities but also by people who live in urban areas. To identify these impacts, researchers have collected many evidence studies or scientific findings from various sources of scientific literature in the form of books, press conferences, scientific publications, journals, and many websites that actively voice the impacts and problems faced when a pandemic hits not only health but all life activities. We took the evidence in the form of a scientific report and examined it under a phenomenological approach, which collects data and analyzes it, and then takes the relevant essence to answer the problems we are researching. The study involved a sharp interpretation of the evaluation data, coding the data, and drawing conclusions that we can answer valid questions. In economic hardship and causing significant stress, which is all because they are the society which is difficult to adapt because they are economically disadvantaged and in health services. At the same time, the solution is the Government's concern in the health sector and handling socioeconomic problems, trauma, and heavy life pressures.
Nazhruna: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam
This research discussed the effectiveness of memorizing the Koran online for the Muslim millennia... more This research discussed the effectiveness of memorizing the Koran online for the Muslim millennial generation in Indonesia. The success of memorizing Allah's word for the Muslim generation in the millennial era is greatly influenced by the learning and training system. One aspect of learning is selecting and applying methods that are believed to be useful in memorizing the Koran. To obtain material for discussing this theme, we have conducted a series of data searches through Google Scholar and the Education Research Information Center. After the data is collected, it is then analyzed critically, involving in-depth coding and interpretation systems. The data analysis process begins with an understanding of the problem's theme and is then linked with data that will answer questions before being taken as findings with validity and reliability principles. By paying attention to the literature and publication review data about the effectiveness of the memorization method, it can...
The digital trend is now not only among academics and top-level government policymaking officials... more The digital trend is now not only among academics and top-level government policymaking officials. However, to streamline and innovate the performance of the village level apparatus, it also needs to be considered. To prove the effectiveness of this trend, between an opportunity and a challenge, we try to collect as much evidence as possible from previous studies that we are looking for electronically, such as published journals, government regulations at home and abroad, and national newspapers. We have systematically reviewed all of these documents and ensured that the study would answer the problem of this study validly and reliably regarding the results. We analyze under a phenomenological approach, including coding systems, evaluation, interpretation, and conclusion. So, based on the available data, we conclude that the trend of computerization among village officials to improve the quality of work is time to be applied and foster their human resources
Nazhruna, Jun 12, 2021
This research discussed the effectiveness of memorizing the Koran online for the Muslim millennia... more This research discussed the effectiveness of memorizing the Koran online for the Muslim millennial generation in Indonesia. The success of memorizing Allah's word for the Muslim generation in the millennial era is greatly influenced by the learning and training system. One aspect of learning is selecting and applying methods that are believed to be useful in memorizing the Koran. To obtain material for discussing this theme, we have conducted a series of data searches through Google Scholar and the Education Research Information Center. After the data is collected, it is then analyzed critically, involving in-depth coding and interpretation systems. The data analysis process begins with an understanding of the problem's theme and is then linked with data that will answer questions before being taken as findings with validity and reliability principles. By paying attention to the literature and publication review data about the effectiveness of the memorization method, it can be concluded that our findings include that the method of memorizing the Koran is practically very useful in learning in the Quran memorization foundation with all the advantages of this online web application. Thus these results will add new knowledge for many parties.
Jurnal Hukum dan HAM Wara Sains, Mar 31, 2023
Jurnal Hukum dan HAM Wara Sains
Cukai rokok memiliki peran penting dalam meningkatkan pundi-pundi kekayaan negara. Mengingat nega... more Cukai rokok memiliki peran penting dalam meningkatkan pundi-pundi kekayaan negara. Mengingat negara membutuhkan dana untuk pembangunan infrastruktur. Bahkan Pemerintah Provinsi berhak memungut pajak dari cukai rokok berdasarkan Pasal 2 ayat (1) huruf e yang menyebutkan bahwa Pajak Rokok merupakan salah satu dari lima jenis pajak yang dapat dipungut oleh Pemerintah Provinsi. Berdasarkan Pasal 29, Tarif Pajak Rokok yang dapat ditarik oleh Pemerintah Provinsi hanya sebesar 10% dari Cukai Rokok. Penulis menggunakan metode yuridis normatif untuk dapat menjawab implementasi kebijakan pemerintah dalam penggunaan pajak berganda dalam pembayaran jaminan kesehatan nasional dan dampak kebijakan penggunaan cukai rokok dalam pembayaran jaminan kesehatan Nasional. dinilai oleh pajak sebagai fungsi reguler. Penggunaan pungutan rokok untuk dana kesehatan termasuk dalam pajak berganda, yaitu pajak rokok yang menjadi kewenangan pungutan pemerintah daerah dan cukai rokok yang menjadi kewenangan pungut...
Awang Long Law Review
The National CC’s (NCC) ratification has completed the mission of establishing a NCC adequately t... more The National CC’s (NCC) ratification has completed the mission of establishing a NCC adequately through a legislative process on the development of codified criminal science and practice adapted to the conditions and characteristics of the Indonesian nation and state, which differed from legal politics during the Dutch colonial administration. It can br concluded from the results of the study that the regulation of corruption crimes between the Corruption Law and the NCC is still classified as an extraordinary crime, but there is a slight difference of increase/decrease in the minimum/maximum prison terms and fines. This is motivated by the implementation of the legal principle of proportional criminal responsibility. Then, the existence of Article 630 of the NCC is the implementation of legal preference Lex Generalis Derogate Legi Specialis and Lex Posteriori Derogat Legi Priori principles, when there is a double arrangement between the Corruption Law and the NCC. However, the NCC ...
Penerapan Hukuman Mati menurut Hukum Positif di Indonesia Ditinjau dari Perspektif Hak Asasi Manusia, 2023
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kedudukan pidana mati dalam perspektif Hak Asasi Ma... more Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kedudukan pidana mati dalam perspektif Hak Asasi Manusia di Indonesia yang di dalamnya juga terdapat perbandingan sistem hukum dengan negara lain. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode doktrinal, yang menggunakan studi literatur peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku, pendapat ahli, kesenjangan penelitian terdahulu, dan analisis dampak pasca berlakunya Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 2023 tentang Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana (KUHP Nasional) terhadap pidana mati. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keberadaan hukuman mati dalam hukum positif Indonesia masih dipertahankan, hal ini dapat dilihat dari berbagai ketentuan hukum (KUHP dan peraturan perundang-undang lainnya). Dengan diundangkannya KUHP baru, maka pidana hukuman mati tidak lagi merupakan pidana pokok melainkan pidana khusus (narkotika, terorisme, korupsi, dan hak asasi manusia). Hal tersebut menunjukkan politik hukum pidana telah diterapkan dengan menjunjung tinggi HAM dan sebagai hasil atas perbandingan sistem hukum pemidanaan yang berkembang di beberapa negara maju seperti Amerika yang memperlakukan pidana mati sebagai pidana khusus yang selalu diancamkan secara alternatif.
Begawan Abioso
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bentuk pertanggungjawaban ganti rugi terhadap perbuatan... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bentuk pertanggungjawaban ganti rugi terhadap perbuatan melawan hukum akibat penghinaan dan pertimbangan Hakim dalam menerapkan hukum pada kasus tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian hukum yuridis normatif yang dilakukan berdasarkan bahan sekunder. Berdasarkan hasil analisis didapatkan bahwa tuntutan perdata tentang hal penghinaan diajukan untuk memperoleh penggantian kerugian serta pemulihan kehormatan dan nama baik, sehingga kembali pada keadaan seperti seandainya tidak ada penghinaan yang sebagaimana diatur dalam Pasal 1372 sampai dengan Pasal 1380 KUH Perdata sebagai bentuk perbuatan melanggar hukum sebagaimana diatur dalam Pasal 1365 KUH Perdata. Dalam pengajuan gugatan terdapat batas waktu kadaluwarsa yaitu gugatan harus diajukan dalam waktu satu tahun sejak hari dilakukannya perbuatan dan diketahui oleh penggugat, sehingga tidak perlu menunggu putusan pidananya terlebih dahulu apabila ingin mengajukan gugatan perdata....
EDUTEC : Journal of Education And Technology
This study discussed the rethinking of the Merdeka learning curriculum, from the design of the im... more This study discussed the rethinking of the Merdeka learning curriculum, from the design of the implementation document to the achievement of results. The authors believe that there are quite several writings that discuss the contents of the Merdeka learning curriculum from different perspectives and perspectives. However, very few have tried to review how the implementation documents are and what the expected results are. This study used secondary data from publications, books, scientific journals, curricula, and other sources. After involving a series of studies which include coding the data, evaluating the data, analyzing the data sharply, and interpreting and drawing conclusions to get valid friendly data. We designed this study in qualitative terms, so after discussion and if there is in-depth data, we can finally say that a review of the curriculum documents they learned both in terms of implementation and the results to be achieved need to be thought out and revised in various...
Intizar, 1970
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana peran lembaga konsultasi dalam merubah sikap ... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana peran lembaga konsultasi dalam merubah sikap dan persepsi istri korban dampak kekerasan dalam rumah tangga (KDRT). Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian empiris dengan bertitik tolak pada pendekatan analitis deskriptif untuk mendapatkan data tersebut dengan pengamatan dan wawancara. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa sikap istri korban kekerasan dalam rumah tangga (KDRT) selalu menutup diri dikarenakan tindakan tersebut aib keluarga dan berpersepsi perbuatan pelaku semata-mata kehilafan. Oleh karena itu peran lembaga konsultasi dan bantuan hukum (LKBH) Sambas sangat penting dalam menggali informasi dari korban terkait fakta lapangan melalui pendekatan komunikatif dan persuasif, serta nilai kemaslahatan yang tertuang pada Al-Qur'an.
Problematika Hukum atas Pembentukan Perubahan Kedua atas UU KPK, 2023
This research is motivated by the rampant cases of corruption that occur in Indonesia. In this re... more This research is motivated by the rampant cases of corruption that occur in Indonesia. In this research, it aims to find novelty from previous research related to the formation and legal impact of the implementation of the 2nd revision of the KPK Law. The results of the study show that the birth of the Corruption Eradication Commission Law is a legal political embodiment of bureaucratic reform in eradicating KKN in government agencies. KPK as a law enforcement agency should not need to be dichotomized and included in a partial branch of power because of its independent function. The transition of employment status from KPK Employees to ASNs who have to go through the TWK stages which do not have objective standards resulting in the dismissal of some KPK employees is a form of constitutional loss due to the second amendment to the KPK Law. Thus, the dismissed KPK employee in order to restore his constitutional rights can submit a judicial review of the second amendment to the KPK Law to the Constitutional Court as a form of public participation in the field of oversight.
Tafáqquh: Jurnal Penelitian Dan Kajian Keislaman
This study aims to comprehensively describe the problems of unregistered marriages (sirri marriag... more This study aims to comprehensively describe the problems of unregistered marriages (sirri marriages) and their legal solutions. This study is a literature study that explains in detail the issues of unregistered marriages (sirri marriages) and their legal solutions. The data collection technique used in this research is the documentation technique. While the analysis technique used in this research is descriptive. After conducting in-depth research, an important conclusion was found that unregistered or unregistered marriages are events that still occur in society in the modern era as it is today. There are many factors that cause people not to register/register their marriage to the Office of Religious Affairs (KUA), including because they think that marriage is a personal matter so that the state does not need to interfere, they are worried that their pension money will be lost when registering their marriage, the marriage is carried out in minors, due to pregnancy out of wedlock....
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Konseling (JPDK)
Artikel ini mempunyai tujuan untuk memberi pengetahuan serta pemahaman tentang etika dan etiket p... more Artikel ini mempunyai tujuan untuk memberi pengetahuan serta pemahaman tentang etika dan etiket pendidik profesional dalam pendidikan karakter yang ada di Indonesia. Adapun pertanyaan yang akan dijawab dalam penelitian ini yakni bagaimanakah bentuk etika serta etiket pendidik profesional dalam pendidikan karakter yang ada di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian jenis kualitatif, kajian ini dijalankan dengan memakai metode kajian literatur. Sementara itu, hasil kajian ini memperlihatkan bahwa, kode etik termasuk sistem nilai, norma serta aturan profesional yang ditulis dengan tegas dan penuh komitmen, yakni apa saja yang baik serta benar dan apa saja yang tidak baik serta tidak benar untuk pendidik profesional. Kode etik profesional ini mempunyai tujuan untuk memberi pelayanan sebaik mungkin kepada seluruh pihak yang mendapat pelayana, dalam hal ini adalah peserta didik. Keberadaan kode etik ini mampu menghindarkan serta melindungi seorang pendidik dari tindakan yang tida...
Law enforcement and a sense of democracy are two issues that have attracted public attention, pri... more Law enforcement and a sense of democracy are two issues that have attracted public attention, primarily since legal reform was implemented. To prove law enforcement and democracy feel, we searched data for 50 articles published between 2010 and 2020. We analyzed them to gain an in-depth understanding of whether our assumptions were correct. We search for data practically, i.e., searching through digital aids on well-known publication data sources such as Google Books publications, Sagepub, Taylor & France, ResearchGate, and many other website data. Since we conducted this study in the era of implementing the national public restriction policy, we decided that this study would rely on secondary data. As for finding the answers to this research, we analyze them by coding, in-depth evaluation, and draw conclusions that answer the problem validly. Based on the discussion of the findings, we can say that the application of law in Indonesia adheres to the civil law legal system in terms o...
CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research - Zenodo, Sep 16, 2022
Companies. Fiduciary provides legal protection to creditors when the debtor is in defaults. The C... more Companies. Fiduciary provides legal protection to creditors when the debtor is in defaults. The Constitutional Court issued Decision Number 18/PUU-XVII/2019 related to the application for judicial review of Law Number 42 of 1999 on Fiduciary against the constitution or 1945 Republic of Indonesia Constitution. Constitutional Court's Decision No. 18/PUU-XVII/2019 states that the execution of guarantees cannot be carried out unilaterally by creditors, but must be through a District Court decision, unless there is an agreement on breach of contract between the debtor and the creditor and the debtor voluntarily submits the object of fiduciary. In this paper, it is intended to find out how the regulation of parate rights for the execution of fiduciary in Indonesian laws and regulations, the process of implementing parate rights for the execution of fiduciary by creditors who hold fiduciary rights and certainly, how legal certainty and legal protection for finance companies in executing parate of fiduciary execution after the Constitutional Court Decision Number 18/PUU-XVII/2019.
Paten adalah hak eksklusif yang diberikan oleh negara kepada inventor atas hasil invensinya di bi... more Paten adalah hak eksklusif yang diberikan oleh negara kepada inventor atas hasil invensinya di bidang teknologi untuk jangka waktu tertentu melaksanakan sendiri invensi tersebut atau memberikan persetujuan kepada pihak lain untuk melaksanakannya. Invensi yang diberi Paten telah diatur dalam Undang-Undang Paten (Undang-Undang Nomor 13 Tahun 2016) yaitu invensi harus mengandung suatu kebaruan, memiliki langkah inventif, dan dapat diterapkan dalam industri. Namun dalam sebuah invensi, tidak semua invensi dapat diberikan Hak Paten. Jika dalam sebuah invensi terdapat sebagian atau seluruhnya tidak memenuhi kriteria syarat patentabilitas yang diatur Undang-Undang Paten, maka invensinya itu layaknya tidak dapat diberikan. Apabila invensi tersebut tidak memenuhi kriteria yang diatur dalam Undang-Undang Paten tetapi ketika didaftarkan lolos dan dilindungi sepenuhnya oleh negara seperti dalam kasus ini (Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Nomor 47/Pdt.Sus-Paten/2017/PN.Niaga.Jkt.Pst), maka seharusnya p...
Pengadaan tanah bagi pembangunan untuk kepentingan umum diatur dalam Undang-Undang Dasar Negara R... more Pengadaan tanah bagi pembangunan untuk kepentingan umum diatur dalam Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945, Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1960 tentang Peraturan Dasar Pokok-pokok Agraria (UUPA) dan Undang-Undang Nomor 2 Tahun 2012 tentang Pengadaan tanah bagi pembangunan untuk kepentingan umum, Peraturan Presiden (Perpres) Nomor 148 Tahun 2015 tentang Perubahan Keempat atas Perpres Nomor 71 Tahun 2012 tentang Penyelenggaraan Pengadaan Tanah Bagi Pembangunan untuk Kepentingan Umum. Pengadaan tanah untuk pembangunan Jalan Tol Kisaran Tebing Tinggi meninggalkan permasalahan yang cukup serius yaitu pelaksanaan bentuk ganti rugi dan penyelesaian terhadap masalah bentuk rugi dalam pelaksanaan pengadaan tanah bagi pembangunan untuk kepentingan umum Jalan Tol Kisaran Tebing Tinggi. Metode penelitian dalam penulisan jurnal ini adalah metode pendekatan yuridis normatif. Secara ringkas kesimpulan dari hasil pembahasan adalah pemberian ganti kerugian dilakukan dengan cara pengg...
Jurnal Manajemen Industri dan Logistik
The purpose of this research was to get deeper undestanding on management of SMEs to win profitab... more The purpose of this research was to get deeper undestanding on management of SMEs to win profitable and sustainable business. The publication of books, journal, and websites were become the main sources of the data that we got electronically. Because of this reason, several literatures related to profitable business strategies have been carefully studied to understand superior and sustainable governance and business strategies. The literature included is the electronic literature such as books and scientific articles. After reviewing and obtaining the valid answers, we discussed them carefully. Finally, we find several business management strategies to increase the profitability and sustainability of SMEs such as strategies to attract customers, continue to use various promotional methods, seek to increase subscriptions, add new items, and increase discounts.
International Journal of Health Sciences (IJHS), Apr 4, 2022
This paper aims to identify the impact on public health and find solutions to problems. The autho... more This paper aims to identify the impact on public health and find solutions to problems. The author believes that the impact of the COVID Pandemic, especially on health, is not only felt by urban communities but also by people who live in urban areas. To identify these impacts, researchers have collected many evidence studies or scientific findings from various sources of scientific literature in the form of books, press conferences, scientific publications, journals, and many websites that actively voice the impacts and problems faced when a pandemic hits not only health but all life activities. We took the evidence in the form of a scientific report and examined it under a phenomenological approach, which collects data and analyzes it, and then takes the relevant essence to answer the problems we are researching. The study involved a sharp interpretation of the evaluation data, coding the data, and drawing conclusions that we can answer valid questions. In economic hardship and causing significant stress, which is all because they are the society which is difficult to adapt because they are economically disadvantaged and in health services. At the same time, the solution is the Government's concern in the health sector and handling socioeconomic problems, trauma, and heavy life pressures.
Nazhruna: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam
This research discussed the effectiveness of memorizing the Koran online for the Muslim millennia... more This research discussed the effectiveness of memorizing the Koran online for the Muslim millennial generation in Indonesia. The success of memorizing Allah's word for the Muslim generation in the millennial era is greatly influenced by the learning and training system. One aspect of learning is selecting and applying methods that are believed to be useful in memorizing the Koran. To obtain material for discussing this theme, we have conducted a series of data searches through Google Scholar and the Education Research Information Center. After the data is collected, it is then analyzed critically, involving in-depth coding and interpretation systems. The data analysis process begins with an understanding of the problem's theme and is then linked with data that will answer questions before being taken as findings with validity and reliability principles. By paying attention to the literature and publication review data about the effectiveness of the memorization method, it can...
The digital trend is now not only among academics and top-level government policymaking officials... more The digital trend is now not only among academics and top-level government policymaking officials. However, to streamline and innovate the performance of the village level apparatus, it also needs to be considered. To prove the effectiveness of this trend, between an opportunity and a challenge, we try to collect as much evidence as possible from previous studies that we are looking for electronically, such as published journals, government regulations at home and abroad, and national newspapers. We have systematically reviewed all of these documents and ensured that the study would answer the problem of this study validly and reliably regarding the results. We analyze under a phenomenological approach, including coding systems, evaluation, interpretation, and conclusion. So, based on the available data, we conclude that the trend of computerization among village officials to improve the quality of work is time to be applied and foster their human resources