Veronika Novák | Eötvös Loránd University (original) (raw)
Papers by Veronika Novák
Urbs. Magyar várostörténeti évkönyv, 2009
Aetas, 1999
Ezeknek az eseményeknek a visszhangjával foglalkozik tanulmányában Pons, Nicolc: Informations ct ... more Ezeknek az eseményeknek a visszhangjával foglalkozik tanulmányában Pons, Nicolc: Informations ct rumeurs: quclqucs points dc vuc sur les événcmcnts dc la Guerre Civile cn Francc (1407-1420). Rcvuc Historiquc, 1997/avril-juin 409-433. A szerző, az eddigi történészi véleményekkel szemben, kétségbe vonja a párizsi mészárlások kegyetlenséget, és egy korabeli naplórészletre támaszkodva arra a következtetésre jut, hogy ezek a párizsiaknak nem is jelentettek annyira "drámai órákat". 413-416.
Papp Barbara (szerk.): Lélek és történelem: örökség, 2021
Revue historique, 2020
Résumé S’appuyant sur l’analyse de quelques 250 textes concernant le cri public dans les rues de ... more Résumé
S’appuyant sur l’analyse de quelques 250 textes concernant le cri public dans les rues de Paris et enregistrés dans les Livres de Couleur du Châtelet, l’étude se propose de mettre en lumière les aspects spatiaux de ce rituel du pouvoir. Passant en revue d’abord les différents éléments du rituel et les modalités de sa mise en écrit, l’analyse se focalise avant tout sur les lieux du cri et les parcours du crieur. Cachés généralement derrière la désignation générique des « lieux accoutumés à faire cris et publications », ces éléments spatiaux sont pourtant présents dans quelques clauses exécutoires et mentions du déroulement de la publication. Loin d’être uniforme ou de suivre une coutume immuable, le parcours du cri semble varier selon la thématique de la publication mais aussi selon le « bricolage » du crieur. Cet officier est apparemment responsable du bon déroulement du rituel et également de sa mise en écrit. Le terme « lieux accoutumés », si fréquent dans les textes, a pour fonction d’assurer la validité du rituel, mais il recouvre en même temps une pluralité de déplacements. Le rituel du cri est un événement familier qui assure finalement la présence quotidienne du roi dans la ville.
The space of publications in xivth to xvith century Paris: a study of the “accustomed places”
The paper analyses some 250 texts concerning the “cri public”, the publication of royal and local ordinances in Paris between the XIVth and the XVIth centuries by the crier of the king (crieur juré du roi). The publications are written down in the Livres de Couleur (Archives nationales et Archives de la Préfecture de Police). Besides a short description of the publication process and the conditions of the production of the texts, the study focuses on the spatial aspects of the ritual. In fact, due to the nature of the documentation, texts concerning the criers’ activities generally limit themselves to declare that the publication was done “sufficiently”, at “accustomed places” or “lieux accoutumés a faire cris” and specify very rarely where exactly this happened. For some French communities, we know the list of these “accustomed places”, but not for Paris, and generally, researchers suppose that the encompassing denomination covers a fixed set of places. However, other studies point to a probable spatial flexibility of the ritual.
If most of the texts concerning publication in the Livres de Couleur mention only the generic denomination of “accustomed places”, 46 texts contain more specific elements too. These elements appear on the one hand in the part ordering where to publish, or, on the other hand, in accounts on publications made and signed by the criers probably not long after the deeds.
These detailed descriptions of publications highlight different types of itineraries with a variable number of stops, identified by street, square or crossroad names, mention of churches, cemeteries or royal buildings. The main part of the paper examines these detailed descriptions, comparing the spatial arrangements of the individual publications with their respective topics. Some publications were thus made on very special places, as the ones concerning the cleaning of the place de Grève were uttered on spots in and near the square itself. Publications regulating the working of specialised craftsmen or tradesmen show a double spatiality: the itineraries seem to focus on the places of production and trade, and, besides, cover more general locations without direct links with the craft. And finally, several publications, concerning the security of the city or regulating economic activities occurring in many urban sites, like selling bread or keeping tavern, are executed in crossroads and squares disseminated in urban space. These general itineraries include different number of stops and are almost never identical but seem to contain a set of 6-7 frequently occurring places among other, rarely mentioned ones. These places can constitute the basis of a list of accustomed places with some common characteristics: they are important marketplaces, squares and crossroads (Halles, Petit Pont, Maubert square, Porte de Paris, Porte Baudoyer, crossroad Saint-Séverin, crossroad Croix du Tirouer), they are situated within the old urban walls built around 1200. But they only constitute the frequent but non obligatory elements of a big variety of itineraries, constructed apparently by the crier. Thus, the most common allusion to the spatial aspects of the ritual, “accustomed places” seems to ensure the validity of the publication and masks a plurality of journeys. However, even if not unchanging, the activity of the crier constituted a familiar event in urban life and contributed to an everyday presence of the royal power in the city
Lukács Anikó - Tóth Árpád (szerk.): Az érzelmek története. (Rendi társadalom - polgári társadalom 31.) Budapest, Hajnal István Kör - Társadalomtörténeti Egyesület,, 2019
„In the very middle of the city of Paris” – crimes, storytelling and fear in the 15th and 16th ce... more „In the very middle of the city of Paris” – crimes, storytelling and fear in the 15th and 16th centuries
In the important changes that early modern Europe underwent, from church reforms and increasing social control to the establishment of institutions of strong royal power and a most severe justice, carefully exploited and utilized fears had a great role. Fears from strangers, dangerous social groups, criminals and Satan have their share in shaping modern Western civilization.
The paper aims to find and analyze different motifs of fear in one specific type of text, crime stories, preserved in different sources as urban chronicles, printed pamphlets and novel collections, reflecting naturally not real criminal statistics but rather the subjective perception and ideological representation of criminality.
In fact, types of crimes mentioned in the sources show important changes over time and also the peculiarities of the different genres. From apocalyptic fears of civil war periods, through growing anxiety about violence defying authority to visions of divine punishment, crime stories highlight hidden motives and a particularly cruel image of the birth of modernity.
by Novák Veronika
The study explores the changing uses of space in Parisian processions during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. The analysis is based on local narrative sources, chronicles and diaries, and thus encompasses the most visible part of the processional practices, the extraordinary processions imploring divine help for actual meteorological or political crises and also the thanksgiving processions reflecting on victories, peace treaties and dynastic events.The end of the Middle Ages experienced a multifaceted and colourful processional culture, with a great variety of itineraries adopted in the Parisian urban space. Concerning the early modern era and the tentatives of strenghtening royal power, a certain uniformisation of the practices is described in modern historiography. Analysing the destinations and itineraries of the processions, together with the possible motivations for the choices of ecclesiastical institutions, and the very details of the ceremonies, the
paper tries to draw a more complexe picture of the changes, nuancing the simple uniformisation thesis. In fact, several churches preserved their role as processional destinations, but the changing processional practices transformed the message linked to the choice of the different institutions. At the same time, the extraordinary processions at the single parishes acquired a new importance at the end of the sixteenth century.
Az elítélt teste és a város szövete. Kivégzés, hatalom és térhasználat a 15-16. századi Franciaor... more Az elítélt teste és a város szövete. Kivégzés, hatalom és térhasználat a 15-16. századi Franciaországban. In: A test a társadalomban (Rendi társadalom – polgári társadalom 27.) Budapest, Hajnal István Kör – Társadalomtörténeti Egyesület, 2015. 321-335.
Medieval and early modern execution ritual, the torturing of bodies is generally considered as a symbolic language of the absolutistic power in development. However, in the formation of this language the 15th and 16th centuries repesent a crucial period because of the more and more conscious and frequent use of capital punishment. This formative phase highlights the tentative of royal power to organise and distribute a growing number of executions in the urban space, using their symbolic potentialities.
The paper studies this phenomenon through a special optic: it analyses the executions registered in the local chronicles and diaries of a metropolis of the period, Paris. This way, only one part of the cases of capital punishment becomes visible, those attracting the attention of the cultivated diary-keepers and self-appointed chroniclers; however, in the absence of a consequent official documentation of the executions, even this sample can be considered useful. The choice of one peculiar urban community permits a detailed study of the dynamics of changing spatial configurations, of the functions the Parisian courts assigned to the exposition of the punished bodies on different urban sites. Moreover, the choices of spaces obey to a logic revealing the strategies and the means of power.
In fact, during the two centuries under investigation, the growing number of executions permitted a growing occupation of the urban space: the number of customary execution sites doubled, and the rituals of capital punishment extended gradually to everyday spaces: streets where the sanctioned crime had been committed, or even where the convict lived before his crime. Finally, the paper compares the spatial development of the execution ritual with the strategies of other ceremonies of royal power, as entries, official publications and processions.
Novák Veronika Le corps du condamné et le tissu urbain. Exécution, pouvoir et usages de l’espace... more Novák Veronika
Le corps du condamné et le tissu urbain. Exécution, pouvoir et usages de l’espace à Paris aux 15e-16e siècles
Les 15e-16e siècles représentent une période où la justice royale entreprend de châtier avec acharnement les délinquances les plus diverses, ce qui veut dire qu’un nombre croissant d’exécutions doit être organisé et ordonné dans l’espace urbain. L’article s’efforce d’éclairer ce processus par l’exemple d’une ville, Paris, à travers le prisme des sources narratives offertes par les chroniques et journaux urbaines de ces deux siècles. En fait, l’ordre spatial des châtiments laisse une ample marge de manœuvre que les justiciers peuvent utiliser pour faire passer des messages par le choix des lieux d’exécution. Gibets, bûchers, corps en tourmente semblent envahir la ville et l’étude de leur disposition spatiale permet de scruter les stratégies du pouvoir royal, la rivalité des différents agents en jeu, mais aussi la perception de la criminalité et de sa punition exemplaire.
Hagiography and the material cult of the saints inform today a wide variety of historical researc... more Hagiography and the material cult of the saints inform today a wide variety of historical research from philology and theology through historical anthropology and cultural history to narratology and art history. Approaches vary from the local and national (dynastic saints, state religion, patron saints of cities and countries) to the universal (saints as healers, helpers and intercessors). We invite papers to this special issue on saints related to Pannonia and Hungary who crossed the frontiers and either "worked abroad", or their relics, cults, texts and images scattered all over Europe. Our inspiration is spurred by the 1700 th anniversary of the birth of Saint Martin of Tours in 2016. Martin, a native of Pannonia, was a soldier in the Roman army before becoming bishop of Tours. His origins, however, had not been forgotten and his medieval cult promoted fertile contacts between the kingdoms of Hungary and France. Hungarian saints in general did very well abroad, from the dynastic saints of the Árpádians -Saint Stephen, Saint Ladislas, Saint Eirene/Piroska, the holy empress of Byzantium, Saint Elisabeth of Hungary/Thuringia, Saint Margaret of Hungary --, and Angevins --Saint Jadwiga of Poland.
Halál Párizsban – elmúlás és erőszak a 15-16. századi francia krónikákban. In: Gálffy László – Sá... more Halál Párizsban – elmúlás és erőszak a 15-16. századi francia krónikákban. In: Gálffy László – Sáringer János (szerk.): Fehér Lovag. Tanulmányok Csernus Sándor 65. születésnapjára. Szeged, 2015. 162-174.
Sorba rendezett terek – utcalisták és térképzetek a 14-17. századi városleírásokban. In: A város ... more Sorba rendezett terek – utcalisták és térképzetek a 14-17. századi városleírásokban. In: A város és társadalma. Tanulmányok Bácskai Vera tiszteletére. Hajnal István Kör – Társadalomtörténeti Egyesület, Budapest, 2011. 234-248.
Parcours urbains – représentation de l’espace aux 13e-17e siècles à travers les « Rues de Paris »... more Parcours urbains – représentation de l’espace aux 13e-17e siècles à travers les « Rues de Paris ». Historia Urbana 19. 2011. 85-103.
Places of power: the spreading of official information and the social uses of space in fifteenth-... more Places of power: the spreading of official information and the social uses of space in fifteenth-century Paris. In: Towns and communications. Vol. 1. Communication in towns. Ed.: Neven Budak. International Commission for the History of Towns – Leykam International, Zagreb, 2009. 47-65.
Az erőszak topográfiája. Hétköznapi térhasználat a 15-16. századi párizsi bűnesetekben. Korall 45... more Az erőszak topográfiája. Hétköznapi térhasználat a 15-16. századi párizsi bűnesetekben. Korall 45. 2011. 59-79.
Térbeli történetek: térhasználat és tér-képzetek egy középkor végi kihallgatási jegyzőkönyvben. I... more Térbeli történetek: térhasználat és tér-képzetek egy középkor végi kihallgatási jegyzőkönyvben. In: Czoch Gábor – Klement Judit – Sonkoly Gábor (szerk.): Atelier-iskola. Granasztói György tiszteletére. Atelier, Budapest, 2008. 101-122.
La ville racontée : usages et représentations de l’espace à Paris au début du 15e siècle. In : Hi... more La ville racontée : usages et représentations de l’espace à Paris au début du 15e siècle. In : Histoire comparée des villes européennes. (Actes du 9e Conférence Internationale d’Histoire Urbaine, Lyon, 27-30 Août 2008.) CIHAM – UMR 5648, Lyon, 2009. (CD)
Books by Veronika Novák
Utcák szavak emberek A városi tér és használata Párizsban a középkor és a kora újkor határán (Rue... more Utcák szavak emberek A városi tér és használata Párizsban a középkor és a kora újkor határán (Rues, mots, hommes. Espace urbain et ses usages à Paris entre Moyen Âge et Modernité) Budapest, 2018. (avec un résumé en français)
Urbs. Magyar várostörténeti évkönyv, 2009
Aetas, 1999
Ezeknek az eseményeknek a visszhangjával foglalkozik tanulmányában Pons, Nicolc: Informations ct ... more Ezeknek az eseményeknek a visszhangjával foglalkozik tanulmányában Pons, Nicolc: Informations ct rumeurs: quclqucs points dc vuc sur les événcmcnts dc la Guerre Civile cn Francc (1407-1420). Rcvuc Historiquc, 1997/avril-juin 409-433. A szerző, az eddigi történészi véleményekkel szemben, kétségbe vonja a párizsi mészárlások kegyetlenséget, és egy korabeli naplórészletre támaszkodva arra a következtetésre jut, hogy ezek a párizsiaknak nem is jelentettek annyira "drámai órákat". 413-416.
Papp Barbara (szerk.): Lélek és történelem: örökség, 2021
Revue historique, 2020
Résumé S’appuyant sur l’analyse de quelques 250 textes concernant le cri public dans les rues de ... more Résumé
S’appuyant sur l’analyse de quelques 250 textes concernant le cri public dans les rues de Paris et enregistrés dans les Livres de Couleur du Châtelet, l’étude se propose de mettre en lumière les aspects spatiaux de ce rituel du pouvoir. Passant en revue d’abord les différents éléments du rituel et les modalités de sa mise en écrit, l’analyse se focalise avant tout sur les lieux du cri et les parcours du crieur. Cachés généralement derrière la désignation générique des « lieux accoutumés à faire cris et publications », ces éléments spatiaux sont pourtant présents dans quelques clauses exécutoires et mentions du déroulement de la publication. Loin d’être uniforme ou de suivre une coutume immuable, le parcours du cri semble varier selon la thématique de la publication mais aussi selon le « bricolage » du crieur. Cet officier est apparemment responsable du bon déroulement du rituel et également de sa mise en écrit. Le terme « lieux accoutumés », si fréquent dans les textes, a pour fonction d’assurer la validité du rituel, mais il recouvre en même temps une pluralité de déplacements. Le rituel du cri est un événement familier qui assure finalement la présence quotidienne du roi dans la ville.
The space of publications in xivth to xvith century Paris: a study of the “accustomed places”
The paper analyses some 250 texts concerning the “cri public”, the publication of royal and local ordinances in Paris between the XIVth and the XVIth centuries by the crier of the king (crieur juré du roi). The publications are written down in the Livres de Couleur (Archives nationales et Archives de la Préfecture de Police). Besides a short description of the publication process and the conditions of the production of the texts, the study focuses on the spatial aspects of the ritual. In fact, due to the nature of the documentation, texts concerning the criers’ activities generally limit themselves to declare that the publication was done “sufficiently”, at “accustomed places” or “lieux accoutumés a faire cris” and specify very rarely where exactly this happened. For some French communities, we know the list of these “accustomed places”, but not for Paris, and generally, researchers suppose that the encompassing denomination covers a fixed set of places. However, other studies point to a probable spatial flexibility of the ritual.
If most of the texts concerning publication in the Livres de Couleur mention only the generic denomination of “accustomed places”, 46 texts contain more specific elements too. These elements appear on the one hand in the part ordering where to publish, or, on the other hand, in accounts on publications made and signed by the criers probably not long after the deeds.
These detailed descriptions of publications highlight different types of itineraries with a variable number of stops, identified by street, square or crossroad names, mention of churches, cemeteries or royal buildings. The main part of the paper examines these detailed descriptions, comparing the spatial arrangements of the individual publications with their respective topics. Some publications were thus made on very special places, as the ones concerning the cleaning of the place de Grève were uttered on spots in and near the square itself. Publications regulating the working of specialised craftsmen or tradesmen show a double spatiality: the itineraries seem to focus on the places of production and trade, and, besides, cover more general locations without direct links with the craft. And finally, several publications, concerning the security of the city or regulating economic activities occurring in many urban sites, like selling bread or keeping tavern, are executed in crossroads and squares disseminated in urban space. These general itineraries include different number of stops and are almost never identical but seem to contain a set of 6-7 frequently occurring places among other, rarely mentioned ones. These places can constitute the basis of a list of accustomed places with some common characteristics: they are important marketplaces, squares and crossroads (Halles, Petit Pont, Maubert square, Porte de Paris, Porte Baudoyer, crossroad Saint-Séverin, crossroad Croix du Tirouer), they are situated within the old urban walls built around 1200. But they only constitute the frequent but non obligatory elements of a big variety of itineraries, constructed apparently by the crier. Thus, the most common allusion to the spatial aspects of the ritual, “accustomed places” seems to ensure the validity of the publication and masks a plurality of journeys. However, even if not unchanging, the activity of the crier constituted a familiar event in urban life and contributed to an everyday presence of the royal power in the city
Lukács Anikó - Tóth Árpád (szerk.): Az érzelmek története. (Rendi társadalom - polgári társadalom 31.) Budapest, Hajnal István Kör - Társadalomtörténeti Egyesület,, 2019
„In the very middle of the city of Paris” – crimes, storytelling and fear in the 15th and 16th ce... more „In the very middle of the city of Paris” – crimes, storytelling and fear in the 15th and 16th centuries
In the important changes that early modern Europe underwent, from church reforms and increasing social control to the establishment of institutions of strong royal power and a most severe justice, carefully exploited and utilized fears had a great role. Fears from strangers, dangerous social groups, criminals and Satan have their share in shaping modern Western civilization.
The paper aims to find and analyze different motifs of fear in one specific type of text, crime stories, preserved in different sources as urban chronicles, printed pamphlets and novel collections, reflecting naturally not real criminal statistics but rather the subjective perception and ideological representation of criminality.
In fact, types of crimes mentioned in the sources show important changes over time and also the peculiarities of the different genres. From apocalyptic fears of civil war periods, through growing anxiety about violence defying authority to visions of divine punishment, crime stories highlight hidden motives and a particularly cruel image of the birth of modernity.
by Novák Veronika
The study explores the changing uses of space in Parisian processions during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. The analysis is based on local narrative sources, chronicles and diaries, and thus encompasses the most visible part of the processional practices, the extraordinary processions imploring divine help for actual meteorological or political crises and also the thanksgiving processions reflecting on victories, peace treaties and dynastic events.The end of the Middle Ages experienced a multifaceted and colourful processional culture, with a great variety of itineraries adopted in the Parisian urban space. Concerning the early modern era and the tentatives of strenghtening royal power, a certain uniformisation of the practices is described in modern historiography. Analysing the destinations and itineraries of the processions, together with the possible motivations for the choices of ecclesiastical institutions, and the very details of the ceremonies, the
paper tries to draw a more complexe picture of the changes, nuancing the simple uniformisation thesis. In fact, several churches preserved their role as processional destinations, but the changing processional practices transformed the message linked to the choice of the different institutions. At the same time, the extraordinary processions at the single parishes acquired a new importance at the end of the sixteenth century.
Az elítélt teste és a város szövete. Kivégzés, hatalom és térhasználat a 15-16. századi Franciaor... more Az elítélt teste és a város szövete. Kivégzés, hatalom és térhasználat a 15-16. századi Franciaországban. In: A test a társadalomban (Rendi társadalom – polgári társadalom 27.) Budapest, Hajnal István Kör – Társadalomtörténeti Egyesület, 2015. 321-335.
Medieval and early modern execution ritual, the torturing of bodies is generally considered as a symbolic language of the absolutistic power in development. However, in the formation of this language the 15th and 16th centuries repesent a crucial period because of the more and more conscious and frequent use of capital punishment. This formative phase highlights the tentative of royal power to organise and distribute a growing number of executions in the urban space, using their symbolic potentialities.
The paper studies this phenomenon through a special optic: it analyses the executions registered in the local chronicles and diaries of a metropolis of the period, Paris. This way, only one part of the cases of capital punishment becomes visible, those attracting the attention of the cultivated diary-keepers and self-appointed chroniclers; however, in the absence of a consequent official documentation of the executions, even this sample can be considered useful. The choice of one peculiar urban community permits a detailed study of the dynamics of changing spatial configurations, of the functions the Parisian courts assigned to the exposition of the punished bodies on different urban sites. Moreover, the choices of spaces obey to a logic revealing the strategies and the means of power.
In fact, during the two centuries under investigation, the growing number of executions permitted a growing occupation of the urban space: the number of customary execution sites doubled, and the rituals of capital punishment extended gradually to everyday spaces: streets where the sanctioned crime had been committed, or even where the convict lived before his crime. Finally, the paper compares the spatial development of the execution ritual with the strategies of other ceremonies of royal power, as entries, official publications and processions.
Novák Veronika Le corps du condamné et le tissu urbain. Exécution, pouvoir et usages de l’espace... more Novák Veronika
Le corps du condamné et le tissu urbain. Exécution, pouvoir et usages de l’espace à Paris aux 15e-16e siècles
Les 15e-16e siècles représentent une période où la justice royale entreprend de châtier avec acharnement les délinquances les plus diverses, ce qui veut dire qu’un nombre croissant d’exécutions doit être organisé et ordonné dans l’espace urbain. L’article s’efforce d’éclairer ce processus par l’exemple d’une ville, Paris, à travers le prisme des sources narratives offertes par les chroniques et journaux urbaines de ces deux siècles. En fait, l’ordre spatial des châtiments laisse une ample marge de manœuvre que les justiciers peuvent utiliser pour faire passer des messages par le choix des lieux d’exécution. Gibets, bûchers, corps en tourmente semblent envahir la ville et l’étude de leur disposition spatiale permet de scruter les stratégies du pouvoir royal, la rivalité des différents agents en jeu, mais aussi la perception de la criminalité et de sa punition exemplaire.
Hagiography and the material cult of the saints inform today a wide variety of historical researc... more Hagiography and the material cult of the saints inform today a wide variety of historical research from philology and theology through historical anthropology and cultural history to narratology and art history. Approaches vary from the local and national (dynastic saints, state religion, patron saints of cities and countries) to the universal (saints as healers, helpers and intercessors). We invite papers to this special issue on saints related to Pannonia and Hungary who crossed the frontiers and either "worked abroad", or their relics, cults, texts and images scattered all over Europe. Our inspiration is spurred by the 1700 th anniversary of the birth of Saint Martin of Tours in 2016. Martin, a native of Pannonia, was a soldier in the Roman army before becoming bishop of Tours. His origins, however, had not been forgotten and his medieval cult promoted fertile contacts between the kingdoms of Hungary and France. Hungarian saints in general did very well abroad, from the dynastic saints of the Árpádians -Saint Stephen, Saint Ladislas, Saint Eirene/Piroska, the holy empress of Byzantium, Saint Elisabeth of Hungary/Thuringia, Saint Margaret of Hungary --, and Angevins --Saint Jadwiga of Poland.
Halál Párizsban – elmúlás és erőszak a 15-16. századi francia krónikákban. In: Gálffy László – Sá... more Halál Párizsban – elmúlás és erőszak a 15-16. századi francia krónikákban. In: Gálffy László – Sáringer János (szerk.): Fehér Lovag. Tanulmányok Csernus Sándor 65. születésnapjára. Szeged, 2015. 162-174.
Sorba rendezett terek – utcalisták és térképzetek a 14-17. századi városleírásokban. In: A város ... more Sorba rendezett terek – utcalisták és térképzetek a 14-17. századi városleírásokban. In: A város és társadalma. Tanulmányok Bácskai Vera tiszteletére. Hajnal István Kör – Társadalomtörténeti Egyesület, Budapest, 2011. 234-248.
Parcours urbains – représentation de l’espace aux 13e-17e siècles à travers les « Rues de Paris »... more Parcours urbains – représentation de l’espace aux 13e-17e siècles à travers les « Rues de Paris ». Historia Urbana 19. 2011. 85-103.
Places of power: the spreading of official information and the social uses of space in fifteenth-... more Places of power: the spreading of official information and the social uses of space in fifteenth-century Paris. In: Towns and communications. Vol. 1. Communication in towns. Ed.: Neven Budak. International Commission for the History of Towns – Leykam International, Zagreb, 2009. 47-65.
Az erőszak topográfiája. Hétköznapi térhasználat a 15-16. századi párizsi bűnesetekben. Korall 45... more Az erőszak topográfiája. Hétköznapi térhasználat a 15-16. századi párizsi bűnesetekben. Korall 45. 2011. 59-79.
Térbeli történetek: térhasználat és tér-képzetek egy középkor végi kihallgatási jegyzőkönyvben. I... more Térbeli történetek: térhasználat és tér-képzetek egy középkor végi kihallgatási jegyzőkönyvben. In: Czoch Gábor – Klement Judit – Sonkoly Gábor (szerk.): Atelier-iskola. Granasztói György tiszteletére. Atelier, Budapest, 2008. 101-122.
La ville racontée : usages et représentations de l’espace à Paris au début du 15e siècle. In : Hi... more La ville racontée : usages et représentations de l’espace à Paris au début du 15e siècle. In : Histoire comparée des villes européennes. (Actes du 9e Conférence Internationale d’Histoire Urbaine, Lyon, 27-30 Août 2008.) CIHAM – UMR 5648, Lyon, 2009. (CD)
Utcák szavak emberek A városi tér és használata Párizsban a középkor és a kora újkor határán (Rue... more Utcák szavak emberek A városi tér és használata Párizsban a középkor és a kora újkor határán (Rues, mots, hommes. Espace urbain et ses usages à Paris entre Moyen Âge et Modernité) Budapest, 2018. (avec un résumé en français)
Budapest: ELTE Eötvös Kiadó, 2010
La problématique du livre part de la constatation qu'il est largement accepté en historiographie ... more La problématique du livre part de la constatation qu'il est largement accepté en historiographie que les 15 e et 16 e siècles représentent un point crucial dans le développement de la relation à l'espace. En fait, depuis les (ré)inventions techniques , comme la boussole, la perspective linéaire et la triangulation, en pas-sant par le furor geographicus, l'intérêt passionné pour la géographie et les nou-veaux genres géographiques, comme les cartes, les vedute et les plans perspectifs des villes jusqu'à la lente reconfiguration des mentalités et de la conception générale de l'espace : territorialisation, abstraction, le visuel devançant l'auditif, la séparation de plus en plus marquée du public et du privé, du sacré et du profane , le passage du plein air et de l'ouvert vers un futur « renfermement
Novák Veronika: Hírek, hatalom, társadalom. Információáramlás Párizsban a középkor végén. Budapes... more Novák Veronika: Hírek, hatalom, társadalom. Információáramlás Párizsban a középkor
végén. Budapest, Gondolat – Infonia, 2007.