Monika Csibi | Eszterházy Károly University (original) (raw)

Papers by Monika Csibi

Research paper thumbnail of A tanulási motiváció pszichoszociális tényezői

Research paper thumbnail of Public Health and Management Smoking Behaviour Related to Health Status, Self Esteem, Life Satisfaction and Perceived Social Support in an Adolescent Sample

The study aim to analyze the differences in cigarette smoking behaviour related with the perceive... more The study aim to analyze the differences in cigarette smoking behaviour related with the perceived social support from family and school. The instrumentation consists of the questionnaire based on the HBSC survey containing healthy lifestyle and social context's items, Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (Rosenberg, 1965) and Life Satisfaction Scale (Cantril, 1965). Participants are 447 students from Romanian high schools (11-12 graders), aged between 17-18 years (mean age 17.4 years). Results show that frequent smokers spend a significantly higher amount of time with friends, but they perceive relevantly inferior level of social support from family, a lower health status, and life satisfaction. Frequently, smoking participants report an unfavourable school attitude, lack of satisfaction with their physical constitution and lower perceived level of support from their teachers. The study concludes for the importance of increasing social support when targeting the improvement of health be...

Research paper thumbnail of Changes in autonomy over tobacco and nicotine dependence after implementation of ASPIRA smoking prevention program

The theory-based construct of autonomy supports the idea of a useful explaining concept of nicoti... more The theory-based construct of autonomy supports the idea of a useful explaining concept of nicotine dependence of adolescents. This study focus on differences in the level of proneness toward nicotine use and the presence of symptoms of addiction among smoking teens comparing baseline and 6 months follow-up data. Participants were 272 currently smoking students selected from a cluster randomized control trial (N = 1835) of 9th-graders involved in the ASPIRA program. We assessed the vulnerability of developing nicotine addiction with the Hooked on Nicotine Checklist, completed with the Modified Fagerstrom Tolerance Questionnaire (MFTQ) along with the reported smoking status in the last 30 days, the amount of daily cigarettes and current smoking status. We performed comparison between test and retest with Cohen's kappa and paired samples t test. We measured the prediction role of the variables using step-way linear regression. The reported smoking status proved a slight but signif...

Research paper thumbnail of Az egészséget veszélyeztető életmód összehasonlító vizsgálata kulturális különbözőségeket mutató fiatalok körében = Comparative Analysis of Youth's Health-Risk Lifestyle in the Perspective of their Cultural Differences

A fiatalok es kulturalis kozossegeik eleteben egyre nagyobb hangsulyt kapnak az egeszsegmegőrző, ... more A fiatalok es kulturalis kozossegeik eleteben egyre nagyobb hangsulyt kapnak az egeszsegmegőrző, elsősorban eletmodbeli tevekenysegek. A kutatas celja azon viselkedesi strategiaknak a felterkepezese, amelyek az egeszseg megőrzeset teszik lehetőve, valamint a tarsadalom es a kornyezet altal hajlamosito kockazati magatartasformak megismerese. Az alkalmazott kerdőiv demografiai, eletmodbeli, csaladi es iskolai kornyezetre, valamint kockazati tenyezőkre vonatkozo kerdeseket tartalmaz. A vizsgalat resztvevői 280 fiatal Marosvasarhely es Eger tanintezeteinek XI-XII evfolyamairol. A vizsgalatot 2011 februarjaban vegeztuk, retegzett mintan, onkitoltős kerdőives modszerrel. Eredmenyeink a foldrajzi elhelyezkedes fuggvenyeben a ket csoport kozott szignifikans kulonbsegeket mutattak az elettel valo elegedettseget, az alkoholfogyasztas gyakorisagat illetően, de a csaladi tamasz, az iskolai elfogadas es a tanarok tanulo iranti attitűdje szerint is. A nemek szerint kulonbozik az egeszseg onerteke...

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Diet and Lifestyle Habits in Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases in Moldavian and Transylvanian Population

Revista de Chimie

The role of diet is crucial in the development and prevention of cardiovascular disease. The purp... more The role of diet is crucial in the development and prevention of cardiovascular disease. The purpose of the current study was to describe dietary intake and assess health scores of children and adults by using a survey questionnaire on moldavian and transylvanian population, in order to evaluate whether it is necessary to introduce a prevention program for cardiovascular diseases in Romania. In 2015, a questionnaire was sent to 347 children and 583 adults in two counties in Romania where the climatic and topographic conditions are different. Participation rate in the children group was 56.48% moldavian / 43.51% transylvanian, respectively 39.62% moldavian / 60.37% transylvanian participants in the adult group. The questionnaire included a 44-item semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire and questions on lifestyle for children and a 21- item semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire and a health score for adults. Results were evaluated against the WHO recommendations of he...

Research paper thumbnail of Számítógépes dohányzás-prevenció az iskolában

Mesterséges intelligencia

Prospektív kutatásunk egy számítógépes prevenciós beavatkozás elvégzése után jelentkező dohányzás... more Prospektív kutatásunk egy számítógépes prevenciós beavatkozás elvégzése után jelentkező dohányzási motiváció-átstrukturálódásokat elemzi. A résztvevőinket 16 marosvásárhelyi középiskola tanulóiból választottuk ki, összesen 1369, 15-16 év közötti serdülőt. Eredményeink szerint a dohányzó serdülők magasabb dohányzás melletti motiváció értékeket és kevesebb dohányzás elleni érveket mutatnak a nem dohányzó serdülőkkel szemben. A programban való részvétel eredményeként a dohányzó serdülők cigarettafogyasztása jelentősen csökken, így arra következtetünk, hogy a számítógépes prevenciós program sikeresen alkalmazható serdülő populáción.

Research paper thumbnail of The presence and stability of nicotine dependence symptoms among adolescents after the implementation of a smoking prevention program

Tobacco Induced Diseases

INTRODUCTION Symptoms of nicotine dependence among adolescents occur at an early stage in smoking... more INTRODUCTION Symptoms of nicotine dependence among adolescents occur at an early stage in smoking onset and can be present even with low exposure to cigarettes. We aim to examine the early occurrence of symptoms of nicotine dependence and how they predict later smoking behavior. METHODS Participants were ninety-four currently smoking 9th-graders attending high school in Targu Mures, Romania. They were followed for 6 months with two assessment points: baseline, and follow-up at 6 months. We assessed the following: 1) the number of smoked cigarettes in the last 30 days, 7 days, and 24 hours using the Minnesota Smoking Index; 2) vulnerability to addiction manifested in cessation difficulties, using the 9-item version of the Hooked On Nicotine Checklist (HONC), 3) loss of autonomy using the endorsement of at least one HONC item, and 4) dependence, using the modified Fagerström Tolerance Questionnaire (mFTQ). We performed statistical analysis with SPSS version 19, using paired-sample t-tests for comparing the differences between baseline and follow-up data. We also conducted linear regression analysis to demonstrate the predictive role of the assessed variables, such as the scores of the mFTQ and the HONC in maintaining smoking and reported smoking status. RESULTS Regression models indicated that baseline-measures for symptoms of dependence (β=0.64, p<0.001), vulnerability to addiction (β=0.47, p<0.001), and loss of autonomy (β=0.34, p<0.001) regarding smoking cessation were significant predictors of smoking, explaining 41.7% of the variability of the reported increase in cigarette consumption. At follow-up at 6-months, the three variables were responsible for 14.9% for the variance in cigarette consumption (R2=0.14, F(1,92)=16.05, p<0.01). CONCLUSIONS Nicotine dependence at baseline and at follow-up show significant differences in the control group while in the intervention group the scores remained stable. The findings suggest that participation in the Romanian version of ASPIRE was protective against progression towards nicotine addiction.

Research paper thumbnail of The short-term effects of ASPIRA – a web-based, multimedia smoking prevention program for adolescents in Romania: A cluster randomized trial

Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 2016

Introduction: Although web-based, multimedia smoking prevention programs have been tested in seve... more Introduction: Although web-based, multimedia smoking prevention programs have been tested in several high-income countries, their efficacy in Central and Eastern Europe is unknown. The aim of this trial was to assess the short-term effects of ASPIRA, among Romanian and Hungarian speaking ninth graders in Tirgu Mures, Romania. ASPIRA is the Romanian acronym for the translated and adapted version of ASPIRE, "A Smoking Prevention Interactive Experience, " an evidence-based smoking prevention program originally developed to prevent tobacco use among high school students in the United States. Methods: Sixteen high schools in Tirgu Mures, Romania were randomized to receive five weekly sessions of the ASPIRA web-based, multimedia program or to a control condition. Socio-demographic data, psychosocial characteristics, and smoking behavior were collected from students at baseline and at 6 months. A hierarchical logistic regression analysis was conducted to test the efficacy of the intervention on smoking initiation and current smoking among 1369 students. Results: Never-smoker students in the intervention arm were 35% less likely to report smoking initiation 6 months after the baseline assessment (OR = 0.65, 95%CI: 0.44-0.97). Reduced smoking initiation was observed most notably among students who were exposed to at least 75% of the ASPIRA program. There was no statistically significant effect of the intervention on current tobacco use (OR = 0.80, 95%CI: 0.44-1.46). Conclusions: ASPIRA, an adapted version of the evidence-based, multimedia ASPIRE program that was originally developed and tested in the United States may decrease smoking initiation among multi-ethnic adolescents in Central and Eastern Europe. Implications: (1). Web-based, multimedia smoking prevention programs may be effective tools to prevent smoking initiation among multi-ethnic adolescent communities in Central and Eastern Europe. (2). The degree of exposure is critical, only high exposure to the multimedia smoking prevention program is associated with reduced smoking initiation.

Research paper thumbnail of �Van �t l�lektol l�lekig .� : A Harm�nia K. L. M. Lelkigondoz� Egyes�let munk�ss�ga

Research paper thumbnail of Óvodás és iskoláskorú gyermekek temperamentum-determinált szociális problémamegoldásának vizsgálata a D-típusú személyiség perspektívájából (Analysis of the temperament-determined social problem solving at school-aged children from the D-type personality perspective)

Research paper thumbnail of Az egészségmagatartás vizsgálata szimbólumelemzéssel, segítő szakmában képződő egyetemi hallgatók körében

Research paper thumbnail of Az önértékelés és a megküzdés szerepe a serdülők egészségvédő magatartásában

Mentálhigiéné és Pszichoszomatika, 2013

Elméleti háttér: A serdülõk egészség-magatartása több tényezõegyüttes által meghatározott. Az egé... more Elméleti háttér: A serdülõk egészség-magatartása több tényezõegyüttes által meghatározott. Az egészség védelmében szerepet kapnak úgy az egyéni, személyiségbeli faktorok, mint a szociális kontextus tényezõi. Cél: A serdülõi önértékelés és megküzdés egészségvédõ magatartásokkal való kapcsolatának vizsgálata. Módszerek: A serdülõkori egészség-magatartási szokásokat (Health Behaviour in School-aged Children kérdõív), a globális önértékelést (Rosenberg-féle Önértékelési Skála) és a megküzdési stílust (Konfliktusmegoldó Kérdõív) vizsgáló kérdõíveket alkalmaztunk. Az általunk vizsgált minta 447, 17-18 éves, 11-12. osztályos középiskolás tanulót foglal magába, 191 fiút (42,7%) és 256 lányt (57,3%). Eredmények: A magas önértékeléssel jellemzett serdülõk több egészségvédõ magatartást tanúsítottak. A pozitív önértékelés továbbá a magas szintû életminõség elõrejelzõje volt. Az életminõség (H = 37,04; p = 0,043) és az önértékelés magasabb szintjei (H = 43,74; p = 0,008) szignifikáns összefüggéseket mutatott a problémacentrikus megküzdési mechanizmusokkal. Az érzelemcentrikus megküzdés pedig alacsonyabb önértékeléssel (H = 36,36; p = 0,020) és kevesebb testmozgás végzésével (H = 23,83; p = 0,048) járt együtt. Következtetések: A megküzdés módok, valamint az önértékelés a serdülõkori egészségvédõ magatartás fontos meghatározói.

Research paper thumbnail of A tanulási motiváció pszichoszociális tényezői

Research paper thumbnail of Public Health and Management Smoking Behaviour Related to Health Status, Self Esteem, Life Satisfaction and Perceived Social Support in an Adolescent Sample

The study aim to analyze the differences in cigarette smoking behaviour related with the perceive... more The study aim to analyze the differences in cigarette smoking behaviour related with the perceived social support from family and school. The instrumentation consists of the questionnaire based on the HBSC survey containing healthy lifestyle and social context's items, Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (Rosenberg, 1965) and Life Satisfaction Scale (Cantril, 1965). Participants are 447 students from Romanian high schools (11-12 graders), aged between 17-18 years (mean age 17.4 years). Results show that frequent smokers spend a significantly higher amount of time with friends, but they perceive relevantly inferior level of social support from family, a lower health status, and life satisfaction. Frequently, smoking participants report an unfavourable school attitude, lack of satisfaction with their physical constitution and lower perceived level of support from their teachers. The study concludes for the importance of increasing social support when targeting the improvement of health be...

Research paper thumbnail of Changes in autonomy over tobacco and nicotine dependence after implementation of ASPIRA smoking prevention program

The theory-based construct of autonomy supports the idea of a useful explaining concept of nicoti... more The theory-based construct of autonomy supports the idea of a useful explaining concept of nicotine dependence of adolescents. This study focus on differences in the level of proneness toward nicotine use and the presence of symptoms of addiction among smoking teens comparing baseline and 6 months follow-up data. Participants were 272 currently smoking students selected from a cluster randomized control trial (N = 1835) of 9th-graders involved in the ASPIRA program. We assessed the vulnerability of developing nicotine addiction with the Hooked on Nicotine Checklist, completed with the Modified Fagerstrom Tolerance Questionnaire (MFTQ) along with the reported smoking status in the last 30 days, the amount of daily cigarettes and current smoking status. We performed comparison between test and retest with Cohen's kappa and paired samples t test. We measured the prediction role of the variables using step-way linear regression. The reported smoking status proved a slight but signif...

Research paper thumbnail of Az egészséget veszélyeztető életmód összehasonlító vizsgálata kulturális különbözőségeket mutató fiatalok körében = Comparative Analysis of Youth's Health-Risk Lifestyle in the Perspective of their Cultural Differences

A fiatalok es kulturalis kozossegeik eleteben egyre nagyobb hangsulyt kapnak az egeszsegmegőrző, ... more A fiatalok es kulturalis kozossegeik eleteben egyre nagyobb hangsulyt kapnak az egeszsegmegőrző, elsősorban eletmodbeli tevekenysegek. A kutatas celja azon viselkedesi strategiaknak a felterkepezese, amelyek az egeszseg megőrzeset teszik lehetőve, valamint a tarsadalom es a kornyezet altal hajlamosito kockazati magatartasformak megismerese. Az alkalmazott kerdőiv demografiai, eletmodbeli, csaladi es iskolai kornyezetre, valamint kockazati tenyezőkre vonatkozo kerdeseket tartalmaz. A vizsgalat resztvevői 280 fiatal Marosvasarhely es Eger tanintezeteinek XI-XII evfolyamairol. A vizsgalatot 2011 februarjaban vegeztuk, retegzett mintan, onkitoltős kerdőives modszerrel. Eredmenyeink a foldrajzi elhelyezkedes fuggvenyeben a ket csoport kozott szignifikans kulonbsegeket mutattak az elettel valo elegedettseget, az alkoholfogyasztas gyakorisagat illetően, de a csaladi tamasz, az iskolai elfogadas es a tanarok tanulo iranti attitűdje szerint is. A nemek szerint kulonbozik az egeszseg onerteke...

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Diet and Lifestyle Habits in Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases in Moldavian and Transylvanian Population

Revista de Chimie

The role of diet is crucial in the development and prevention of cardiovascular disease. The purp... more The role of diet is crucial in the development and prevention of cardiovascular disease. The purpose of the current study was to describe dietary intake and assess health scores of children and adults by using a survey questionnaire on moldavian and transylvanian population, in order to evaluate whether it is necessary to introduce a prevention program for cardiovascular diseases in Romania. In 2015, a questionnaire was sent to 347 children and 583 adults in two counties in Romania where the climatic and topographic conditions are different. Participation rate in the children group was 56.48% moldavian / 43.51% transylvanian, respectively 39.62% moldavian / 60.37% transylvanian participants in the adult group. The questionnaire included a 44-item semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire and questions on lifestyle for children and a 21- item semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire and a health score for adults. Results were evaluated against the WHO recommendations of he...

Research paper thumbnail of Számítógépes dohányzás-prevenció az iskolában

Mesterséges intelligencia

Prospektív kutatásunk egy számítógépes prevenciós beavatkozás elvégzése után jelentkező dohányzás... more Prospektív kutatásunk egy számítógépes prevenciós beavatkozás elvégzése után jelentkező dohányzási motiváció-átstrukturálódásokat elemzi. A résztvevőinket 16 marosvásárhelyi középiskola tanulóiból választottuk ki, összesen 1369, 15-16 év közötti serdülőt. Eredményeink szerint a dohányzó serdülők magasabb dohányzás melletti motiváció értékeket és kevesebb dohányzás elleni érveket mutatnak a nem dohányzó serdülőkkel szemben. A programban való részvétel eredményeként a dohányzó serdülők cigarettafogyasztása jelentősen csökken, így arra következtetünk, hogy a számítógépes prevenciós program sikeresen alkalmazható serdülő populáción.

Research paper thumbnail of The presence and stability of nicotine dependence symptoms among adolescents after the implementation of a smoking prevention program

Tobacco Induced Diseases

INTRODUCTION Symptoms of nicotine dependence among adolescents occur at an early stage in smoking... more INTRODUCTION Symptoms of nicotine dependence among adolescents occur at an early stage in smoking onset and can be present even with low exposure to cigarettes. We aim to examine the early occurrence of symptoms of nicotine dependence and how they predict later smoking behavior. METHODS Participants were ninety-four currently smoking 9th-graders attending high school in Targu Mures, Romania. They were followed for 6 months with two assessment points: baseline, and follow-up at 6 months. We assessed the following: 1) the number of smoked cigarettes in the last 30 days, 7 days, and 24 hours using the Minnesota Smoking Index; 2) vulnerability to addiction manifested in cessation difficulties, using the 9-item version of the Hooked On Nicotine Checklist (HONC), 3) loss of autonomy using the endorsement of at least one HONC item, and 4) dependence, using the modified Fagerström Tolerance Questionnaire (mFTQ). We performed statistical analysis with SPSS version 19, using paired-sample t-tests for comparing the differences between baseline and follow-up data. We also conducted linear regression analysis to demonstrate the predictive role of the assessed variables, such as the scores of the mFTQ and the HONC in maintaining smoking and reported smoking status. RESULTS Regression models indicated that baseline-measures for symptoms of dependence (β=0.64, p<0.001), vulnerability to addiction (β=0.47, p<0.001), and loss of autonomy (β=0.34, p<0.001) regarding smoking cessation were significant predictors of smoking, explaining 41.7% of the variability of the reported increase in cigarette consumption. At follow-up at 6-months, the three variables were responsible for 14.9% for the variance in cigarette consumption (R2=0.14, F(1,92)=16.05, p<0.01). CONCLUSIONS Nicotine dependence at baseline and at follow-up show significant differences in the control group while in the intervention group the scores remained stable. The findings suggest that participation in the Romanian version of ASPIRE was protective against progression towards nicotine addiction.

Research paper thumbnail of The short-term effects of ASPIRA – a web-based, multimedia smoking prevention program for adolescents in Romania: A cluster randomized trial

Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 2016

Introduction: Although web-based, multimedia smoking prevention programs have been tested in seve... more Introduction: Although web-based, multimedia smoking prevention programs have been tested in several high-income countries, their efficacy in Central and Eastern Europe is unknown. The aim of this trial was to assess the short-term effects of ASPIRA, among Romanian and Hungarian speaking ninth graders in Tirgu Mures, Romania. ASPIRA is the Romanian acronym for the translated and adapted version of ASPIRE, "A Smoking Prevention Interactive Experience, " an evidence-based smoking prevention program originally developed to prevent tobacco use among high school students in the United States. Methods: Sixteen high schools in Tirgu Mures, Romania were randomized to receive five weekly sessions of the ASPIRA web-based, multimedia program or to a control condition. Socio-demographic data, psychosocial characteristics, and smoking behavior were collected from students at baseline and at 6 months. A hierarchical logistic regression analysis was conducted to test the efficacy of the intervention on smoking initiation and current smoking among 1369 students. Results: Never-smoker students in the intervention arm were 35% less likely to report smoking initiation 6 months after the baseline assessment (OR = 0.65, 95%CI: 0.44-0.97). Reduced smoking initiation was observed most notably among students who were exposed to at least 75% of the ASPIRA program. There was no statistically significant effect of the intervention on current tobacco use (OR = 0.80, 95%CI: 0.44-1.46). Conclusions: ASPIRA, an adapted version of the evidence-based, multimedia ASPIRE program that was originally developed and tested in the United States may decrease smoking initiation among multi-ethnic adolescents in Central and Eastern Europe. Implications: (1). Web-based, multimedia smoking prevention programs may be effective tools to prevent smoking initiation among multi-ethnic adolescent communities in Central and Eastern Europe. (2). The degree of exposure is critical, only high exposure to the multimedia smoking prevention program is associated with reduced smoking initiation.

Research paper thumbnail of �Van �t l�lektol l�lekig .� : A Harm�nia K. L. M. Lelkigondoz� Egyes�let munk�ss�ga

Research paper thumbnail of Óvodás és iskoláskorú gyermekek temperamentum-determinált szociális problémamegoldásának vizsgálata a D-típusú személyiség perspektívájából (Analysis of the temperament-determined social problem solving at school-aged children from the D-type personality perspective)

Research paper thumbnail of Az egészségmagatartás vizsgálata szimbólumelemzéssel, segítő szakmában képződő egyetemi hallgatók körében

Research paper thumbnail of Az önértékelés és a megküzdés szerepe a serdülők egészségvédő magatartásában

Mentálhigiéné és Pszichoszomatika, 2013

Elméleti háttér: A serdülõk egészség-magatartása több tényezõegyüttes által meghatározott. Az egé... more Elméleti háttér: A serdülõk egészség-magatartása több tényezõegyüttes által meghatározott. Az egészség védelmében szerepet kapnak úgy az egyéni, személyiségbeli faktorok, mint a szociális kontextus tényezõi. Cél: A serdülõi önértékelés és megküzdés egészségvédõ magatartásokkal való kapcsolatának vizsgálata. Módszerek: A serdülõkori egészség-magatartási szokásokat (Health Behaviour in School-aged Children kérdõív), a globális önértékelést (Rosenberg-féle Önértékelési Skála) és a megküzdési stílust (Konfliktusmegoldó Kérdõív) vizsgáló kérdõíveket alkalmaztunk. Az általunk vizsgált minta 447, 17-18 éves, 11-12. osztályos középiskolás tanulót foglal magába, 191 fiút (42,7%) és 256 lányt (57,3%). Eredmények: A magas önértékeléssel jellemzett serdülõk több egészségvédõ magatartást tanúsítottak. A pozitív önértékelés továbbá a magas szintû életminõség elõrejelzõje volt. Az életminõség (H = 37,04; p = 0,043) és az önértékelés magasabb szintjei (H = 43,74; p = 0,008) szignifikáns összefüggéseket mutatott a problémacentrikus megküzdési mechanizmusokkal. Az érzelemcentrikus megküzdés pedig alacsonyabb önértékeléssel (H = 36,36; p = 0,020) és kevesebb testmozgás végzésével (H = 23,83; p = 0,048) járt együtt. Következtetések: A megküzdés módok, valamint az önértékelés a serdülõkori egészségvédõ magatartás fontos meghatározói.