Juhász János | Eötvös Loránd University (original) (raw)

Juhász János

Address: Budapest, Budapest, Hungary



Papers by Juhász János

Research paper thumbnail of Politikai irodalom a 17 század eleji Magyarországon: Szepsi Korotz György és Lackner Kristóf fejedelmi tükreinek forrásai

kultúrjav., 2015

Political Theory in Hungary in the Early 17th Century: The Sources of György Szepsi Korotz's and ... more Political Theory in Hungary in the Early 17th Century:
The Sources of György Szepsi Korotz's and Krisóf Lackner's Work
The political thinking of Europe in the 16th–17th century was largely leaning on
the works of ancient Greek, Latin and Neo Latin writers. The horizon of the early
modern state’s apparatus should be placed in the coordinate system of political
ecclesiastica, autonomous policy, absolutism and res publica.
There are now two ways to conduct our newest political history studies: the
British intellectual history, and the possibility of German historical concept-based
analysis. Sándor Bene in his proposal concerning the direction of domestic policies
and methods of historical research suggests the fusion of these the methods of
these two schools. This means that during studying the texts created in Hungary
it is strongly advised to organize the concepts we created in a dictionary-like way
and in the same time examine them in regards of the history of their usage. Also
it’s important to outline the types of discourse in which political texts that have
been created, and to interpret the interactions and modifications of these types of
In my lecture I’d like to present Kristóf Lackner ’s emblem: Coronae Hungariae
emblematica descriptio and the translation of György Szepsi Korotz’s Basilikon
dóron in terms of their resource use. These works provide a very tight but at the
same time representative ross-section of the domestic political thinking at the
turn of the century.
I believe that the examination of these two genres of the early modern Hungarian
literary history provides a wider horizon of the period along with a more
accurate and deeper understanding. Riving the sources is necessary for providing
a base for future studies.

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Research paper thumbnail of Báthory István fejedelmi esküszövegei és II. Szelim levelei a fejedelemhez s a rendekhez: Az uralkodói hatalom korlátai

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Research paper thumbnail of A Coronae Hungariae emblematica descriptio antik görög, antik latin és neolatin forrásainak feltárása (szakdolgozat)

The Hungarian History of Literature is still in debt with the analysing and working up of the XVI... more The Hungarian History of Literature is still in debt with the analysing and working up of the XVI–XVII century emblematic works. There are some researches but none have been written which would have dealt with a Hungarian emblematic book.
Som y thesis is about a late Renessaince book; its resources and its spreading are examined in my paper.
The author of the book is Kristóf Lackner (1571–1631) who peregrinated in Germany and in Italy when he was young, then after returning to his home town Sopron, he became the judge and mayor of the town until his death.
His emblematic book, with the title: Coronae Hungariae emblematica descriptio could have been written at the beginning of 1610 and it was printed in 1615 in Lauinga, Germany.
During my research I found the hidden sources of his book and my thesis deals with these and mentiones the most important ones in details.
By examining the spreading of the book I searched the private libraries in Sopron. It turned out that Lackner’s books were present only in minimum number.
We can assume that these spreaded over the country and further researches should find out about these.
Kristóf Lackner was a prominent figure of the old Hungarian Literature since emblematism did not spread so widely in Hungary during the Renessaince period. So the Hungarian History of Literature has two great emblematics, János Zsámboky and Kristóf Lackner, whose works are still in the need of a better exploration.
This essay wants to point out how important to explore these emblematic works because they can show the history if ideas in the Renessaince period from a brand nem view.

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Research paper thumbnail of Az emblematikák létrejöttéről

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Research paper thumbnail of Fejedelmi tükör és emblematika kapcsolata: A politika elmélete és gyakorlata, újsztoicizmus

Pro Scientia Füzetek, 2012, 40-47., 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Sopron és környéke magánkönyvárainak könyves műveltsége 1601 és 1685 között: Az emblémairodalom termékeinek és Lackner Kristóf emblematikus műveinek elterjedtsége

Kultúrák Között, III, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Adalékok Lackner Kristóf szellemi műveltségéhez: A Coronae Hungariae emblematica descriptio című emblémás királytükör forrásainak feltárása

Publicationes Universitatis Miskolciensis, tom. 14., fas. 2, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Politikai irodalom a 17 század eleji Magyarországon: Szepsi Korotz György és Lackner Kristóf fejedelmi tükreinek forrásai

kultúrjav., 2015

Political Theory in Hungary in the Early 17th Century: The Sources of György Szepsi Korotz's and ... more Political Theory in Hungary in the Early 17th Century:
The Sources of György Szepsi Korotz's and Krisóf Lackner's Work
The political thinking of Europe in the 16th–17th century was largely leaning on
the works of ancient Greek, Latin and Neo Latin writers. The horizon of the early
modern state’s apparatus should be placed in the coordinate system of political
ecclesiastica, autonomous policy, absolutism and res publica.
There are now two ways to conduct our newest political history studies: the
British intellectual history, and the possibility of German historical concept-based
analysis. Sándor Bene in his proposal concerning the direction of domestic policies
and methods of historical research suggests the fusion of these the methods of
these two schools. This means that during studying the texts created in Hungary
it is strongly advised to organize the concepts we created in a dictionary-like way
and in the same time examine them in regards of the history of their usage. Also
it’s important to outline the types of discourse in which political texts that have
been created, and to interpret the interactions and modifications of these types of
In my lecture I’d like to present Kristóf Lackner ’s emblem: Coronae Hungariae
emblematica descriptio and the translation of György Szepsi Korotz’s Basilikon
dóron in terms of their resource use. These works provide a very tight but at the
same time representative ross-section of the domestic political thinking at the
turn of the century.
I believe that the examination of these two genres of the early modern Hungarian
literary history provides a wider horizon of the period along with a more
accurate and deeper understanding. Riving the sources is necessary for providing
a base for future studies.

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Research paper thumbnail of Báthory István fejedelmi esküszövegei és II. Szelim levelei a fejedelemhez s a rendekhez: Az uralkodói hatalom korlátai

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Research paper thumbnail of A Coronae Hungariae emblematica descriptio antik görög, antik latin és neolatin forrásainak feltárása (szakdolgozat)

The Hungarian History of Literature is still in debt with the analysing and working up of the XVI... more The Hungarian History of Literature is still in debt with the analysing and working up of the XVI–XVII century emblematic works. There are some researches but none have been written which would have dealt with a Hungarian emblematic book.
Som y thesis is about a late Renessaince book; its resources and its spreading are examined in my paper.
The author of the book is Kristóf Lackner (1571–1631) who peregrinated in Germany and in Italy when he was young, then after returning to his home town Sopron, he became the judge and mayor of the town until his death.
His emblematic book, with the title: Coronae Hungariae emblematica descriptio could have been written at the beginning of 1610 and it was printed in 1615 in Lauinga, Germany.
During my research I found the hidden sources of his book and my thesis deals with these and mentiones the most important ones in details.
By examining the spreading of the book I searched the private libraries in Sopron. It turned out that Lackner’s books were present only in minimum number.
We can assume that these spreaded over the country and further researches should find out about these.
Kristóf Lackner was a prominent figure of the old Hungarian Literature since emblematism did not spread so widely in Hungary during the Renessaince period. So the Hungarian History of Literature has two great emblematics, János Zsámboky and Kristóf Lackner, whose works are still in the need of a better exploration.
This essay wants to point out how important to explore these emblematic works because they can show the history if ideas in the Renessaince period from a brand nem view.

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Research paper thumbnail of Az emblematikák létrejöttéről

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Research paper thumbnail of Fejedelmi tükör és emblematika kapcsolata: A politika elmélete és gyakorlata, újsztoicizmus

Pro Scientia Füzetek, 2012, 40-47., 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Sopron és környéke magánkönyvárainak könyves műveltsége 1601 és 1685 között: Az emblémairodalom termékeinek és Lackner Kristóf emblematikus műveinek elterjedtsége

Kultúrák Között, III, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Adalékok Lackner Kristóf szellemi műveltségéhez: A Coronae Hungariae emblematica descriptio című emblémás királytükör forrásainak feltárása

Publicationes Universitatis Miskolciensis, tom. 14., fas. 2, 2009

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