Merike Kurisoo | Art Museum of Estonia (original) (raw)

Books by Merike Kurisoo

Research paper thumbnail of Michel Sittow in the North? Altarpieces in Dialogue

Michel Sittow in the North? Altarpieces in Dialogue, 2023

The book accompanies the exhibition “Michel Sittow in the North? Altarpieces in Dialogue” at the ... more The book accompanies the exhibition “Michel Sittow in the North? Altarpieces in Dialogue” at the Niguliste Museum (04.05.-05.11.2023). The exhibition is organised in cooperation with the Art Museum of Estonia, Hälsingland Museum and the Church of Sweden.

Born in Tallinn, Michel Sittow (circa 1469-1525) was a highly regarded artist who lived and worked in the city of his birth for more than fifteen years. In the courts of southern and northern Europe he portrayed kings and aristocrats, and in Tallinn he executed works for local merchants and city rulers, as well as Nordic shrines. Exhibition and catalogue “Michel Sittow in the North? Altarpieces in Dialogue” will be the first time that the famous master’s workshop in Tallinn will be viewed in dialogue with other international masters who were active here at the same time. The key works that reveal these themes are the Bollnäs Holy Kinship altarpiece from Sweden and the Tallinn Passion altarpiece.

The author and editor of the book: Merike Kurisoo
Authors of the texts: Greta Koppel, Merike Kurisoo, Lars Nylander, Jan Friedrich Richter
Graphic design and image processing: Tuuli Aule
Dimensions: 20 × 27 cm
144 pp., sewn paperback
In Estonian and English, illustrated
Published by the Estonian Art Museum – Niguliste Museum
Tallinn 2023
ISBN 978-9949-687-46-6

Research paper thumbnail of Indifferent Things? Objects and Images in Post-Reformation Churches in the Baltic Sea Region

Indifferent Things? Objects and Images in Post-Reformation Churches in the Baltic Sea Region, 2020

Indifferent Things? Objects and Images in Post-Reformation Churches in the Baltic Sea Region. Kr... more Indifferent Things? Objects and Images in Post-Reformation Churches in the Baltic Sea Region.
Krista Kodres, Merike Kurisoo, Ulrike Nürnberger (Hg.).
Edition Mare Balticum, Band 3. Michael Imhof Verlag 2020.

This third volume of the Edition Mare Balticum is a collection of articles which address many aspects of material and ceremonial church practices that were re-considered during the process of the Lutheran Reformation – the status of “indifferent things” in the historical context of the Reformation as adiaphora/Mitteldinge – as well as to inquire more generally into the existence and meaning of material objects in the evangelical sacral space. Of course, the problems concerning the adiaphora had their own dynamic in the Lutheran theological discussion, so the book describes how the process was reflected in different congregational practices, i.e. in “lived religion”. The questions fit in with key ideas about the relationships of objects and people in a culture that had arisen after the “performative turn” and “material turn”: a wave that had lasted for some time in the humanities. Hence, this book focuses on the relationships and networks of relationships through which the meanings and effects of “indifferent things” are expressed most clearly.

Research paper thumbnail of Vahepealsed asjad ja vahepealsed ajad. Kirikuruumi ja pildikultuuri muutumisest katoliiklikust luterlikuks varauusaegse Eesti aladel. Indifferent Things and Indifferent Times. Transformation of the Ecclesiastical Space and Visual Culture from Catholic to Lutheran in Early Modern Estonia

Dissertation, 2019

Doktoritöö. Doctoral Dissertation. TALLINNA ÜLIKOOL HUMANITAARTEADUSTE DISSERTATSIOONID TALLINN... more Doktoritöö. Doctoral Dissertation.
Juhendajad / Supervisors:
Krista Kodres, PhD, Eesti Kunstiakadeemia professor, Tallinna Ülikooli vanemteadur
Anu Mänd, PhD, Tallinna Ülikooli vanemteadur
Oponendid / Oponents:
Jüri Kivimäe, PhD, Toronto Ülikooli emeriitprofessor
Elina Räsänen, PhD, Helsingi Ülikooli dotsent

Doktoritöö digitaalsel kujul / digital version of the dissertation:

Research paper thumbnail of Rode altar lähivaates / Rode Altarpiece in Close Up. Tallinn: Art Museum of Estonia 2016 (English, Estonian, 156 pp).

This book brings together and presents the results and the current situation of the research and ... more This book brings together and presents the results and the current situation of the research and conservation project “The Rode Altar in Close-Up”, carried out in 2013–2016. The articles written by the participants in the research project present the methodology, use and results of the latest natural scientific and imaging technological analyses in studying a late medieval work of art. This richly illustrated book, containing an abundance of historical photographs, also includes an overview introducing the oeuvre of the master Hermen Rode from Lübeck, and a comprehensive discussion of the history of the restoration of the Rode altarpiece.
Edited by Hilkka Hiiop, Merike Kurisoo
Designed by Villu Plink
152 pp.
In Estonian and English, illustrated
Published by the Art Museum of Estonia – Niguliste Museum
Tallinn 2016
ISBN 978-9949-485-60-4

Raamat koondab ja esitab uurimis- ja konserveerimisprojekti „Rode altar lähivaates” 2013–2016 tulemusi ja hetkeseisu. Uurimisprojekti osaliste kirjutatud artiklid esitlevad nüüdisaegsete loodusteaduslike ning pilditehnoloogiliste uuringute metoodikat, kasutamist ja tulemusi ühe hiliskeskaegse kunstiteose uurimisel. Rikkalikult illustreeritud ja ajaloolisi fotosid koondavast raamatust leiab ka Lübecki meistri Hermen Rode loomingut tutvustava ülevaate ja põhjaliku käsitluse Rode kappaltari restaureerimise ajaloost.
Koostanud Hilkka Hiiop, Merike Kurisoo
Kujundanud Villu Plink
152 lk
Eesti ja inglise keeles, illustreeritud
Kirjastanud Eesti Kunstimuuseum – Niguliste muuseum
Tallinn 2016
ISBN 978-9949-485-60-4

Research paper thumbnail of Rode altar. Tallinna Niguliste kiriku peaaltari retaabel / Rode Altar. Altarpiece of the High Altar of Tallinn St Nicholas’ Church. Tallinn: Art Museum of Estonia 2015 (English, Estonian, 144 pp).

The Niguliste Museum, a branch of the Art Museum of Estonia, houses one of the most outstanding a... more The Niguliste Museum, a branch of the Art Museum of Estonia, houses one of the most outstanding and best preserved late-medieval northern German altarpieces in the whole of Europe. This book provides an overview of the altarpiece’s history, and presents and explains its pictorial programme. The richly illustrated book also includes stories related to the saints depicted on the altarpiece. Thus, it serves two functions: it is a handbook that provides insights into the meaning of the work of art, and a local lexicon of saints.

The altarpiece of the high altar of St Nicholas’ Church in Tallinn was commissioned from the workshop of Hermen Rode, the Lübeck master, and was made in 1478−1481. The altarpiece was one of the most expensive and elaborate works in the art production of Lübeck that was commissioned from abroad. Another remarkable fact is that the altarpiece has stood in its original place ─ with the exception of only a few short periods ─ for more than 500 years. The magnificent reredos was made for one of the two parish churches of the town, and it displayed the local community’s cult of saints, with more than 40 different saints and biblical characters. The choice of characters shows which saints were significant for the people of late-medieval Tallinn.

Edited and written by Merike Kurisoo
Designed by Tuuli Aule
144 pp.
In Estonian and English, illustrated
Published by the Art Museum of Estonia – Niguliste Museum
Tallinn 2015
ISBN 978-9949-485-43-7

Eesti Kunstimuuseumi filiaalis, Niguliste muuseumis asub üks uhkemaid ja paremini säilinud hiliskeskaegseid Põhja-Saksa altariretaableid kogu Euroopas. Käesolev raamat annab ülevaate altariretaabli ajaloost ning tutvustab ja selgitab selle pildiprogrammi. Rikkaliku pildimaterjaliga raamat esitab kappaltaril kujutatud pühakute lugusid olles nii teose tähendusi avavaks käsiraamatuks kui kohalikuks pühakuleksikoniks.

Tallinna Niguliste kiriku peaaltari retaabel telliti Lübecki meistri ja maalija Hermen Rode töökojast ning see valmis aastatel 1478–1481. Kappaltar on Lübecki kunstiproduktsioonis üks kallimaid ja suuremamahulisi välisturule tehtud töid. Harukordne on ka see, et väikestele vaheaegadele vaatamata, on kappaltar asunud oma algses asukohas üle 500 aasta. Suurejooneline retaabel oli mõeldud ühele kahest linna kogudusekirikust ning esitles kohaliku kogukonna pühakukultust. Teosel on kujutatud rohkem kui neljakümmet erinevat pühakut ja piiblitegelast. Nende valik näitab, millised pühakud olid hiliskeskaegsete tallinlaste jaoks olulised.

Koostaja ja teksti autor Merike Kurisoo
Kujundanud Tuuli Aule
144 lk
Eesti keeles ja inglise keeles, illustreeritud
Kirjastus Eesti Kunstimuuseum – Niguliste muuseum
Tallinn 2015
ISBN 978-9949-485-43-7

Research paper thumbnail of Ars moriendi - suremise kunst / Ars moriendi - the Art of Dying. Exhibition catalogue. Tallinn: Art Museum of Estonia, 2013 (English, Estonian, 144 pp).

The book introduces the reader to the Estonian memorial and funeral culture of the Middle Ages an... more The book introduces the reader to the Estonian memorial and funeral culture of the Middle Ages and Early Modern era, which was examined by the exhibition of the same name at the Niguliste Museum from 2 November 2012 to 2 June 2013. Visitors to the exhibition were provided with the opportunity to see how Christian death culture is reflected in early ecclesiastical art in Estonia and to learn about the funeral and commemorative customs of the period. The exhibition catalogue explores these topics and presents the works of art and items that were on display.
The text of the richly illustrated book provides interpretations of the tombstones, epitaphs, coat-of-arms epitaphs and other works of sacral art exhibited at the Niguliste Museum. Artefacts of cultural history from collections of Estonian museums and churches, the majority of which are being introduced to the reader for the first time, provide additional information about the funeral ritual customs, and the ways they were conducted. These objects and works of art, most of which are from town churches, primarily represent the funeral and commemorative traditions of the upper class and wealthy middle class. The historical framework of both the exhibition and catalogue starts with the Middle Ages and ends with the 18th century, and includes visual material from both the Catholic and Lutheran periods.

Research paper thumbnail of Ristimise läte. Ristimiskivid keskaegsel Liivimaal.  (English summary: Medieval baptismal fonts in Livonia). Eesti kirikute sisustus II. Tallinn: Muinsuskaitseamet, 2009.

Ristimiskivi oli keskaegses kihelkonnakirikus üks tähtsamaid liturgilisi esemeid, mida kasutati e... more Ristimiskivi oli keskaegses kihelkonnakirikus üks tähtsamaid liturgilisi esemeid, mida kasutati esimese ehk ristimise sakramendi läbi viimisel. Sageli on keskaegsed ristimisnõud ka vanimateks säilinud kirikukunsti teosteks meie pühakodades. Kuigi keskajal oli ristimiskivi olemas peaaegu kõigis kihelkonnakirikutes, on neid tänaseni alles väga vähe. Käesolevasse raamatusse on koondatud andmestik rohkem kui 20 keskaegse ristimiskivi või nende fragmentide kohta. Uurimus annab ülevaate nii tänaseni säilinud kui ka fotode põhjal teadaolevatest, kuid hävinud või kaduma läinud ristimisnõudest. Raamatus käsitletakse ristimiskivi ajaloolist arengut, selle asukoha muutusi kirikuruumis, ristimise juures tarvitatud esemeid ja keskaegsete ristimiskivide kasutamist reformatsioonijärgsetel sajanditel. Lisaks tutvustatakse ristimise ajaloolist arengut ja ristimise läbiviimist keskaegsel Liivimaal.

Research paper thumbnail of Niguliste Museum. Tallinn: Art Museum of Estonia, 2011 (English, 103 pp).

Estonia's most outstanding collection of ecclesiastical art from the Medieval and Early Modern pe... more Estonia's most outstanding collection of ecclesiastical art from the Medieval and Early Modern periods is exhibited at the Niguliste Museum, a branch of the Art Museum of Estonia. With rich pictorial material, this over 100-page book introduces medieval altarpieces, wooden sculptures and Bernt Notke's famous painting Dance of Death. The book also focuses on ecclesiastical art from the Early Modern period. Readers will find information about coat-of-arms epitaphs, epitaphs, tombstones and chandeliers. A history of St Nicholas' Church and the story of its construction are included in the book, along with an introduction to the Silver Chamber.

Research paper thumbnail of Art and the Church: Religious Art and Architecture in the Baltic Region in the 13th–18th Centuries / Kunst und Kirche. Kirchliche Kunst und Architektur in der baltischen Region. Eds Krista Kodres, Merike Kurisoo. Tallinn: Estonian Academy of Art 2008 (English, German, 311 pp).

Art and the Church: Religious Art and Architecture in the Baltic Region in the 13th–18th Centurie... more Art and the Church: Religious Art and Architecture in the Baltic Region in the 13th–18th Centuries / Kunst und Kirche. Kirchliche Kunst und Architektur in der baltischen Region

Artiklikogumik “Art and the Church: Religious Art and Architecture in the Baltic Region in the 13th−18th Centuries” sisaldab 2006. a. sügisel toimunud samanimelise, kolmanda nn. Karlingi-konverentsi ettekannete põhjal kirjutatud artikleid oma eriala tippspetsialistidelt-kunstiajaloolastelt Baltikumist, Põhjamaadest, Poolast, Saksamaalt ning Ameerika Ühendriikidest.

Koostanud Krista Kodres, toimetanud Merike Kurisoo
Keeletoimetajad Richard Adang (inglise keel), Esther Grünberg (saksa keel)
Kujundanud Andres Tali
311 lehekülge, inglise ja saksa keeles
Eesti Kunstiakadeemia, 2008
ISBN 978-9985-9841-6-1

Articles by Merike Kurisoo

Research paper thumbnail of Merike Kurisoo. Vaene Laatsarus ja rikas mees. Kaks varauusaegset maali Tallinna Jaani seegist

Tallinna Linnamuuseumi Toimetised 2, 2021

Merike Kurisoo. Vaene Laatsarus ja rikas mees. Kaks varauusaegset maali Tallinna Jaani seegist. -... more Merike Kurisoo. Vaene Laatsarus ja rikas mees. Kaks varauusaegset maali Tallinna Jaani seegist. - Tallinna Linnamuuseumi Toimetised 2 (2022), 232-243.
Summary: Poor Lazarus and the rich man. Two Early Modern paintings from St. John's almshouse in Tallinn.

Research paper thumbnail of Merike Kurisoo. The Tallinn Church Order of 1606 and Ecclesiastical Objects in Ritual Practices. - Indifferent Things? Objects and Images in Post-Reformation Churches in the Baltic Sea Region. Krista Kodres, Merike Kurisoo, Ulrike Nürnberger (Hg.). Michael Imhof Verlag 2020.

Indifferent Things? Objects and Images in Post-Reformation Churches in the Baltic Sea Region Krista Kodres, Merike Kurisoo, Ulrike Nürnberger (Hg.). Edition Mare Balticum, Band 3. Michael Imhof Verlag 2020., 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Merike Kurisoo, Kristi Viiding. Iniuria, iustitia, passio, patientia et victoria. Zum frühneuzeitlichen Bild- und Textprogramm auf dem mittelalterlichen Altarretabel in der Kirche von Lääne-Nigula (1598). - Baltic Journal of Art History 18 (2019), 105−150.

Baltic Journal of Art History, 2019

The article focuses on the Early Modern pictorial and textual programme of the late medieval alta... more The article focuses on the Early Modern pictorial and textual programme of the late medieval altarpiece of Lääne-Nigula Church. The study examines the new iconographic programme of the 1598 altarpiece, its textual and pictorial models. The relationship between the text and image is also analysed. The article looks at how the images of virtues and female saints, as well as Latin verses, are related to the Biblical scenes and the German-language text. The analysis takes a closer look at potential donors, who were members of influential Baltic-German noble families (the Uexkülls, Tittfers, Hoesedes and Farensbachs). The Early Modern iconography of the altarpiece, inspired by Christian humanism and contemporary Flemish engravings, points to the potential female donors. Therefore, the article takes a closer look at the family history of the donors in the context of the complicated political history of Livonia in the second half of the 16th century and its direct relationship to the renewed pictorial and textual programme of the altarpiece.

Research paper thumbnail of Koppel (Kurisoo), Merike (2006). Tallinna Püha hõimkonna altariretaabel . Algsest pildiprogrammist Madalmaade hiliskeskaegsete Püha Anna legendide taustal. Kunstiteaduslikke Uurimusi / Studies on art and architecture, 15 (3), 37−69.

Kunstiteaduslikke Uurimusi / Studies on art and architecture, 2006

The Tallinn Holy Kinship Altarpiece: Initial pictorial programme in light of the late medieval le... more The Tallinn Holy Kinship Altarpiece: Initial pictorial programme
in light of the late medieval legends of St. Anne. Summary (pp 67-69).

Research paper thumbnail of Kurisoo, Merike. Unustatud altariretaabel Lääne-Nigula kirikust. - Läänemaa Muuseumi Toimetised XXI (2018), 103-115.  Summary: The Forgotten Altarpiece from Lääne-Nigula Church.

Sajanditetagune sakraalkunst ja meie maakirikute pärand üllatavad tänini uute leidude ja seni uur... more Sajanditetagune sakraalkunst ja meie maakirikute pärand üllatavad tänini uute leidude ja seni uurimata teemadega. Pühakodade kõrval hoitakse kirikukunsti ka muuseumide kogudes, kus mõned teosed on ajaloo keerdkäikude tõttu unustusse vajunud. Paar aastat tagasi seisin Eesti Kunstimuuseumi maalifondis silmitsi viie religioosse maaliga, mille kohta ei teatud nende päritolu ega algset asukohta. Fondikaartidel olid vaid kirjeldused ja mõõdud. Eesti Kunstimuuseumi arhiiv põles Teise maailmasõja ajal 1944. aastal, andmed kadusid ning kümneid ja kümneid teoseid jäi unustusse. Neid viit 17.-18. sajandi maali uurides avanesid teostega seotud lood, inimesed ja paigad ning nendest piltidest ja lugudest sai näitus. 1 Üks nende viie seast oli väike altarisein, mis osutus 18. sajandi retaabliks Lääne-Nigula kirikust. 2 Teoses peidus olevate väikeste vihjete ja arhiiviallikate abil on nüüd altariseina elulugu palju selgem. See aitab heita ka põgusat pilku selle tellinud inimeste saatusele ning avab 18. sajandi luterlike kirikutavade uusi tahke.

Research paper thumbnail of Kurisoo, Merike; Põldvee, Aivar. The Appearance of Hans and Jaan. A 17th Century Epitaph Painting Donated by Estonian Peasants. - Baltic Journal of Art History 14 (2017), 117−128.

Kurisoo, Merike; Põldvee, Aivar. The Appearance of Hans and Jaan. A 17th Century Epitaph Painting... more Kurisoo, Merike; Põldvee, Aivar. The Appearance of Hans and Jaan. A 17th Century Epitaph Painting Donated by Estonian Peasants. - Baltic Journal of Art History 14 (2017), 117−128.

Research paper thumbnail of Ristimisest ja ristimisnõudest reformatsioonijärgsel Saaremaal (Baptism and Baptismal Vessels in Post-Reformation Saaremaa). - Järelevastamine. Kaur Alttoale. Eesti Kunstiakadeemia Toimetised 22. Muinsuskaitse ja konserveerimise osakonna väljaanded 7. Tallinn: Eesti Kunstiakadeemia 2017, 97-136.

(English Summary: Baptism and Baptismal Vessels in Post-Reformation Saaremaa pp. 126-136). Thi... more (English Summary: Baptism and Baptismal Vessels in Post-Reformation Saaremaa pp. 126-136).

This article examines the changes that occured in the use and location of baptismal vessels and fonts in Saaremaa during the Early Modern Period. It also discusses the alteration of the sacrament and rites of baptism on island during the 16th and 17th centuries. The questions and alterations pertaining to the place of baptism and baptismal fonts are connected with the rest of the ecclesiastical space and church furnishings. The conversion of Catholic churches into Lutheran ecclesiastical space was a complex process and the changes were carried out gradually. Saaremaa is one of the few, if not the only area, in Estonia today were the changes that took place in the process of conversion from Catholicism to Lutheranism can be viewed in rural churches. Information about the church furnishings in Saaremaa during the 16th-17th centuries (Danish and Swedish Period) is available from practically every local church.

Research paper thumbnail of Tallinna sakraalmaastik varauusajal.  - Vana Tallinn, 31 (27) 2016, 75−103. (Summary: Sacral Landscape of Tallinn in Early Modern Period).

Research paper thumbnail of Continuity and change. Reorganizing sacred space in post-Reformation Tallinn. In: Re-forming Texts, Music, and Church Art in the Early Modern North. Eds Linda Kaljundi, Tuomas M. S. Lehtonen. Amsterdam University Press 2016, 311−356.

Kurisoo, Merike (2016). Continuity and change. Reorganizing sacred space in post-Reformation Tall... more Kurisoo, Merike (2016). Continuity and change. Reorganizing sacred space in post-Reformation Tallinn. In: Re-forming Texts, Music, and Church Art in the Early Modern North (311−356). Kaljundi, Linda; Lehtonen, Tuomas M. S. (Ed.). Amsterdam University Press (Series: Crossing Boundaries: Turku Medieval and Early Modern Studies).

Research paper thumbnail of Patching Together a Thousand Pieces. Tombstones of Tallinn’s St Nicholas’ Church: History, Restoration and Layout in the Exposition of the Niguliste Museum in the 1970s. In: Kunstiteaduslikke Uurimusi = Studies on art and architecture = Studien für Kunstwissenschaft 22 (3-4) 2013, 153-181.

Research paper thumbnail of Mis Jumalale antud, peab Jumalale jääma... (English summary: Was einstens Gott gegeben, auch fortan Gott bleiben sole... The Use and Adaptation of Catholic Ecclesiastical Art in Post-Reformation Tallinn). In: Kunstiteaduslikke Uurimusi = Studies on art and architecture 21 (1-2) 2012, 37-73.

Artikkel otsib vastuseid küsimustele, kui palju muutus visuaalselt sakraalruum ning kuidas suhtut... more Artikkel otsib vastuseid küsimustele, kui palju muutus visuaalselt sakraalruum ning kuidas suhtuti katoliiklikku kirikukunsti 16. sajandi Tallinnas. Vaadeldakse kirikuruumi ümberkorraldamist ja kirikuinventari kasutusküsimusi, keskendudes esimese reformatsioonisajandi jooksul toimunud muutustele Tallinna Niguliste kirikus. Kirjutises analüüsitakse kirikuvarade edasikasutamise võimalusi ja praktikaid teoloogiliste, poliitiliste ja majanduslike muutuste taustal ning luterliku kirikukunsti tellimise arenguid.

Research paper thumbnail of Michel Sittow in the North? Altarpieces in Dialogue

Michel Sittow in the North? Altarpieces in Dialogue, 2023

The book accompanies the exhibition “Michel Sittow in the North? Altarpieces in Dialogue” at the ... more The book accompanies the exhibition “Michel Sittow in the North? Altarpieces in Dialogue” at the Niguliste Museum (04.05.-05.11.2023). The exhibition is organised in cooperation with the Art Museum of Estonia, Hälsingland Museum and the Church of Sweden.

Born in Tallinn, Michel Sittow (circa 1469-1525) was a highly regarded artist who lived and worked in the city of his birth for more than fifteen years. In the courts of southern and northern Europe he portrayed kings and aristocrats, and in Tallinn he executed works for local merchants and city rulers, as well as Nordic shrines. Exhibition and catalogue “Michel Sittow in the North? Altarpieces in Dialogue” will be the first time that the famous master’s workshop in Tallinn will be viewed in dialogue with other international masters who were active here at the same time. The key works that reveal these themes are the Bollnäs Holy Kinship altarpiece from Sweden and the Tallinn Passion altarpiece.

The author and editor of the book: Merike Kurisoo
Authors of the texts: Greta Koppel, Merike Kurisoo, Lars Nylander, Jan Friedrich Richter
Graphic design and image processing: Tuuli Aule
Dimensions: 20 × 27 cm
144 pp., sewn paperback
In Estonian and English, illustrated
Published by the Estonian Art Museum – Niguliste Museum
Tallinn 2023
ISBN 978-9949-687-46-6

Research paper thumbnail of Indifferent Things? Objects and Images in Post-Reformation Churches in the Baltic Sea Region

Indifferent Things? Objects and Images in Post-Reformation Churches in the Baltic Sea Region, 2020

Indifferent Things? Objects and Images in Post-Reformation Churches in the Baltic Sea Region. Kr... more Indifferent Things? Objects and Images in Post-Reformation Churches in the Baltic Sea Region.
Krista Kodres, Merike Kurisoo, Ulrike Nürnberger (Hg.).
Edition Mare Balticum, Band 3. Michael Imhof Verlag 2020.

This third volume of the Edition Mare Balticum is a collection of articles which address many aspects of material and ceremonial church practices that were re-considered during the process of the Lutheran Reformation – the status of “indifferent things” in the historical context of the Reformation as adiaphora/Mitteldinge – as well as to inquire more generally into the existence and meaning of material objects in the evangelical sacral space. Of course, the problems concerning the adiaphora had their own dynamic in the Lutheran theological discussion, so the book describes how the process was reflected in different congregational practices, i.e. in “lived religion”. The questions fit in with key ideas about the relationships of objects and people in a culture that had arisen after the “performative turn” and “material turn”: a wave that had lasted for some time in the humanities. Hence, this book focuses on the relationships and networks of relationships through which the meanings and effects of “indifferent things” are expressed most clearly.

Research paper thumbnail of Vahepealsed asjad ja vahepealsed ajad. Kirikuruumi ja pildikultuuri muutumisest katoliiklikust luterlikuks varauusaegse Eesti aladel. Indifferent Things and Indifferent Times. Transformation of the Ecclesiastical Space and Visual Culture from Catholic to Lutheran in Early Modern Estonia

Dissertation, 2019

Doktoritöö. Doctoral Dissertation. TALLINNA ÜLIKOOL HUMANITAARTEADUSTE DISSERTATSIOONID TALLINN... more Doktoritöö. Doctoral Dissertation.
Juhendajad / Supervisors:
Krista Kodres, PhD, Eesti Kunstiakadeemia professor, Tallinna Ülikooli vanemteadur
Anu Mänd, PhD, Tallinna Ülikooli vanemteadur
Oponendid / Oponents:
Jüri Kivimäe, PhD, Toronto Ülikooli emeriitprofessor
Elina Räsänen, PhD, Helsingi Ülikooli dotsent

Doktoritöö digitaalsel kujul / digital version of the dissertation:

Research paper thumbnail of Rode altar lähivaates / Rode Altarpiece in Close Up. Tallinn: Art Museum of Estonia 2016 (English, Estonian, 156 pp).

This book brings together and presents the results and the current situation of the research and ... more This book brings together and presents the results and the current situation of the research and conservation project “The Rode Altar in Close-Up”, carried out in 2013–2016. The articles written by the participants in the research project present the methodology, use and results of the latest natural scientific and imaging technological analyses in studying a late medieval work of art. This richly illustrated book, containing an abundance of historical photographs, also includes an overview introducing the oeuvre of the master Hermen Rode from Lübeck, and a comprehensive discussion of the history of the restoration of the Rode altarpiece.
Edited by Hilkka Hiiop, Merike Kurisoo
Designed by Villu Plink
152 pp.
In Estonian and English, illustrated
Published by the Art Museum of Estonia – Niguliste Museum
Tallinn 2016
ISBN 978-9949-485-60-4

Raamat koondab ja esitab uurimis- ja konserveerimisprojekti „Rode altar lähivaates” 2013–2016 tulemusi ja hetkeseisu. Uurimisprojekti osaliste kirjutatud artiklid esitlevad nüüdisaegsete loodusteaduslike ning pilditehnoloogiliste uuringute metoodikat, kasutamist ja tulemusi ühe hiliskeskaegse kunstiteose uurimisel. Rikkalikult illustreeritud ja ajaloolisi fotosid koondavast raamatust leiab ka Lübecki meistri Hermen Rode loomingut tutvustava ülevaate ja põhjaliku käsitluse Rode kappaltari restaureerimise ajaloost.
Koostanud Hilkka Hiiop, Merike Kurisoo
Kujundanud Villu Plink
152 lk
Eesti ja inglise keeles, illustreeritud
Kirjastanud Eesti Kunstimuuseum – Niguliste muuseum
Tallinn 2016
ISBN 978-9949-485-60-4

Research paper thumbnail of Rode altar. Tallinna Niguliste kiriku peaaltari retaabel / Rode Altar. Altarpiece of the High Altar of Tallinn St Nicholas’ Church. Tallinn: Art Museum of Estonia 2015 (English, Estonian, 144 pp).

The Niguliste Museum, a branch of the Art Museum of Estonia, houses one of the most outstanding a... more The Niguliste Museum, a branch of the Art Museum of Estonia, houses one of the most outstanding and best preserved late-medieval northern German altarpieces in the whole of Europe. This book provides an overview of the altarpiece’s history, and presents and explains its pictorial programme. The richly illustrated book also includes stories related to the saints depicted on the altarpiece. Thus, it serves two functions: it is a handbook that provides insights into the meaning of the work of art, and a local lexicon of saints.

The altarpiece of the high altar of St Nicholas’ Church in Tallinn was commissioned from the workshop of Hermen Rode, the Lübeck master, and was made in 1478−1481. The altarpiece was one of the most expensive and elaborate works in the art production of Lübeck that was commissioned from abroad. Another remarkable fact is that the altarpiece has stood in its original place ─ with the exception of only a few short periods ─ for more than 500 years. The magnificent reredos was made for one of the two parish churches of the town, and it displayed the local community’s cult of saints, with more than 40 different saints and biblical characters. The choice of characters shows which saints were significant for the people of late-medieval Tallinn.

Edited and written by Merike Kurisoo
Designed by Tuuli Aule
144 pp.
In Estonian and English, illustrated
Published by the Art Museum of Estonia – Niguliste Museum
Tallinn 2015
ISBN 978-9949-485-43-7

Eesti Kunstimuuseumi filiaalis, Niguliste muuseumis asub üks uhkemaid ja paremini säilinud hiliskeskaegseid Põhja-Saksa altariretaableid kogu Euroopas. Käesolev raamat annab ülevaate altariretaabli ajaloost ning tutvustab ja selgitab selle pildiprogrammi. Rikkaliku pildimaterjaliga raamat esitab kappaltaril kujutatud pühakute lugusid olles nii teose tähendusi avavaks käsiraamatuks kui kohalikuks pühakuleksikoniks.

Tallinna Niguliste kiriku peaaltari retaabel telliti Lübecki meistri ja maalija Hermen Rode töökojast ning see valmis aastatel 1478–1481. Kappaltar on Lübecki kunstiproduktsioonis üks kallimaid ja suuremamahulisi välisturule tehtud töid. Harukordne on ka see, et väikestele vaheaegadele vaatamata, on kappaltar asunud oma algses asukohas üle 500 aasta. Suurejooneline retaabel oli mõeldud ühele kahest linna kogudusekirikust ning esitles kohaliku kogukonna pühakukultust. Teosel on kujutatud rohkem kui neljakümmet erinevat pühakut ja piiblitegelast. Nende valik näitab, millised pühakud olid hiliskeskaegsete tallinlaste jaoks olulised.

Koostaja ja teksti autor Merike Kurisoo
Kujundanud Tuuli Aule
144 lk
Eesti keeles ja inglise keeles, illustreeritud
Kirjastus Eesti Kunstimuuseum – Niguliste muuseum
Tallinn 2015
ISBN 978-9949-485-43-7

Research paper thumbnail of Ars moriendi - suremise kunst / Ars moriendi - the Art of Dying. Exhibition catalogue. Tallinn: Art Museum of Estonia, 2013 (English, Estonian, 144 pp).

The book introduces the reader to the Estonian memorial and funeral culture of the Middle Ages an... more The book introduces the reader to the Estonian memorial and funeral culture of the Middle Ages and Early Modern era, which was examined by the exhibition of the same name at the Niguliste Museum from 2 November 2012 to 2 June 2013. Visitors to the exhibition were provided with the opportunity to see how Christian death culture is reflected in early ecclesiastical art in Estonia and to learn about the funeral and commemorative customs of the period. The exhibition catalogue explores these topics and presents the works of art and items that were on display.
The text of the richly illustrated book provides interpretations of the tombstones, epitaphs, coat-of-arms epitaphs and other works of sacral art exhibited at the Niguliste Museum. Artefacts of cultural history from collections of Estonian museums and churches, the majority of which are being introduced to the reader for the first time, provide additional information about the funeral ritual customs, and the ways they were conducted. These objects and works of art, most of which are from town churches, primarily represent the funeral and commemorative traditions of the upper class and wealthy middle class. The historical framework of both the exhibition and catalogue starts with the Middle Ages and ends with the 18th century, and includes visual material from both the Catholic and Lutheran periods.

Research paper thumbnail of Ristimise läte. Ristimiskivid keskaegsel Liivimaal.  (English summary: Medieval baptismal fonts in Livonia). Eesti kirikute sisustus II. Tallinn: Muinsuskaitseamet, 2009.

Ristimiskivi oli keskaegses kihelkonnakirikus üks tähtsamaid liturgilisi esemeid, mida kasutati e... more Ristimiskivi oli keskaegses kihelkonnakirikus üks tähtsamaid liturgilisi esemeid, mida kasutati esimese ehk ristimise sakramendi läbi viimisel. Sageli on keskaegsed ristimisnõud ka vanimateks säilinud kirikukunsti teosteks meie pühakodades. Kuigi keskajal oli ristimiskivi olemas peaaegu kõigis kihelkonnakirikutes, on neid tänaseni alles väga vähe. Käesolevasse raamatusse on koondatud andmestik rohkem kui 20 keskaegse ristimiskivi või nende fragmentide kohta. Uurimus annab ülevaate nii tänaseni säilinud kui ka fotode põhjal teadaolevatest, kuid hävinud või kaduma läinud ristimisnõudest. Raamatus käsitletakse ristimiskivi ajaloolist arengut, selle asukoha muutusi kirikuruumis, ristimise juures tarvitatud esemeid ja keskaegsete ristimiskivide kasutamist reformatsioonijärgsetel sajanditel. Lisaks tutvustatakse ristimise ajaloolist arengut ja ristimise läbiviimist keskaegsel Liivimaal.

Research paper thumbnail of Niguliste Museum. Tallinn: Art Museum of Estonia, 2011 (English, 103 pp).

Estonia's most outstanding collection of ecclesiastical art from the Medieval and Early Modern pe... more Estonia's most outstanding collection of ecclesiastical art from the Medieval and Early Modern periods is exhibited at the Niguliste Museum, a branch of the Art Museum of Estonia. With rich pictorial material, this over 100-page book introduces medieval altarpieces, wooden sculptures and Bernt Notke's famous painting Dance of Death. The book also focuses on ecclesiastical art from the Early Modern period. Readers will find information about coat-of-arms epitaphs, epitaphs, tombstones and chandeliers. A history of St Nicholas' Church and the story of its construction are included in the book, along with an introduction to the Silver Chamber.

Research paper thumbnail of Art and the Church: Religious Art and Architecture in the Baltic Region in the 13th–18th Centuries / Kunst und Kirche. Kirchliche Kunst und Architektur in der baltischen Region. Eds Krista Kodres, Merike Kurisoo. Tallinn: Estonian Academy of Art 2008 (English, German, 311 pp).

Art and the Church: Religious Art and Architecture in the Baltic Region in the 13th–18th Centurie... more Art and the Church: Religious Art and Architecture in the Baltic Region in the 13th–18th Centuries / Kunst und Kirche. Kirchliche Kunst und Architektur in der baltischen Region

Artiklikogumik “Art and the Church: Religious Art and Architecture in the Baltic Region in the 13th−18th Centuries” sisaldab 2006. a. sügisel toimunud samanimelise, kolmanda nn. Karlingi-konverentsi ettekannete põhjal kirjutatud artikleid oma eriala tippspetsialistidelt-kunstiajaloolastelt Baltikumist, Põhjamaadest, Poolast, Saksamaalt ning Ameerika Ühendriikidest.

Koostanud Krista Kodres, toimetanud Merike Kurisoo
Keeletoimetajad Richard Adang (inglise keel), Esther Grünberg (saksa keel)
Kujundanud Andres Tali
311 lehekülge, inglise ja saksa keeles
Eesti Kunstiakadeemia, 2008
ISBN 978-9985-9841-6-1

Research paper thumbnail of Merike Kurisoo. Vaene Laatsarus ja rikas mees. Kaks varauusaegset maali Tallinna Jaani seegist

Tallinna Linnamuuseumi Toimetised 2, 2021

Merike Kurisoo. Vaene Laatsarus ja rikas mees. Kaks varauusaegset maali Tallinna Jaani seegist. -... more Merike Kurisoo. Vaene Laatsarus ja rikas mees. Kaks varauusaegset maali Tallinna Jaani seegist. - Tallinna Linnamuuseumi Toimetised 2 (2022), 232-243.
Summary: Poor Lazarus and the rich man. Two Early Modern paintings from St. John's almshouse in Tallinn.

Research paper thumbnail of Merike Kurisoo. The Tallinn Church Order of 1606 and Ecclesiastical Objects in Ritual Practices. - Indifferent Things? Objects and Images in Post-Reformation Churches in the Baltic Sea Region. Krista Kodres, Merike Kurisoo, Ulrike Nürnberger (Hg.). Michael Imhof Verlag 2020.

Indifferent Things? Objects and Images in Post-Reformation Churches in the Baltic Sea Region Krista Kodres, Merike Kurisoo, Ulrike Nürnberger (Hg.). Edition Mare Balticum, Band 3. Michael Imhof Verlag 2020., 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Merike Kurisoo, Kristi Viiding. Iniuria, iustitia, passio, patientia et victoria. Zum frühneuzeitlichen Bild- und Textprogramm auf dem mittelalterlichen Altarretabel in der Kirche von Lääne-Nigula (1598). - Baltic Journal of Art History 18 (2019), 105−150.

Baltic Journal of Art History, 2019

The article focuses on the Early Modern pictorial and textual programme of the late medieval alta... more The article focuses on the Early Modern pictorial and textual programme of the late medieval altarpiece of Lääne-Nigula Church. The study examines the new iconographic programme of the 1598 altarpiece, its textual and pictorial models. The relationship between the text and image is also analysed. The article looks at how the images of virtues and female saints, as well as Latin verses, are related to the Biblical scenes and the German-language text. The analysis takes a closer look at potential donors, who were members of influential Baltic-German noble families (the Uexkülls, Tittfers, Hoesedes and Farensbachs). The Early Modern iconography of the altarpiece, inspired by Christian humanism and contemporary Flemish engravings, points to the potential female donors. Therefore, the article takes a closer look at the family history of the donors in the context of the complicated political history of Livonia in the second half of the 16th century and its direct relationship to the renewed pictorial and textual programme of the altarpiece.

Research paper thumbnail of Koppel (Kurisoo), Merike (2006). Tallinna Püha hõimkonna altariretaabel . Algsest pildiprogrammist Madalmaade hiliskeskaegsete Püha Anna legendide taustal. Kunstiteaduslikke Uurimusi / Studies on art and architecture, 15 (3), 37−69.

Kunstiteaduslikke Uurimusi / Studies on art and architecture, 2006

The Tallinn Holy Kinship Altarpiece: Initial pictorial programme in light of the late medieval le... more The Tallinn Holy Kinship Altarpiece: Initial pictorial programme
in light of the late medieval legends of St. Anne. Summary (pp 67-69).

Research paper thumbnail of Kurisoo, Merike. Unustatud altariretaabel Lääne-Nigula kirikust. - Läänemaa Muuseumi Toimetised XXI (2018), 103-115.  Summary: The Forgotten Altarpiece from Lääne-Nigula Church.

Sajanditetagune sakraalkunst ja meie maakirikute pärand üllatavad tänini uute leidude ja seni uur... more Sajanditetagune sakraalkunst ja meie maakirikute pärand üllatavad tänini uute leidude ja seni uurimata teemadega. Pühakodade kõrval hoitakse kirikukunsti ka muuseumide kogudes, kus mõned teosed on ajaloo keerdkäikude tõttu unustusse vajunud. Paar aastat tagasi seisin Eesti Kunstimuuseumi maalifondis silmitsi viie religioosse maaliga, mille kohta ei teatud nende päritolu ega algset asukohta. Fondikaartidel olid vaid kirjeldused ja mõõdud. Eesti Kunstimuuseumi arhiiv põles Teise maailmasõja ajal 1944. aastal, andmed kadusid ning kümneid ja kümneid teoseid jäi unustusse. Neid viit 17.-18. sajandi maali uurides avanesid teostega seotud lood, inimesed ja paigad ning nendest piltidest ja lugudest sai näitus. 1 Üks nende viie seast oli väike altarisein, mis osutus 18. sajandi retaabliks Lääne-Nigula kirikust. 2 Teoses peidus olevate väikeste vihjete ja arhiiviallikate abil on nüüd altariseina elulugu palju selgem. See aitab heita ka põgusat pilku selle tellinud inimeste saatusele ning avab 18. sajandi luterlike kirikutavade uusi tahke.

Research paper thumbnail of Kurisoo, Merike; Põldvee, Aivar. The Appearance of Hans and Jaan. A 17th Century Epitaph Painting Donated by Estonian Peasants. - Baltic Journal of Art History 14 (2017), 117−128.

Kurisoo, Merike; Põldvee, Aivar. The Appearance of Hans and Jaan. A 17th Century Epitaph Painting... more Kurisoo, Merike; Põldvee, Aivar. The Appearance of Hans and Jaan. A 17th Century Epitaph Painting Donated by Estonian Peasants. - Baltic Journal of Art History 14 (2017), 117−128.

Research paper thumbnail of Ristimisest ja ristimisnõudest reformatsioonijärgsel Saaremaal (Baptism and Baptismal Vessels in Post-Reformation Saaremaa). - Järelevastamine. Kaur Alttoale. Eesti Kunstiakadeemia Toimetised 22. Muinsuskaitse ja konserveerimise osakonna väljaanded 7. Tallinn: Eesti Kunstiakadeemia 2017, 97-136.

(English Summary: Baptism and Baptismal Vessels in Post-Reformation Saaremaa pp. 126-136). Thi... more (English Summary: Baptism and Baptismal Vessels in Post-Reformation Saaremaa pp. 126-136).

This article examines the changes that occured in the use and location of baptismal vessels and fonts in Saaremaa during the Early Modern Period. It also discusses the alteration of the sacrament and rites of baptism on island during the 16th and 17th centuries. The questions and alterations pertaining to the place of baptism and baptismal fonts are connected with the rest of the ecclesiastical space and church furnishings. The conversion of Catholic churches into Lutheran ecclesiastical space was a complex process and the changes were carried out gradually. Saaremaa is one of the few, if not the only area, in Estonia today were the changes that took place in the process of conversion from Catholicism to Lutheranism can be viewed in rural churches. Information about the church furnishings in Saaremaa during the 16th-17th centuries (Danish and Swedish Period) is available from practically every local church.

Research paper thumbnail of Tallinna sakraalmaastik varauusajal.  - Vana Tallinn, 31 (27) 2016, 75−103. (Summary: Sacral Landscape of Tallinn in Early Modern Period).

Research paper thumbnail of Continuity and change. Reorganizing sacred space in post-Reformation Tallinn. In: Re-forming Texts, Music, and Church Art in the Early Modern North. Eds Linda Kaljundi, Tuomas M. S. Lehtonen. Amsterdam University Press 2016, 311−356.

Kurisoo, Merike (2016). Continuity and change. Reorganizing sacred space in post-Reformation Tall... more Kurisoo, Merike (2016). Continuity and change. Reorganizing sacred space in post-Reformation Tallinn. In: Re-forming Texts, Music, and Church Art in the Early Modern North (311−356). Kaljundi, Linda; Lehtonen, Tuomas M. S. (Ed.). Amsterdam University Press (Series: Crossing Boundaries: Turku Medieval and Early Modern Studies).

Research paper thumbnail of Patching Together a Thousand Pieces. Tombstones of Tallinn’s St Nicholas’ Church: History, Restoration and Layout in the Exposition of the Niguliste Museum in the 1970s. In: Kunstiteaduslikke Uurimusi = Studies on art and architecture = Studien für Kunstwissenschaft 22 (3-4) 2013, 153-181.

Research paper thumbnail of Mis Jumalale antud, peab Jumalale jääma... (English summary: Was einstens Gott gegeben, auch fortan Gott bleiben sole... The Use and Adaptation of Catholic Ecclesiastical Art in Post-Reformation Tallinn). In: Kunstiteaduslikke Uurimusi = Studies on art and architecture 21 (1-2) 2012, 37-73.

Artikkel otsib vastuseid küsimustele, kui palju muutus visuaalselt sakraalruum ning kuidas suhtut... more Artikkel otsib vastuseid küsimustele, kui palju muutus visuaalselt sakraalruum ning kuidas suhtuti katoliiklikku kirikukunsti 16. sajandi Tallinnas. Vaadeldakse kirikuruumi ümberkorraldamist ja kirikuinventari kasutusküsimusi, keskendudes esimese reformatsioonisajandi jooksul toimunud muutustele Tallinna Niguliste kirikus. Kirjutises analüüsitakse kirikuvarade edasikasutamise võimalusi ja praktikaid teoloogiliste, poliitiliste ja majanduslike muutuste taustal ning luterliku kirikukunsti tellimise arenguid.

Research paper thumbnail of Kurisoo, Merike; Alttoa, Kaur. Materialien zur Kirche in Sääre (Zerel) auf Saaremaa (Ösel). In: Baltic Journal of Art History 2012, 171-192.

Research paper thumbnail of Kurisoo, Merike; Aaso-Zahradnikova, Isabel. The Stone King Canute. Late medieval stone relief from St Canute’´s Guild Hall in Tallinn and its technical investigations. In: Proceedings of the Art Museum of Estonia 7 (2), 2012, 163-192.

Research paper thumbnail of Sancta Anna ora pro nobis. Images and Veneration of St Anne in Medieval Livonia. In: Acta Historiae Artium Balticae 2, 2007, 18-34.

Research paper thumbnail of Conference Michel Sittow in the North? Artistic contacts in the late medieval Baltic Sea region 02.-03.11.2023

Conference booklet, 2023[ more ](;)[](

The conference will focus on the role of Michel Sittow’s (ca 1469–1525) workshop in Tallinn and its positioning in the context of the artist’s home-town and the Baltic Sea region. Born in the multinational and multilingual Hanseatic town Tallinn and trained in Bruges, Michel Sittow was a highly acclaimed artist and portrait painter in European royal courts. However, he did not stay abroad permanently, living and working in his home-town for fifteen years, from 1506 to 1514 and from 1518 to 1525. In Tallinn, he undertook commissions from merchants and the town council, as well as from local and Nordic churches. Written sources note works for the Tallinn, Tartu and Siuntio churches in Livonia and Finland. Through style critical analysis, it is possible to attribute the paintings of the outer side of the wings of the Tallinn Passion altarpiece and the paintings of the Bollnäs Holy Kinship retable in northern Sweden to Michel Sittow’s work- shop in Tallinn. Close inspection and comparative studies of the two altarpieces have provided new insights into the ties between the works and the history of their creation. The sculptural corpus of the Bollnäs altarpiece, executed with exceptional skill, is stylistically related to several works of art that have survived
in Tallinn and the surrounding regions. This has drawn attention to the masters who were active in Tallinn at the same time as Sittow, to their possible collabora- tion and to the significance of Tallinn as a late medieval art city.

Research paper thumbnail of Seminar booklet. Üle mere - ylin mere. Building Artistic Contacts Between Estonia and Finland in the Long Middle Ages. 14.10.2022

The seminar “Üle mere – yli mere. Building Artistic Contacts Between Estonia and Finland in the L... more The seminar “Üle mere – yli mere. Building Artistic Contacts Between Estonia and Finland in the Long Middle Ages” examines the creation and development of a “cultural bridge” connecting the two shores of the Gulf of Finland in the Medieval and Early Modern periods. The event has been organised in cooper- ation with the Art Museum of Estonia’s research and exhibition project Michel Sittow in the North? Altarpieces in Dialogue and the University of Helsinki research project Iconoclash/Kuvakalske. Fragmentation and Iconoclash in Medieval and Early Modern Objects. For the first time, the seminar will bring together Estonian and Finnish art historians and historians to look at the creation and development of these artistic and cultural relations in the Long Middle Ages, and the people and networks behind them.

Research paper thumbnail of Exhibition booklet. The Virgin Mary. Woman, Mother, Queen / Näitusevihik. Neitsi Maarja. Naine, ema, kuninganna. 25.10.2019 – 16.08.2020

Exhibition booklet. The Virgin Mary. Woman, Mother, Queen / Näitusevihik. Neitsi Maarja. Naine, ema, kuninganna., 2019

Neitsi Maarja. Naine, ema, kuninganna The Virgin Mary. Woman, Mother, Queen Näitus Eesti Kuns... more Neitsi Maarja. Naine, ema, kuninganna
The Virgin Mary. Woman, Mother, Queen

Näitus Eesti Kunstimuuseumi Niguliste muuseumis 25.10.2019–16.08.2020
Exhibition at the Art Museum of Estonia Niguliste Museum 25.10.2019–16.08.2020

Curator Merike Kurisoo

The exhibition The Virgin Mary: Woman, Mother, Queen tells of the life of the most prominent woman in the Christian world through medieval and Early Modern art: altarpieces, paintings, sculptures, and objects. All of them historically originate from the churches of medieval Livonia (present-day Estonia and Latvia) and their stories closely relate to the local history. Through this art, the significance and presence of the Virgin Mary in the local cultural memory becomes obvious. The journey through the story of the Virgin Mary proceeds through works of art that possess their own narratives and paths through time.

Research paper thumbnail of Exhibition booklet. Five forgotten paintings / Näitusevihik. Viis unustatud maali

Five forgotten paintings / Viis unustatud maali, 2017

This exhibition brings to the viewer five large religious paintings from the collections of the A... more This exhibition brings to the viewer five large religious paintings from the collections of the Art Museum of Estonia that have never been exhibited before. The works, forgotten for almost a century, are unknown to both art historians and wider audiences. The goal of the exhibition is to reveal, layer by layer, the origin and fate of the paintings, created during the 17th and 18th centuries. The exhibited paintings were commissioned and painted for the churches of Estonia to serve as altarpieces on the high altars; to commemorate and remind us of particular individuals as epitaphs, or point to Christian values and rules of conduct as moralising paintings. These are not just paintings on the wall, anonymous works of art, but objects with meaning and stories of their own, created in accordance with the wishes of the commissioners, for a particular reason and for specific churches. By asking questions, searching for answers and providing the works with context, we find the people and stories, places and locations, associated with them. How the works have found their way from their original locations into the museum is equally significant. The aim of the exhibition is to display these local treasures of art from the Early Modern period, pointing to their versatility, as well as bring lesser known Lutheran art into focus for the 500th anniversary of the Reformation.

Näitus toob esmakordselt vaatajate ette viis suuremõõtmelist religioosset maali Eesti Kunstimuuseumi kogudest. Pea sajandi unustatud teosed on olnud teadmata nii kunstiajaloolastele kui ka laiemale vaatajaskonnale. Väljapaneku eesmärk on kiht-kihilt avada 17.–18. sajandil loodud teoste päritolu ja saatus. Näitusel esitletud maalid on loodud ja tellitud Eesti pühakodadesse kaunistamaks altarimaalidena peaaltareid, mälestamaks ja meenutamaks epitaafmaalidena kindlaid isikuid või osutamaks moraliseerivate maalidena kristlikele väärtustele ja käitumisreeglitele. Need ei ole lihtsalt pildid seinal, anonüümsed kunstiteosed, vaid oma tähenduse ja lugudega esemed, mis on loodud tellijate soovil, kindlal põhjusel ja konkreetsetesse pühakodadesse. Teostele küsimusi esitades ja vastuseid otsides ning nende konteksti avades leiame inimesed ja lood, kohad ja paigad, mis on maalidega seotud. Samamoodi on tähenduslik, kuidas teosed on leidnud tee oma algsetest asukohtadest muuseumisse. Näituse eesmärk on esile tõsta siinne varauusaegne kunstipärand, osutades sellele, kuivõrd mitmetahuline see on, ning tuues reformatsiooni 500. aastapäeval fookusesse seni teadmata luterlikud teosed.

Research paper thumbnail of Conference booklet. Indifferent Things? Material and Ceremonial Church Practices in the 16th and 17th Centuries in the Baltic Sea Region.

Indifferent Things? Material and Ceremonial Church Practices in the 16th and 17th Centuries in the Baltic Sea Region., 2017

Konverentsivihik. Vahepealsed asjad? Materiaalsed ja rituaalsed praktikad Läänemere regiooni 16. ... more Konverentsivihik. Vahepealsed asjad? Materiaalsed ja rituaalsed praktikad Läänemere regiooni 16. ja 17. sajandi luteriusu kirikutes. Professor Sten Karlingule (1906–1987) pühendatud ja Homburger Gespräche (Böckler-Mare-Balticum-Stiftung) raames toimuv rahvusvaheline teaduskonverents. Tallinn, 14.09.17–16.09.2017

Conference booklet. Indifferent Things? Material and Ceremonial Church Practices in the 16th and 17th Centuries in the Baltic Sea Region. A conference in the series of the Homburger Gespräche (Böckler-Mare-Balticum-Stiftung) and the fifth conference in honour of Prof. Sten Karling (1906–1987). Tallinn, 14.09.17–16.09.2017

Research paper thumbnail of Seminar: Üle mere - yli meren. Building Artistic Contacts Between Estonia and Finland in the Long Middle Ages 14.10.22

Seminar: Üle mere - yli meren. Building Artistic Contacts Between Estonia and Finland in the Long Middle Ages 14.10.22, 2022

Seminar: Üle mere - yli meren. Building Artistic Contacts Between Estonia and Finland in the Long... more Seminar: Üle mere - yli meren. Building Artistic Contacts Between Estonia and Finland in the Long Middle Ages 14.10.2022

The seminar “Üle mere – yli mere. Building Artistic Contacts Between Estonia and Finland in the Long Middle Ages” examines the creation and development of a “cultural bridge” connecting the two shores of the Gulf of Finland in the Medieval and Early Modern periods. The event has been organised in cooper- ation with the Art Museum of Estonia’s research and exhibition project Michel Sittow in the North? Altarpieces in Dialogue and the University of Helsinki research project Iconoclash/Kuvakalske. Fragmentation and Iconoclash in Medieval and Early Modern Objects.

Research paper thumbnail of Conference: Indifferent Things? Material and Ceremonial Church Practices in the 16th and 17th Centuries in the Baltic Sea Region 14.09.17–16.09.17

Conference: Indifferent Things? Material and Ceremonial Church Practices in the 16th and 17th Cen... more Conference: Indifferent Things? Material and Ceremonial Church Practices in the 16th and 17th Centuries in the Baltic Sea Region

Rahvusvaheline konverents: Vahepealsed asjad? Materiaalsed ja rituaalsed praktikad Läänemere regiooni 16. ja 17. sajandi luteriusu kirikutes

In co-operation with the:

Art Museum of Estonia – Niguliste Museum
Estonian Academy of Arts – Institute of Art History and Visual Culture
Tallinn University – Institute of History, Archaeology and Art History

Conference Programme Committee:

Professor Krista Kodres, Estonian Academy of Arts
Dr. Anu Mänd, Tallinn University
Merike Kurisoo, Art Museum of Estonia
Professor Gerhard Weilandt, Universität Greifswald
Dr. Janis Kreslins, National Library of Sweden

Conference Organisers:

Krista Kodres, Estonian Academy of Arts
Merike Kurisoo, Art Museum of Estonia
Anu Mänd, Tallinn University

Research paper thumbnail of Iniuria, Iustitia, Passio, Patientia et Victoria. Zum Frühneuzeitlichen Bild- Und Textprogramm Auf Dem Mittelalterlichen Altarretabel in Der Kirche Von Pönal (Est. Lääne-Nigula), 1598

The article focuses on the Early Modern pictorial and textualprogramme of the late medieval altar... more The article focuses on the Early Modern pictorial and textualprogramme of the late medieval altarpiece of Lääne-Nigula Church.The study examines the new iconographic programme of the 1598altarpiece, its textual and pictorial models. The relationship betweenthe text and image is also analysed. The article looks at how theimages of virtues and female saints, as well as Latin verses, arerelated to the Biblical scenes and the German-language text.The analysis takes a closer look at potential donors, who weremembers of influential Baltic-German noble families (the Uexkülls,Tittfers, Hoesedes and Farensbachs). The Early Modern iconographyof the altarpiece, inspired by Christian humanism and contemporaryFlemish engravings, points to the potential female donors. Therefore,the article takes a closer look at the family history of the donors in thecontext of the complicated political history of Livonia in the secondhalf of the 16th century and its direct relationship to the renewedpictorial an...

Research paper thumbnail of Virgin Marys of Medieval Livonia

Mākslas Vēsture un Teorija, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of The Appearance of Hans and Jaan. A 17th Century Epitaph Painting Donated by Estonian Peasants

Baltic Journal of Art History, Dec 27, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Continuity and Change: Reorganizing Sacred Space in Post-Reformation Tallinn

Re-forming Texts, Music, and Church Art in the Early Modern North, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Re-forming Texts, Music, and Church Art in the Early Modern North

Our historical understanding of the Reformation in northern Europe has tended to privilege the id... more Our historical understanding of the Reformation in northern Europe has tended to privilege the idea of disruption and innovation over continuity - yet even the most powerful reformation movements drew on and exchanged ideas with earlier cultural and religious practices. This volume attempts to right the balance, bringing together a roster of experts to trace the continuities between the medieval and early modern period in the Nordic realm, while enabling us to see the Reformation and its changes in a new light.

Research paper thumbnail of Materialien zur Kirche in Sääre (Zerel) auf Saaremaa (Ösel)

Baltic Journal of Art History, 2012