Mariann Slíz | Eötvös Loránd University (original) (raw)

Papers by Mariann Slíz

Research paper thumbnail of Translating Family Names in Hungarian: A Diachronic Survey

Hungarian Cultural Studies, 2014

In our paper we focus on the translating practice and translatability of surnames used in Hungari... more In our paper we focus on the translating practice and translatability of surnames used in Hungarian, from the problems of translating the immediate predecessors of surnames to the questions of translating surnames today. Our main interest is in how multilingualism, language contact situations, language prestige considerations, customs, fashion and other potential factors affect the use of these names in different languages, and the translatability in a wider sense in the actual practice in Hungary and other countries. We shall look at name translation practice in medieval documents, the relevant questions of spontaneous and conscious surname changes, the changes of Hungarian surnames used outside of Hungary, and finally the questions of translating surnames occurring in fiction.

Research paper thumbnail of A személynevekkel kapcsolatos névtani és jogi terminológia

Névtani Értesítő 44: 79–96., 2022

Onomastic and Legal Terminology in Connection with Personal Names This paper draws attention to ... more Onomastic and Legal Terminology in Connection with Personal Names

This paper draws attention to Hungarian personal name related terminology differences in legal, onomastic and everyday usage. Onomastics employs a wider range of technical terms than the legal
profession since the former focuses exclusively on names, including non-official varieties, while the other does not. The paper reveals cases where the same term has different meanings in the two disciplines, or different terms express the same meaning. Synonyms and higher term variability are more characteristic of onomastic than legal terminology. Since onomastic research inevitably generates new points of view, models and conclusions, this leads to deliberate or unintentional terminological change. The consistency and clarity of terms are vital prerequisites for good legal texts, but they nevertheless contain cases of synonymy and polysemy. The effects of the two fields on one other’s terminology are evident. Legal terminology appears to have a greater impact on onomastics than vice-versa, perhaps due to the effects of applied onomastics. Legal terminology also impacts the standard language through public administration. Terminological confusion or fuzziness is observable in everyday communications.

Research paper thumbnail of Magyar és nemzetközi névtani terminológia / Hungarian and International Onomastic Terminology

International Council of Onomastic Sciences; Magyar Nyelvtudományi Társaság, Aug 1, 2017

A kiadvány a Nemzetközi Névtudományi Társaság (ICOS) alap-vető névtani terminusokat tartalmazó je... more A kiadvány a Nemzetközi Névtudományi Társaság (ICOS) alap-vető névtani terminusokat tartalmazó jegyzékének, valamint a földrajzi nevek egységesítése során használt terminusokból az ENSZ Földrajzi Névi Szakértői Csoportja (UNGEGN) által össze-állított jegyzéknek a magyar változatát, illetve a hozzájuk kap-csolódó többnyelvű terminusmutatókat adja közre. Ezeket két, magyar és angol változatban közölt tanulmány kíséri a nemzetközi és a magyar névtani terminológiai munkálatokról, illetve a két ter-minusjegyzékről és magyar változatuk elkészítéséről. The volume contains the Hungarian versions of the ICOS (International Council of Onomastic Sciences) List of Key Onomastic Terms and the UNGEGN (United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names) Glossary of Terms for the Standardization of Geographical Names, accompanied by relevant multilingual term indices. The glossaries are supplemented by two studies, published in Hungarian and English on international and Hun-garian onomastic terminological works and on the original as well as the Hungarian versions of the two glossaries.

Research paper thumbnail of Dynamics of the modern Hungarian given name system

Research paper thumbnail of Hungarian non-professional dictionaries of first names: Methodological problems caused by the lack of lexicographic and onomastic knowledge

International Journal of Lexicography

The paper intends to call attention to problems caused by dictionaries of first names made by non... more The paper intends to call attention to problems caused by dictionaries of first names made by non-professionals, using such Hungarian dictionaries as examples. The author’s main conclusion is that the editors’ and authors’ lack of lexicographic and onomastic knowledge generally leads to their spreading of incorrect or unreliable information about the origin and etymological meaning of names, or the connection between languages and nations. First, the analysis details the typical characteristics of the three types of non-professional dictionaries (esoteric, anti-Finno-Ugric and ideology-free) compared to professional dictionaries of first names in Hungary, then demonstrates the methodological problems and difficulties of giving the origin and etymological meaning of first names in entries.

Research paper thumbnail of Családnév és etnikai kategorizáció

Névtani Értesítő

Surnames and ethnic categorization. The category of “Hungarian surname” in Hungary and in minorit... more Surnames and ethnic categorization. The category of “Hungarian surname” in Hungary and in minority status The study investigates how lay ethnic categorization based on one’s surname works from theperspective of the prototype theory. The analysis is based on a questionnaire survey, in which 854Hungarian students took part from 21 universities in Hungary, Slovakia and Romania. Focus wasplaced on the evaluation of a list of surnames compiled based on several criteria. According toprevious results, the typical conditions for the category of HUNGARIAN SURNAME are the following:1. transparency, 2. spelling adjusted to Hungarian spelling standards, 3. typical Hungarianmorphological structure, 4. well-known Hungarian name bearers. In our present paper, weexamine several further aspects and types of surnames, such as name frequency, surnames of artificialor ethnonimic origin as well as surnames considered to be of Roma, German or Jewish origin.There are a number of substantial similarities i...

Research paper thumbnail of Szent György és Szent Demeter kultuszának hatása a magyar személynévadásra

Magyar Nyelv 116: 286–298., 2020

The influence of the cults of Saint George and Saint Demetrius on Hungarian personal name giving ... more The influence of the cults of Saint George and Saint Demetrius on Hungarian personal name giving

The case study intends to demonstrate how the databases and name statistics of Hungarian
historical anthroponymy built over the last decades can be useful in the study of cults of saints. The
paper concentrates on given names, since the effect of saints’ cults on personal name giving can
mostly be detected by studying the historical changes, and the geographical and social diversity of
the given name stock. The comparison of the two cults is motivated by several reasons. First, from
a methodological viewpoint, it makes the evaluation of the measure of the impact more precise.
Second, the two saints are linked by several aspects of cult history: both of them are Eastern soldier
saints, frequently depicted together. However, their Hungarian cults developed differently: while
Saint George became the prototype of soldier and knight saints in Hungary (and throughout Europe
as well), the veneration of Saint Demetrius remained limited and was confined to the orthodox areas
of the country since the early modern period. This difference can also be revealed in the popularity
of the two names in Hungary. The name György ‘George’ has been far more frequent than Demeter
‘Demetrius’ from the beginning and is among the 100 most frequent given names of the whole population
today, although its popularity has been decreasing. By contrast, Demeter can be counted as a
definitely rare name. Their geographical distribution at the beginning of the 18th century shows the
same picture: while the name György was the second most frequent name in the whole population,
Demeter was used in the regions habitated mostly by orthodox Romanians and Rusyns.

Research paper thumbnail of A szentek neve mint politikai-ideológiai eszköz

In: Fóris Ágota – Bölcskei Andrea – Heltai János Imre szerk., Nyelv, kultúra, identitás. Alkalmazott nyelvészeti kutatások a 21. századi információs térben. IV. Szociolingvisztika, névtan, nyelvtörténet. A MANYE Kongresszusok Előadásai 14. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest. , 2020

A szentkultuszokat, ezekkel együtt pedig a szentek neveit számos politikai és ideológiai cél szol... more A szentkultuszokat, ezekkel együtt pedig a szentek neveit számos politikai és ideológiai cél szolgálatába állították már az idők során. Ilyen például egy trón megszerzése, trónutódláshoz való jog igazolása, valamely más konkrét kül- vagy belpolitikai, társadalmi vagy gazdasági cél hangsúlyozása vagy alátámasztása, politikai program hirdetése stb. A tanulmány a magyar történelemből vett példákra alapozva, névtudományi szempontból dolgozza ki azoknak a módszereknek a tipológiáját, amelyek révén a szentek nevei politikai célok szolgálatába állíthatók (dinasztikus névadás; helynévadás; szervezetek, intézmények, tárgyak stb. elnevezése; névváltoztatás; a név sajátos etimológiai magyarázata legendákban; a névazonosság kihasználása).

Research paper thumbnail of Various interpretations of the term origin in the description of given name systems


The term origin can be understood in several ways with regard to given names. For instance, at le... more The term origin can be understood in several ways with regard to given names. For instance, at least four interpretations coexist in the Hungarian onomastic literature: (1) the language in which the name was formed or from which it was borrowed (these two categories frequently do not coincide with each other), (2) the method through which the name entered the name stock (by category change – e.g. from common noun to proper name –, name-building, revival or recreation of long-forgotten names, borrowing or translation of foreign names, etc.), (3) the source of the name (e.g. the Bible, martyrologies, literary works), (4) the relation of the name to the Christian name stock (saint or profane). As the categories created based on these points of view do not overlap, merging any of these approaches leads to misunderstandings not only in academic discourse but also in the public sphere. Finally, it should also be considered that everyday categorisation does not work on scientific grounds. Consequently, the lay classification of the linguistic origin of a name may differ from the scientific categorisation. The aim of this paper is to create a theoretical model – by separating the above-mentioned points of view – for the proper description of given name systems by origin, based on the contemporary Hungarian given name stock. Due to the similarities between the given name stocks of Christian peoples (and – a certain extent – that of other cultures), the model will hopefully also be useful for the description of various national given name stocks.


Acta onomastica LXI/2: 361-374., 2020

Medieval Hungary was a multicultural country: beside the Hungarian majority it also had Turkic, G... more Medieval Hungary was a multicultural country: beside the Hungarian majority it also had Turkic, German, Slavic, Walloon, Italian, etc. inhabitants. Although the majority of medieval documents were written in Latin, there are a number of charters written in other languages, such as German. This cultural and linguistic diversity provides an opportunity to investigate contact phenomena among different languages based on personal name phrases. The paper outlines the methodological adaptability and the limits of using given names, bynames or family names and name phrases in the investigation of contact phenomena. It introduces language and discourse contact phenomena on the level of spelling and orthography and the morphology and syntax of name phrases, based upon examples from charters written in Latin and German.

Research paper thumbnail of A laikus keresztnévszótárak

In: Farkas Tamás – Slíz Mariann szerk., Tulajdonnevek és szótárak. ELTE Magyar Nyelvtudományi és Finnugor Intézet – Magyar Nyelvtudományi Társaság, Budapest, 2020. 165–184., 2020

Non-professional given name dictionaries The study presents Hungarian given name dictionaries an... more Non-professional given name dictionaries

The study presents Hungarian given name dictionaries and digital databases that have been
compiled by non-professionals, that is, editors without onomastic knowledge, at the end of the
20th century or beginning of the 21st. Its goal is to pinpoint methodological errors, shortcomings,
and the ideological nature of two types of name dictionaries. Furthermore, it highlights the social
difficulties that these dictionaries can cause. The article categorizes name dictionary publications
into the following groups: a) non-ideological works; b) those based on esoteric foundations;
c) para-comparative dictionaries that aim to advance unofficial theories about the genealogy of
the Hungarian language. The boundaries between the three categories are fuzzy, as their authors
– lacking onomastic knowledge – are unable to discern the academic value of the sources used.
Dictionaries are presented based on characteristics specific to the given category, such as external
characteristics, structure, sources, and referenced literature. The study details the methodological
problems of providing the etymological origin or meaning of names, concentrating on ideological
influences in the question, especially the category of names published as ancient-Hungarian, and
the registration of the published name data. The study concludes that the negative effects of such
dictionaries (the spread of misinformation, difficulties with naming regulations connected to
unregistrable names, feeding a false national idea, the propagation of nationalistic views) would
be counter-balanced by an increase in popular scientific works on onomastics.

Research paper thumbnail of A tulajdonnevek fordítása-funkcionális, névelméleti megközelítésben I. A név jellemzői mint a fordítást befolyásoló tényezők (The translation of proper names – a functional, onomastic theoretical approach I. Features of names as factors influencing translation)

Névtani Értesítő, 2019

The paper examines the questions surrounding the translation of proper nouns from an onomastic vi... more The paper examines the questions surrounding the translation of proper nouns from an onomastic
viewpoint blended with the results of translation studies, following a functional-communicational
approach. Its goal is to create a model, which contains not only the applicable methods available to
translators, but the (pragmatic and communicational) aspects and factors that could affect choosing
between these. The novelty of the study is that it takes the meaning (denotation and connotation),
the category (e.g. personal name) and sub-category (e.g. family name) of proper nouns into consideration,
following the practices of prototype theory. Another innovative approach is the emphasise
lain on the influence of composition on the translation of names. According to this, names
consisting of several words should not be handled as single units, as earlier studies have considered
them, but following a two-step method: first holistically (e.g. the Eng. Flint Cliffs : Hung.
Flint-sziklák, a place name), and then morphologically, while defining the categories of the name
elements (e.g. Flint is a family name, cliffs is a common noun). This shows that translators are not
completing a single operation but a combination of operations (transference in the case of the given
name, and translation in the case of the common noun). Translations previously deemed ununderstandably
heterogenous can thus be explained by applying this methodology.

Research paper thumbnail of Hungarian non-professional dictionaries of first names: Methodological problems caused by the lack of lexicographic and onomastic knowledge

International Journal of Lexicography , 2020

The paper intends to call attention to problems caused by dictionaries of first names made by non... more The paper intends to call attention to problems caused by dictionaries of first names made by non-professionals, using such Hungarian dictionaries as examples. The author’s main conclusion is that the editors’ and authors’ lack of lexicographic and onomastic knowledge generally leads to their spreading of incorrect or unreliable information about the origin and etymological meaning of names, or the connection between languages and nations. First, the analysis details the typical characteristics of the three types of non-professional dictionaries (esoteric, anti-Finno-Ugric and ideology-free) compared to professional dictionaries of first names in Hungary, then demonstrates the methodological problems and difficulties of giving the origin and etymological meaning of first names in entries.

Research paper thumbnail of Cult of saints, politics and name-giving in Angevin Hungary 1

Rivista Italiana di Onomastica, 2020

The paper introduces the various effects that the political efforts of the Hungarian Angevin Dyna... more The paper introduces the various effects that the political efforts of the Hungarian Angevin Dynasty (14 th century) to promote dynastic saints had on name-giving. Namely, since the promotion of the cults of family saints strengthened the prestige and legitimation of a royal house, it was a typical means of politics for new dynasties. The founder of the Hungarian Angevin Dynasty, King Charles I was the offspring of the Neapolitan Angevins through his father and the Hungarian Árpád Dynasty through his grandmother, Queen Mary of Naples. It is small wonder that he used the cults of their Hungarian and Neapolitan saintly relatives as a political device in his struggle for the throne and this practice was not only continued but even consummated and used for other purposes by his successors. The royal support of the cults is well reflected in the name-giving strategies of the dynasty on the one hand (as dy-nastic name-giving also bears strong political connotations). On the other hand, it had an impact on the frequency of the names of Hungarian dynastic saints (Saints Stephen, Emer-ic, Ladislaus, Elisabeth and Margaret) in the population of the time, too. The most significant change can be detected in the popularity of the name László 'Ladislaus', the name of the most deeply venerated family saint and, additionally, the most venerated knight saint. While the names István 'Stephen', Erzsébet 'Elisabeth' and Margit 'Margaret' were already among the most fashionable ones at the time of the dynasty's rise in Hungary (i.e. at the beginning of the 14 th century) due to other saints behind the names, László was a name of average frequency and became the 5 th most frequent name among noblemen within a few decades.

Research paper thumbnail of The legal deficiency of publishing calendars and the problems caused by calendars and dictionaries of given names based on lay ideas in Hungary (Open Access)

Onomasica Uralica 10: 309-315., 2018

The paper deals with the legal deficiency of publishing calendars in Hungary, which may generate ... more The paper deals with the legal deficiency of publishing calendars in Hungary, which may generate a complex problem in the administration of personal name giving. Calendars contain the names connected to the days they are celebrated on. Although this habit goes back for the veneration of saints, the majority of non-Catholic Hungarians also celebrates their “name day”. Due to this, choosing names from a calendar is still a way of name giving. At the same time, the publishing of calendars lacks legal regulation, anybody may publish them and match any name with any days of the year. While most calendars
follow traditions, there are some uncommon ones, full of non-existent names, e.g. some which are claimed to be ancient Hungarian. As a result, parents, who chose a name from a “non-regular” calendar, may run into difficulties, as that the name cannot be registered officially. In this case, they may apply to the Committee of Given Names of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences for the reception of the name into the given name stock. This process can be full of confrontations, while a great number of problems could be avoided by a single regulation for the publishing of calendars.

Research paper thumbnail of The Translation of Personal Names in Latin, German, and Czech Charters in Medieval Hungary (Open Access)

Onomastica Uralica , 2018

The fact that German and Czech charters were also written in late medieval Hungary beside the maj... more The fact that German and Czech charters were also written in late medieval Hungary beside the majority of documents written in Latin provides an opportunity for the comparison of strategies used for the translation of personal names in these three languages in the investigated period. Intending to outline the cultural, historical, and linguistic contexts of such an investigation, the paper also demonstrates the multilingual background of scriptors in medieval Hungary. The survey is based on the model for the system of translation procedures created by Albert Péter Vermes. The investigation covers given names, bynames and family names as well, and uses only those name data which supposedly belonged to Hungarian bearers, or at least have a Hungarian
variant, too. The results of the survey show that the translation strategies used by multilingual scriptors depended on the types of sources, the social standing of the name bearer, the name type, the motivational type of the given byname or family name, the differences between the lexicon and onomasticon of the source language and the target language, and the scriptor’s command of the source and the target language. However, it can be stated that far more similarities
than differences can be detected among the translation strategies used in the documents written in the three investigated languages.

Research paper thumbnail of Names of saints and dynastic name-giving in Hungary in the 10-14th centuries in a central and eastern European context. Onoma 48: pp. 157–183.

This paper presents certain features of the relationship between medieval cults of saints and nam... more This paper presents certain features of the relationship between medieval cults of saints and name-giving practices in royal dynasties. One can observe that the name stocks of dynasties could significantly differ from the name stock of the whole population of their countries. The main cause of this difference was that name-giving practices within dynasties were influenced by special factors since name-giving in royal families could express political or ideological heredities and aims. This overview is based on mostly the name stocks and history of the Houses of Árpád and Anjou in Hungary, but it also mentions examples from other Central and East European dynasties of the given period (the Rurikids of Kievan Rus’; the Přemyslids and the House of Luxembourg in Bohemia and in Hungary; the Piasts of Poland and the House of Anjou of Naples). The paper crayons out a possible typology of the motivations of dynastic naming reflecting cults of saints (naming according to calendar; with reference to a pious action; motivated by the saint’s life; after a family saint of the dynasty). The study dwells on the gender differences in naming as well: boys’ names were more important since they could become monarchs, while girls had only roles in foreign politics by their marriages. For this reason, stocks of female names in dynasties were more varied and they showed higher conformity with the name stock of the given country’s people since they could have been influenced more strongly by actual popular cults or dynastic ties. The paper also ascertains that the relation between cults of saints and name-giving practices in dynasties were different in the period of the dynasties’ Christianization and after the stabilization of Christianity in their kingdoms. At the time of their Christianization, it seems to have been rather typical to choose the names of evangelizers, martyrs, great biblical kings and supporters of Christianity. In connection with this topic, the study also considers ritual name changes since baptism pertains to choosing a Christian name. Meanwhile, cults of saints could have made a less deep impact on dynastic naming after the stabilization of Christianity, since naming habits of dynasties had stabilized by that time and they resulted in a high frequency of certain names. On the one hand, the aim of name repetition was to give the heir a typical royal name, and, on the other hand, to express a political or ideological ambition.

Research paper thumbnail of Jolánta, un prénom d’origine française dans la Hongrie médiévale. In: Györkös, Attila – Kiss, Gergely éd., « M’en anei en Ongria » Relations franco-hongroises au Moyen Âge II. Memoria Hungariae 4. MTA, Debrecen. pp. 143–156.

Research paper thumbnail of Between East and West. The influence of the cults of saints on personal name-giving in medieval Hungary

Conversion to Christianity caused great changes in the medieval Hungarian given name stock. As gi... more Conversion to Christianity caused great changes in the medieval
Hungarian given name stock. As giving names after saints became one of the most significant motivations of naming, newly adopted Christian names gradually spread throughout the population and became exclusive by the 16th century. The paper – drawing upon a 13th–14th-century corpus of given names – introduces some phenomena which may have had a positive or negative effect on the popularity of a saint’s name (cultural influence, support of a religious order or a dynasty, more than one saint with the same name, the overshadowing effect of newer or more supported cults, the novelty of a name).

Research paper thumbnail of Szent Domonkos és Szent Margit a magyarországi személy- és helynévadásban

Research paper thumbnail of Translating Family Names in Hungarian: A Diachronic Survey

Hungarian Cultural Studies, 2014

In our paper we focus on the translating practice and translatability of surnames used in Hungari... more In our paper we focus on the translating practice and translatability of surnames used in Hungarian, from the problems of translating the immediate predecessors of surnames to the questions of translating surnames today. Our main interest is in how multilingualism, language contact situations, language prestige considerations, customs, fashion and other potential factors affect the use of these names in different languages, and the translatability in a wider sense in the actual practice in Hungary and other countries. We shall look at name translation practice in medieval documents, the relevant questions of spontaneous and conscious surname changes, the changes of Hungarian surnames used outside of Hungary, and finally the questions of translating surnames occurring in fiction.

Research paper thumbnail of A személynevekkel kapcsolatos névtani és jogi terminológia

Névtani Értesítő 44: 79–96., 2022

Onomastic and Legal Terminology in Connection with Personal Names This paper draws attention to ... more Onomastic and Legal Terminology in Connection with Personal Names

This paper draws attention to Hungarian personal name related terminology differences in legal, onomastic and everyday usage. Onomastics employs a wider range of technical terms than the legal
profession since the former focuses exclusively on names, including non-official varieties, while the other does not. The paper reveals cases where the same term has different meanings in the two disciplines, or different terms express the same meaning. Synonyms and higher term variability are more characteristic of onomastic than legal terminology. Since onomastic research inevitably generates new points of view, models and conclusions, this leads to deliberate or unintentional terminological change. The consistency and clarity of terms are vital prerequisites for good legal texts, but they nevertheless contain cases of synonymy and polysemy. The effects of the two fields on one other’s terminology are evident. Legal terminology appears to have a greater impact on onomastics than vice-versa, perhaps due to the effects of applied onomastics. Legal terminology also impacts the standard language through public administration. Terminological confusion or fuzziness is observable in everyday communications.

Research paper thumbnail of Magyar és nemzetközi névtani terminológia / Hungarian and International Onomastic Terminology

International Council of Onomastic Sciences; Magyar Nyelvtudományi Társaság, Aug 1, 2017

A kiadvány a Nemzetközi Névtudományi Társaság (ICOS) alap-vető névtani terminusokat tartalmazó je... more A kiadvány a Nemzetközi Névtudományi Társaság (ICOS) alap-vető névtani terminusokat tartalmazó jegyzékének, valamint a földrajzi nevek egységesítése során használt terminusokból az ENSZ Földrajzi Névi Szakértői Csoportja (UNGEGN) által össze-állított jegyzéknek a magyar változatát, illetve a hozzájuk kap-csolódó többnyelvű terminusmutatókat adja közre. Ezeket két, magyar és angol változatban közölt tanulmány kíséri a nemzetközi és a magyar névtani terminológiai munkálatokról, illetve a két ter-minusjegyzékről és magyar változatuk elkészítéséről. The volume contains the Hungarian versions of the ICOS (International Council of Onomastic Sciences) List of Key Onomastic Terms and the UNGEGN (United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names) Glossary of Terms for the Standardization of Geographical Names, accompanied by relevant multilingual term indices. The glossaries are supplemented by two studies, published in Hungarian and English on international and Hun-garian onomastic terminological works and on the original as well as the Hungarian versions of the two glossaries.

Research paper thumbnail of Dynamics of the modern Hungarian given name system

Research paper thumbnail of Hungarian non-professional dictionaries of first names: Methodological problems caused by the lack of lexicographic and onomastic knowledge

International Journal of Lexicography

The paper intends to call attention to problems caused by dictionaries of first names made by non... more The paper intends to call attention to problems caused by dictionaries of first names made by non-professionals, using such Hungarian dictionaries as examples. The author’s main conclusion is that the editors’ and authors’ lack of lexicographic and onomastic knowledge generally leads to their spreading of incorrect or unreliable information about the origin and etymological meaning of names, or the connection between languages and nations. First, the analysis details the typical characteristics of the three types of non-professional dictionaries (esoteric, anti-Finno-Ugric and ideology-free) compared to professional dictionaries of first names in Hungary, then demonstrates the methodological problems and difficulties of giving the origin and etymological meaning of first names in entries.

Research paper thumbnail of Családnév és etnikai kategorizáció

Névtani Értesítő

Surnames and ethnic categorization. The category of “Hungarian surname” in Hungary and in minorit... more Surnames and ethnic categorization. The category of “Hungarian surname” in Hungary and in minority status The study investigates how lay ethnic categorization based on one’s surname works from theperspective of the prototype theory. The analysis is based on a questionnaire survey, in which 854Hungarian students took part from 21 universities in Hungary, Slovakia and Romania. Focus wasplaced on the evaluation of a list of surnames compiled based on several criteria. According toprevious results, the typical conditions for the category of HUNGARIAN SURNAME are the following:1. transparency, 2. spelling adjusted to Hungarian spelling standards, 3. typical Hungarianmorphological structure, 4. well-known Hungarian name bearers. In our present paper, weexamine several further aspects and types of surnames, such as name frequency, surnames of artificialor ethnonimic origin as well as surnames considered to be of Roma, German or Jewish origin.There are a number of substantial similarities i...

Research paper thumbnail of Szent György és Szent Demeter kultuszának hatása a magyar személynévadásra

Magyar Nyelv 116: 286–298., 2020

The influence of the cults of Saint George and Saint Demetrius on Hungarian personal name giving ... more The influence of the cults of Saint George and Saint Demetrius on Hungarian personal name giving

The case study intends to demonstrate how the databases and name statistics of Hungarian
historical anthroponymy built over the last decades can be useful in the study of cults of saints. The
paper concentrates on given names, since the effect of saints’ cults on personal name giving can
mostly be detected by studying the historical changes, and the geographical and social diversity of
the given name stock. The comparison of the two cults is motivated by several reasons. First, from
a methodological viewpoint, it makes the evaluation of the measure of the impact more precise.
Second, the two saints are linked by several aspects of cult history: both of them are Eastern soldier
saints, frequently depicted together. However, their Hungarian cults developed differently: while
Saint George became the prototype of soldier and knight saints in Hungary (and throughout Europe
as well), the veneration of Saint Demetrius remained limited and was confined to the orthodox areas
of the country since the early modern period. This difference can also be revealed in the popularity
of the two names in Hungary. The name György ‘George’ has been far more frequent than Demeter
‘Demetrius’ from the beginning and is among the 100 most frequent given names of the whole population
today, although its popularity has been decreasing. By contrast, Demeter can be counted as a
definitely rare name. Their geographical distribution at the beginning of the 18th century shows the
same picture: while the name György was the second most frequent name in the whole population,
Demeter was used in the regions habitated mostly by orthodox Romanians and Rusyns.

Research paper thumbnail of A szentek neve mint politikai-ideológiai eszköz

In: Fóris Ágota – Bölcskei Andrea – Heltai János Imre szerk., Nyelv, kultúra, identitás. Alkalmazott nyelvészeti kutatások a 21. századi információs térben. IV. Szociolingvisztika, névtan, nyelvtörténet. A MANYE Kongresszusok Előadásai 14. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest. , 2020

A szentkultuszokat, ezekkel együtt pedig a szentek neveit számos politikai és ideológiai cél szol... more A szentkultuszokat, ezekkel együtt pedig a szentek neveit számos politikai és ideológiai cél szolgálatába állították már az idők során. Ilyen például egy trón megszerzése, trónutódláshoz való jog igazolása, valamely más konkrét kül- vagy belpolitikai, társadalmi vagy gazdasági cél hangsúlyozása vagy alátámasztása, politikai program hirdetése stb. A tanulmány a magyar történelemből vett példákra alapozva, névtudományi szempontból dolgozza ki azoknak a módszereknek a tipológiáját, amelyek révén a szentek nevei politikai célok szolgálatába állíthatók (dinasztikus névadás; helynévadás; szervezetek, intézmények, tárgyak stb. elnevezése; névváltoztatás; a név sajátos etimológiai magyarázata legendákban; a névazonosság kihasználása).

Research paper thumbnail of Various interpretations of the term origin in the description of given name systems


The term origin can be understood in several ways with regard to given names. For instance, at le... more The term origin can be understood in several ways with regard to given names. For instance, at least four interpretations coexist in the Hungarian onomastic literature: (1) the language in which the name was formed or from which it was borrowed (these two categories frequently do not coincide with each other), (2) the method through which the name entered the name stock (by category change – e.g. from common noun to proper name –, name-building, revival or recreation of long-forgotten names, borrowing or translation of foreign names, etc.), (3) the source of the name (e.g. the Bible, martyrologies, literary works), (4) the relation of the name to the Christian name stock (saint or profane). As the categories created based on these points of view do not overlap, merging any of these approaches leads to misunderstandings not only in academic discourse but also in the public sphere. Finally, it should also be considered that everyday categorisation does not work on scientific grounds. Consequently, the lay classification of the linguistic origin of a name may differ from the scientific categorisation. The aim of this paper is to create a theoretical model – by separating the above-mentioned points of view – for the proper description of given name systems by origin, based on the contemporary Hungarian given name stock. Due to the similarities between the given name stocks of Christian peoples (and – a certain extent – that of other cultures), the model will hopefully also be useful for the description of various national given name stocks.


Acta onomastica LXI/2: 361-374., 2020

Medieval Hungary was a multicultural country: beside the Hungarian majority it also had Turkic, G... more Medieval Hungary was a multicultural country: beside the Hungarian majority it also had Turkic, German, Slavic, Walloon, Italian, etc. inhabitants. Although the majority of medieval documents were written in Latin, there are a number of charters written in other languages, such as German. This cultural and linguistic diversity provides an opportunity to investigate contact phenomena among different languages based on personal name phrases. The paper outlines the methodological adaptability and the limits of using given names, bynames or family names and name phrases in the investigation of contact phenomena. It introduces language and discourse contact phenomena on the level of spelling and orthography and the morphology and syntax of name phrases, based upon examples from charters written in Latin and German.

Research paper thumbnail of A laikus keresztnévszótárak

In: Farkas Tamás – Slíz Mariann szerk., Tulajdonnevek és szótárak. ELTE Magyar Nyelvtudományi és Finnugor Intézet – Magyar Nyelvtudományi Társaság, Budapest, 2020. 165–184., 2020

Non-professional given name dictionaries The study presents Hungarian given name dictionaries an... more Non-professional given name dictionaries

The study presents Hungarian given name dictionaries and digital databases that have been
compiled by non-professionals, that is, editors without onomastic knowledge, at the end of the
20th century or beginning of the 21st. Its goal is to pinpoint methodological errors, shortcomings,
and the ideological nature of two types of name dictionaries. Furthermore, it highlights the social
difficulties that these dictionaries can cause. The article categorizes name dictionary publications
into the following groups: a) non-ideological works; b) those based on esoteric foundations;
c) para-comparative dictionaries that aim to advance unofficial theories about the genealogy of
the Hungarian language. The boundaries between the three categories are fuzzy, as their authors
– lacking onomastic knowledge – are unable to discern the academic value of the sources used.
Dictionaries are presented based on characteristics specific to the given category, such as external
characteristics, structure, sources, and referenced literature. The study details the methodological
problems of providing the etymological origin or meaning of names, concentrating on ideological
influences in the question, especially the category of names published as ancient-Hungarian, and
the registration of the published name data. The study concludes that the negative effects of such
dictionaries (the spread of misinformation, difficulties with naming regulations connected to
unregistrable names, feeding a false national idea, the propagation of nationalistic views) would
be counter-balanced by an increase in popular scientific works on onomastics.

Research paper thumbnail of A tulajdonnevek fordítása-funkcionális, névelméleti megközelítésben I. A név jellemzői mint a fordítást befolyásoló tényezők (The translation of proper names – a functional, onomastic theoretical approach I. Features of names as factors influencing translation)

Névtani Értesítő, 2019

The paper examines the questions surrounding the translation of proper nouns from an onomastic vi... more The paper examines the questions surrounding the translation of proper nouns from an onomastic
viewpoint blended with the results of translation studies, following a functional-communicational
approach. Its goal is to create a model, which contains not only the applicable methods available to
translators, but the (pragmatic and communicational) aspects and factors that could affect choosing
between these. The novelty of the study is that it takes the meaning (denotation and connotation),
the category (e.g. personal name) and sub-category (e.g. family name) of proper nouns into consideration,
following the practices of prototype theory. Another innovative approach is the emphasise
lain on the influence of composition on the translation of names. According to this, names
consisting of several words should not be handled as single units, as earlier studies have considered
them, but following a two-step method: first holistically (e.g. the Eng. Flint Cliffs : Hung.
Flint-sziklák, a place name), and then morphologically, while defining the categories of the name
elements (e.g. Flint is a family name, cliffs is a common noun). This shows that translators are not
completing a single operation but a combination of operations (transference in the case of the given
name, and translation in the case of the common noun). Translations previously deemed ununderstandably
heterogenous can thus be explained by applying this methodology.

Research paper thumbnail of Hungarian non-professional dictionaries of first names: Methodological problems caused by the lack of lexicographic and onomastic knowledge

International Journal of Lexicography , 2020

The paper intends to call attention to problems caused by dictionaries of first names made by non... more The paper intends to call attention to problems caused by dictionaries of first names made by non-professionals, using such Hungarian dictionaries as examples. The author’s main conclusion is that the editors’ and authors’ lack of lexicographic and onomastic knowledge generally leads to their spreading of incorrect or unreliable information about the origin and etymological meaning of names, or the connection between languages and nations. First, the analysis details the typical characteristics of the three types of non-professional dictionaries (esoteric, anti-Finno-Ugric and ideology-free) compared to professional dictionaries of first names in Hungary, then demonstrates the methodological problems and difficulties of giving the origin and etymological meaning of first names in entries.

Research paper thumbnail of Cult of saints, politics and name-giving in Angevin Hungary 1

Rivista Italiana di Onomastica, 2020

The paper introduces the various effects that the political efforts of the Hungarian Angevin Dyna... more The paper introduces the various effects that the political efforts of the Hungarian Angevin Dynasty (14 th century) to promote dynastic saints had on name-giving. Namely, since the promotion of the cults of family saints strengthened the prestige and legitimation of a royal house, it was a typical means of politics for new dynasties. The founder of the Hungarian Angevin Dynasty, King Charles I was the offspring of the Neapolitan Angevins through his father and the Hungarian Árpád Dynasty through his grandmother, Queen Mary of Naples. It is small wonder that he used the cults of their Hungarian and Neapolitan saintly relatives as a political device in his struggle for the throne and this practice was not only continued but even consummated and used for other purposes by his successors. The royal support of the cults is well reflected in the name-giving strategies of the dynasty on the one hand (as dy-nastic name-giving also bears strong political connotations). On the other hand, it had an impact on the frequency of the names of Hungarian dynastic saints (Saints Stephen, Emer-ic, Ladislaus, Elisabeth and Margaret) in the population of the time, too. The most significant change can be detected in the popularity of the name László 'Ladislaus', the name of the most deeply venerated family saint and, additionally, the most venerated knight saint. While the names István 'Stephen', Erzsébet 'Elisabeth' and Margit 'Margaret' were already among the most fashionable ones at the time of the dynasty's rise in Hungary (i.e. at the beginning of the 14 th century) due to other saints behind the names, László was a name of average frequency and became the 5 th most frequent name among noblemen within a few decades.

Research paper thumbnail of The legal deficiency of publishing calendars and the problems caused by calendars and dictionaries of given names based on lay ideas in Hungary (Open Access)

Onomasica Uralica 10: 309-315., 2018

The paper deals with the legal deficiency of publishing calendars in Hungary, which may generate ... more The paper deals with the legal deficiency of publishing calendars in Hungary, which may generate a complex problem in the administration of personal name giving. Calendars contain the names connected to the days they are celebrated on. Although this habit goes back for the veneration of saints, the majority of non-Catholic Hungarians also celebrates their “name day”. Due to this, choosing names from a calendar is still a way of name giving. At the same time, the publishing of calendars lacks legal regulation, anybody may publish them and match any name with any days of the year. While most calendars
follow traditions, there are some uncommon ones, full of non-existent names, e.g. some which are claimed to be ancient Hungarian. As a result, parents, who chose a name from a “non-regular” calendar, may run into difficulties, as that the name cannot be registered officially. In this case, they may apply to the Committee of Given Names of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences for the reception of the name into the given name stock. This process can be full of confrontations, while a great number of problems could be avoided by a single regulation for the publishing of calendars.

Research paper thumbnail of The Translation of Personal Names in Latin, German, and Czech Charters in Medieval Hungary (Open Access)

Onomastica Uralica , 2018

The fact that German and Czech charters were also written in late medieval Hungary beside the maj... more The fact that German and Czech charters were also written in late medieval Hungary beside the majority of documents written in Latin provides an opportunity for the comparison of strategies used for the translation of personal names in these three languages in the investigated period. Intending to outline the cultural, historical, and linguistic contexts of such an investigation, the paper also demonstrates the multilingual background of scriptors in medieval Hungary. The survey is based on the model for the system of translation procedures created by Albert Péter Vermes. The investigation covers given names, bynames and family names as well, and uses only those name data which supposedly belonged to Hungarian bearers, or at least have a Hungarian
variant, too. The results of the survey show that the translation strategies used by multilingual scriptors depended on the types of sources, the social standing of the name bearer, the name type, the motivational type of the given byname or family name, the differences between the lexicon and onomasticon of the source language and the target language, and the scriptor’s command of the source and the target language. However, it can be stated that far more similarities
than differences can be detected among the translation strategies used in the documents written in the three investigated languages.

Research paper thumbnail of Names of saints and dynastic name-giving in Hungary in the 10-14th centuries in a central and eastern European context. Onoma 48: pp. 157–183.

This paper presents certain features of the relationship between medieval cults of saints and nam... more This paper presents certain features of the relationship between medieval cults of saints and name-giving practices in royal dynasties. One can observe that the name stocks of dynasties could significantly differ from the name stock of the whole population of their countries. The main cause of this difference was that name-giving practices within dynasties were influenced by special factors since name-giving in royal families could express political or ideological heredities and aims. This overview is based on mostly the name stocks and history of the Houses of Árpád and Anjou in Hungary, but it also mentions examples from other Central and East European dynasties of the given period (the Rurikids of Kievan Rus’; the Přemyslids and the House of Luxembourg in Bohemia and in Hungary; the Piasts of Poland and the House of Anjou of Naples). The paper crayons out a possible typology of the motivations of dynastic naming reflecting cults of saints (naming according to calendar; with reference to a pious action; motivated by the saint’s life; after a family saint of the dynasty). The study dwells on the gender differences in naming as well: boys’ names were more important since they could become monarchs, while girls had only roles in foreign politics by their marriages. For this reason, stocks of female names in dynasties were more varied and they showed higher conformity with the name stock of the given country’s people since they could have been influenced more strongly by actual popular cults or dynastic ties. The paper also ascertains that the relation between cults of saints and name-giving practices in dynasties were different in the period of the dynasties’ Christianization and after the stabilization of Christianity in their kingdoms. At the time of their Christianization, it seems to have been rather typical to choose the names of evangelizers, martyrs, great biblical kings and supporters of Christianity. In connection with this topic, the study also considers ritual name changes since baptism pertains to choosing a Christian name. Meanwhile, cults of saints could have made a less deep impact on dynastic naming after the stabilization of Christianity, since naming habits of dynasties had stabilized by that time and they resulted in a high frequency of certain names. On the one hand, the aim of name repetition was to give the heir a typical royal name, and, on the other hand, to express a political or ideological ambition.

Research paper thumbnail of Jolánta, un prénom d’origine française dans la Hongrie médiévale. In: Györkös, Attila – Kiss, Gergely éd., « M’en anei en Ongria » Relations franco-hongroises au Moyen Âge II. Memoria Hungariae 4. MTA, Debrecen. pp. 143–156.

Research paper thumbnail of Between East and West. The influence of the cults of saints on personal name-giving in medieval Hungary

Conversion to Christianity caused great changes in the medieval Hungarian given name stock. As gi... more Conversion to Christianity caused great changes in the medieval
Hungarian given name stock. As giving names after saints became one of the most significant motivations of naming, newly adopted Christian names gradually spread throughout the population and became exclusive by the 16th century. The paper – drawing upon a 13th–14th-century corpus of given names – introduces some phenomena which may have had a positive or negative effect on the popularity of a saint’s name (cultural influence, support of a religious order or a dynasty, more than one saint with the same name, the overshadowing effect of newer or more supported cults, the novelty of a name).

Research paper thumbnail of Szent Domonkos és Szent Margit a magyarországi személy- és helynévadásban

[Research paper thumbnail of Szentkultusz és személynévadás Magyarországon [Cults of saints and personal name giving in Hungary]](

Szent István Társulat, Budapest, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of TULAJDONNEVEK ÉS SZÓTÁRAK

The volume entitled Proper names and dictionaries deals with a special field of applied linguisti... more The volume entitled Proper names and dictionaries deals with a special field of applied linguistics or more exactly, applied onomastics. Studying the lexicographic processing of proper names, its types, opportunities, and wider problems, it focuses on the results of Hungarian onomastics and lexicography. The thematic chapters contain 14 peer-reviewed papers from authors who represent various scientific institutions of contemporary Hungarian linguistics.

[Research paper thumbnail of Anjou-kori személynévtár. 1343–1359 [Dictionary of personal names from the Angevin Age. 1301–1342]](

A névtár az Anjou-kori személynévtár (1301-1342) című, több mint 14 000 nevet tartalmazó korábbi ... more A névtár az Anjou-kori személynévtár (1301-1342) című, több mint 14 000 nevet tartalmazó korábbi kötet (SLÍZ 2011a) folytatása, mely további kb. 6600, az 1343-1359 közötti időszak okleveleiből származó személynévi adatot tartalmaz. A feldolgozott időszakot tekintve tehát a FEHÉRTÓI KATALIN-féle Árpád-kori személynévtár (2004) folytatásának tekinthető, habár gyűjtési, feldolgozási és közlési elveiben jelentősen eltér e munkától.


A kiadvány a Nemzetközi Névtudományi Társaság (ICOS) alap-vető névtani terminusokat tartalmazó je... more A kiadvány a Nemzetközi Névtudományi Társaság (ICOS) alap-vető névtani terminusokat tartalmazó jegyzékének, valamint a földrajzi nevek egységesítése során használt terminusokból az ENSZ Földrajzi Névi Szakértői Csoportja (UNGEGN) által össze-állított jegyzéknek a magyar változatát, illetve a hozzájuk kap-csolódó többnyelvű terminusmutatókat adja közre. Ezeket két, magyar és angol változatban közölt tanulmány kíséri a nemzetközi és a magyar névtani terminológiai munkálatokról, illetve a két ter-minusjegyzékről és magyar változatuk elkészítéséről. The volume contains the Hungarian versions of the ICOS (International Council of Onomastic Sciences) List of Key Onomastic Terms and the UNGEGN (United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names) Glossary of Terms for the Standardization of Geographical Names, accompanied by relevant multilingual term indices. The glossaries are supplemented by two studies, published in Hungarian and English on international and Hun-garian onomastic terminological works and on the original as well as the Hungarian versions of the two glossaries.

Research paper thumbnail of Slíz Mariann Személynévtörténeti vizsgálatok a középkori Magyarországról

A kötet a középkori, elsősorban a 13–16. századi magyarországi személynévállománnyal és annak vál... more A kötet a középkori, elsősorban a 13–16. századi magyarországi személynévállománnyal és annak változásaival, valamint a korabeli személynévadási és névhasználati szokásokkal foglalkozik. Ennek kapcsán bővebben is vizsgálja például a névöröklést, a családnevek kialakulásának kezdeti szakaszát, az eltérő forrástípusok hatását a személyjelölő szerkezetek felépítésére, a személynevek fordítását és a feljegyzett nevekben felismerhető kontaktusjelenségeket. A korabeli forrásokból összeállított korpusz elemzése mellett a módszertani kérdések tárgyalása is hangsúlyos szerepet kap.

Research paper thumbnail of Personal Names in Medieval Hungary

The book demonstrates the history and characteristics of medieval Hungarian personal name giving.... more The book demonstrates the history and characteristics of medieval Hungarian personal name giving. Middle Ages can be regarded as the most important period in the history of Hungarian personal names: this was the time when canonical names of the shared European name-stock countervailed against the old Hungarian name-stock and when the Hungarian family name system took shape.
The book is more than an up-to-date summary of the main results of Hungarian historical anthroponomastics: the author thoroughly introduces the 13–14th-century name-stock and the medieval naming strategies in Hungary as well. This survey depends upon the author’s corpus of 14,000 name data, collected from 14th-century charters from the whole territory of the Hungarian Kingdom. The analysis of this corpus is introduced by chapters on the methodology of collection and data processing.
Apropos of given names, beside demonstrating the social, territorial and temporal distribution of the name-stock and its diversity by origin, the book also outlines the changes in the Hungarian name giving habits after joining in the European Christian culture. Introducing these habits, it enlightens the factors which made an impact on name choice (e.g. the influences of the inheritance of names, magical frames of mind, cults of saints and chivalric literature).
As for family names, the author reveals the causes and time of the emergence of this name type in Hungary and introduces the Hungarian family name system. She gives an elaborate description on the typology of bynames (the antecedents of family names) encountered in 14th-century documents, on the question of their usage and on the language of their recording.
Regarding the use of different name structures, the analysis pays respect to several factors such as the social standing and gender of name-bearers, their role in the legal process and the 14th-century practice of charter-writing. The author, beside the traditional devices of historical onomastics, also takes advantage of the opportunity given by textology, pragmatics and communication theory.

[Research paper thumbnail of Magyar névkutatás a 21. század elején [Hungarian Onomastics at the Beginning of the 21st Century]](

This volume intends to give a general overview of the present situation, traditional and modern i... more This volume intends to give a general overview of the present situation, traditional and modern interests, achievements, research trends and future tasks of the discipline concerned. The first chapter is devoted to questions such as the position of Onomastics within the sciences; the international context, professional forums, institutional background and social presence of the discipline; the cultivation of name studies as science. The second chapter describes the main research areas of Hungarian Onomastics: General Onomastics, Historical and Synchronic Anthroponomastics, Historical and Synchronic Toponomastics, Literary Onomastics, and Applied Onomastics. The volume ends with writings reviving the memory of Mihály Hajdú (1933–2014), a prominent figure of Hungarian Onomastics. The chapters are written in Hungarian, but English abtracts are also included.

Research paper thumbnail of Magyar névkutatás a 21. század elején / Hungarian Onomastics at the Beginning of the 21th Century

Farkas Tamás -slíz mariann szerk., Magyar névkutatás a 21. század elején. Magyar Nyelvtudományi T... more Farkas Tamás -slíz mariann szerk., Magyar névkutatás a 21. század elején. Magyar Nyelvtudományi Társaság -ELTE Magyar Nyelvtudományi és Finnugor Intézet, Budapest, 2015. 7-8. Előszó 1. A jelen kötet célja, hogy átfogó képet nyújtson napjaink magyar névkutatásáról, azaz a tulajdonnevek típusait, jellemzőit, történetét, kulturális és társadalmi összefüggéseit, a mindennapokban betöltött szerepét vizsgáló tudományterületről. A névtant tág értelemben vett nyelvtudományi diszciplínának, s egyúttal igen gazdag tartalmú, sokfelé ágazó interdiszciplináris területnek tekintjük. A névtan (avagy: onomasztika), nemzetközi vonatkozásai mellett, jellegzetesen magyarságtudományi diszciplína is. Számos további tudományág, illetve gyakorlati alkalmazás segédtudományaként is hasznosítható, eredményei pedig -a mindennapos tapasztalatok szerint -a nagyközönség érdeklődésére is számot tarthatnak. Napjaink névkutatása, mindezekhez illően, egyre változatosabb és szerteágazóbb szakterületté válik.