István Szijártó | Eötvös Loránd University (original) (raw)

Books by István Szijártó

Research paper thumbnail of A diéta II. A 18. századi politikai elit társadalom- és kultúrtörténeti megközelítésben. Magyar Nemzeti Levéltár: Budapest, 2021. pp. 760.

Research paper thumbnail of Szijártó M. István: A történelem diskurzusa. Bevezetés a 20. századi történetírás történetébe és elméletébe. Ráció: Budapest, 2021. pp. 444.

Research paper thumbnail of Szijártó M. István: A történész, a források és az elbeszélés. The Historian, the Sources and the Narrative. Balaton Akadémia: Keszthely, 2020, pp. 70

Research paper thumbnail of István M. Szijártó: Estates and constitution. The parliament in eighteenth-century Hungary. Berghahn: New York – Oxford, 2020. pp. 442 (The book is presently downloadable from the Genesis Library, in a pdf format.)

Table of contents + Introduction

Research paper thumbnail of Papp Gábor - Szijártó M. István (szerk.): Mikrotörténelem másodfokon. L’Harmattan: Budapest, 2010. pp. 305

Research paper thumbnail of Szijártó M. István: A 18. századi Magyarország rendi országgyűlése. Az Országgyűlés Hivatala - Országgyűlés Kiadó: Budapest, 2016. pp. 331

Research paper thumbnail of Szijártó M. István - Szűcs Zoltán Gábor (szerk.): Politikai elit és politikai kultúra a XVIII. század végi Magyarországon. ELTE Eötvös Kiadó: Budapest, 2012. pp. 228

Research paper thumbnail of Szijártó M. István: A történész mikroszkópja. A mikrotörténelem elmélete és gyakorlata. L'Harmattan: Budapest, 2014. pp. 273

Research paper thumbnail of Sigurður Gylfi Magnússon - István M. Szijártó: What is Microhistory? Theory and Practice. Routledge: London – New York, 2013. pp. 184 (The book is presently downloadable from the Genesis Library, in a epub format.)

Research paper thumbnail of Szijártó M. István: Tapasztalatok, cselekvő egyének, felelősség. Oroszország mikrotörténelmének tanulságai. Balaton Akadémia: Keszthely, 2011. pp. 97

Research paper thumbnail of Szijártó M. István: Nemesi társadalom és politika. Tanulmányok a 18. századi magyar rendiségről. Universitas: Budapest, 2006. pp. 291

Research paper thumbnail of Szijártó M. István: A diéta. A magyar rendek és az országgyűlés, 1708-1792. Osiris: Budapest, 2005. pp. 614, második, javított kiadás: Balaton Akadémia: Keszthely, 2010. pp. 614

Papers by István Szijártó

Research paper thumbnail of Microhistory in a broader sense: The Anglo-Saxon landscape

Research paper thumbnail of What is Microhistory?

Research paper thumbnail of Agency, hybridity, microhistory: How is Putin supporting Latour

According to Latour's concept of hybridization and the insights of actor-network theory, instead ... more According to Latour's concept of hybridization and the insights of actor-network theory, instead of a concentration on human agency, we should suppose that people are acting in history exclusively in combination with other factors, as components of hybrids that are the real agents. This article argues for the distinctive handling of the case in which the nonhuman elements of the hybrid agents are dominant over the human being, as e. g. weapons and/or murderous ideologies might be. (We might call this hybridization type B.) In such cases, the investigation of agency has to be started from scratch, as the usual concentration on the human component would not lead us to an understanding of the hybrid agent. Consequences of such a comprehension of historical agency are, finally, briefly explored for microhistory, in which agency is of central importance.

Research paper thumbnail of Arguments for Microhistory 2.0

BRILL eBooks, Nov 26, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Under the impact of microstoria: The French and German perspective

Research paper thumbnail of The periphery and the new millennium: Answers and new questions

Research paper thumbnail of Parliamentarism in Northern and East-Central Europe in the Long Eighteenth Century

Routledge eBooks, Aug 16, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of From confession to constitution

Routledge eBooks, Aug 16, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Microhistory in a broader sense: The Anglo-Saxon landscape

Research paper thumbnail of What is Microhistory?

Research paper thumbnail of Agency, hybridity, microhistory: How is Putin supporting Latour

According to Latour's concept of hybridization and the insights of actor-network theory, instead ... more According to Latour's concept of hybridization and the insights of actor-network theory, instead of a concentration on human agency, we should suppose that people are acting in history exclusively in combination with other factors, as components of hybrids that are the real agents. This article argues for the distinctive handling of the case in which the nonhuman elements of the hybrid agents are dominant over the human being, as e. g. weapons and/or murderous ideologies might be. (We might call this hybridization type B.) In such cases, the investigation of agency has to be started from scratch, as the usual concentration on the human component would not lead us to an understanding of the hybrid agent. Consequences of such a comprehension of historical agency are, finally, briefly explored for microhistory, in which agency is of central importance.

Research paper thumbnail of Arguments for Microhistory 2.0

BRILL eBooks, Nov 26, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Under the impact of microstoria: The French and German perspective

Research paper thumbnail of The periphery and the new millennium: Answers and new questions

Research paper thumbnail of Parliamentarism in Northern and East-Central Europe in the Long Eighteenth Century

Routledge eBooks, Aug 16, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of From confession to constitution

Routledge eBooks, Aug 16, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of The Paths of Microhistory

Research paper thumbnail of László Péter. Hungary's Long Nineteenth Century: Constitutional and Democratic Traditions in a European Perspective: Collected Studies. Ed. Miklós Lojkó. Central and Eastern Europe: Regional Perspectives in Global Context, vol. 1. Leiden: Brill, 2012. Pp. 477, tables

Austrian History Yearbook, Apr 1, 2014

general readers will likely ask how non-German-speakers’ experiences with poverty differed from t... more general readers will likely ask how non-German-speakers’ experiences with poverty differed from those of the general population. To this end, a contribution that addresses this question directly would also have helped to provide a more complete understanding of poverty. For this reviewer, however, the most concerning omission was the absence of any essay dealing exclusively with the time period from 1938–1945. Only Gudula Walterskirchen, who examines wealth and poverty among Austrian nobles during the twentieth century, discusses the period at any length. Even then, however, the section on the Nazi occupation is only slightly more than one page. Given that the volume already includes two contributions on the period of the First Republic and one on Austria after 1945, the lack of an essay on Austria under Nazi leadership is all the more glaring. At the very least, the reviewer would have found it helpful if the introduction addressed the absence and explained why none of the essays addressed one of the most important and controversial moments in modern Austrian history. Ultimately, Armut und Reichtum in der Geschichte Österreichs will be of limited interest to specialists in the field. Although it provides a good introduction to the topic for a general audience, it will also leave readers with many questions. Therefore, if assigned in class, it is best used in conjunction with additional sources.

Research paper thumbnail of Wasteland with Words. A Social History of Iceland. By Sigurthur Gylfi Magnusson (London: Reaktion Books, 2010. 288 pp. $39.95)

Journal of Social History, Jun 25, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of A Habsburgok pénzügyi-katonai állama

Research paper thumbnail of Sociálne a Kultúrne Dejiny Uhorského Snemu V 18. Storočí: Čiastkové Výsledky a Zrejmé Úlohy

Research paper thumbnail of Playing Second Fiddle

Http Dx Doi Org 10 1080 03468759408579274, Jun 23, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of Péter László. Hungary's Long Nineteenth Century: Constitutional and Democratic Traditions in a European Perspective: Collected Studies. Ed. Miklós Lojkó. Central and Eastern Europe: Regional Perspectives in Global Context, vol. 1. Leiden: Brill, 2012. Pp. 477, tables

Austrian History Yearbook, 2014

general readers will likely ask how non-German-speakers’ experiences with poverty differed from t... more general readers will likely ask how non-German-speakers’ experiences with poverty differed from those of the general population. To this end, a contribution that addresses this question directly would also have helped to provide a more complete understanding of poverty. For this reviewer, however, the most concerning omission was the absence of any essay dealing exclusively with the time period from 1938–1945. Only Gudula Walterskirchen, who examines wealth and poverty among Austrian nobles during the twentieth century, discusses the period at any length. Even then, however, the section on the Nazi occupation is only slightly more than one page. Given that the volume already includes two contributions on the period of the First Republic and one on Austria after 1945, the lack of an essay on Austria under Nazi leadership is all the more glaring. At the very least, the reviewer would have found it helpful if the introduction addressed the absence and explained why none of the essays addressed one of the most important and controversial moments in modern Austrian history. Ultimately, Armut und Reichtum in der Geschichte Österreichs will be of limited interest to specialists in the field. Although it provides a good introduction to the topic for a general audience, it will also leave readers with many questions. Therefore, if assigned in class, it is best used in conjunction with additional sources.

Research paper thumbnail of An Open Elite in Hungary? High Office Holders in the 18th Century

Journal of Social History, 2014

A quantitative analysis of the highest office holders of the Kingdom of Hungary from 1700 to 1800... more A quantitative analysis of the highest office holders of the Kingdom of Hungary from 1700 to 1800 suggests that although the 18th-century emergence of a “new aristocracy,” a Hungarian noblesse de robe is a well-documented process, widely discussed in the historical discourse, it would be a mistake to think that the new office holder aristocracy, emerging in Maria Theresa’s reign immediately took over the highest elite positions wielding substantive power. In this sense, there was no “changing of the guard” throughout most of the 18th century. The top elite were mainly recruited from the old aristocratic families until the 1770s. Besides the fact that these families held most of the positions, there was at most a natural process of elite renewal going on; but the elite was no way exchanged until the latest years of the reign of Maria Theresa. Only then and during the reign of Joseph II could the new aristocracy and lesser nobles in significant numbers take over top elite positions.

Research paper thumbnail of Wasteland with Words. A Social History of Iceland. By Sigurthur Gylfi Magnusson (London: Reaktion Books, 2010. 288 pp. $39.95)

Journal of Social History, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Montpellier, Vendée, a történész és az elbeszélés

Korall-Társadalomtörténeti folyóirat, 2010

Research paper thumbnail of What is Microhistory? Theory and Practice. – (2013)

Research paper thumbnail of A history of the Hungarian constitution: law, government and political culture in Central Europe

Parliaments, Estates and Representation, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Youtube-presentation in Moscow April 2016 – Magnússon and Szijártó

What is Microhistory? – Presentations in Moscow by Sigurður Gylfi Magnússon and István M. Szijárt... more What is Microhistory? – Presentations in Moscow by Sigurður Gylfi Magnússon and István M. Szijártó in April 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Parlamenttörténeti tabló

Jogtörténeti Szemle 24 (2019) 2. szám 75–79.

Book review of Szente Zoltán's A parlamentek története. A korai rendi gyűlések kialakulásától a m... more Book review of Szente Zoltán's A parlamentek története. A korai rendi gyűlések kialakulásától a modern népképviseleti törvényhozásokig. (In Hungarian.)

Research paper thumbnail of Book review of William D. Godsey's The Sinews of Habsburg Power: Lower Austria in a Fiscal-Military State, 1650–1820

Hungarian Historical Review 8 (2019) 230–233.

William D. Godsey: The Sinews of Habsburg Power: Lower Austria in a Fiscal-Military State, 1650–1... more William D. Godsey: The Sinews of Habsburg Power: Lower Austria in a Fiscal-Military State, 1650–1820. In English.

Research paper thumbnail of A Habsburgok pénzügyi-katonai állama

Aetas 34 (2019) No. 3, 162–167.

Review about William D. Godsey: The Sinews of Habsburg Power: Lower Austria in a Fiscal-Military ... more Review about William D. Godsey: The Sinews of Habsburg Power: Lower Austria in a Fiscal-Military State, 1650–1820] (In Hungarian.)

Research paper thumbnail of Izland társadalomtörténete

Korall 12 (2011) No. 39, 154-161.

Book review of Sigurður Gylfi Magnússon: Wasteland with Words. A Social History of Iceland. (In H... more Book review of Sigurður Gylfi Magnússon: Wasteland with Words. A Social History of Iceland. (In Hungarian.)

Research paper thumbnail of Reneszánsz nők, papok, parasztok és a mikrotörténelem mint alvállalkozó

Korall 14 (2013) No. 53, 194–202. , 2013

Book review of Gabriella Erdélyi: Szökött szerzetesek. Erőszak és fiatalok a késő középkorban. Li... more Book review of Gabriella Erdélyi: Szökött szerzetesek. Erőszak és fiatalok a késő középkorban. Libri, Budapest, 2011.
Korall 14 (2013) No. 53, 194–202. (In Hungarian.)