Voting and Elections (original) (raw)

Upcoming Elections


Warning! Registering to vote is FREE. Any website that charges for voter registration is not an official government site. Beware of releasing personally identifiable voter registration information on non-governmental sites.

Need to know where and how to vote in Morris County? Look Morris County’s official Polling Locations.

View a video of what voting will look like with our new machines!

Mail-In Ballots

Early Voting Turnout for the 2024 General Election

Municipality Oct. 26 Oct.27 Oct. 28 Oct. 29 Oct. 30 Oct. 31 Nov. 1 Nov. 2 Nov. 3 Location Totals
Boonton Township Municipal Building 1141 1059 1236 1224 1216 1089 1291 1248 1101 10605
Morris County Central Park 979 808 865 701 673 582 993 994 1028 7623
Denville Municipal Building 1503 1425 1537 1627 1557 1433 1700 1770 1541 14093
Hanover Community Center 1380 1052 1182 1026 1019 886 1215 1213 1462 10435
Madison Hartley Dodge Memorial 1381 1181 1278 1170 1075 925 1284 1234 1409 10937
Morristown Municipal Building 895 835 1000 882 827 772 1057 934 919 8121
Mount Arlington Civic Center 1021 673 901 766 709 661 799 769 901 7200
Mount Olive Municipal Building 1619 1241 1598 1289 1295 1170 1554 1412 1550 12728
9919 8274 9597 8685 8371 7518 9893 9574 9911 81742

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