Data and Function to Work with Emojis (original) (raw)

The goal of emoji is to provide up to date information inn the form of data sets on emojis and their use.


You can install the released version of emoji from CRAN with:

And the development version from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")


The main data set in this package is the emojis data set which contains almost all the information contained in this package.


#> # A tibble: 4,702 × 19
#>    emoji name  group subgr…¹ version points nrunes runes quali…² vendo…³ vendo…⁴
#>    <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>   <chr>   <list>  <int> <chr> <chr>   <lgl>   <lgl>  
#>  1 😀    grin… Smil… face-s… 1.0     <int>       1 1F600 fully-… TRUE    TRUE   
#>  2 😃    grin… Smil… face-s… 0.6     <int>       1 1F603 fully-… TRUE    TRUE   
#>  3 😄    grin… Smil… face-s… 0.6     <int>       1 1F604 fully-… TRUE    TRUE   
#>  4 😁    beam… Smil… face-s… 0.6     <int>       1 1F601 fully-… TRUE    TRUE   
#>  5 😆    grin… Smil… face-s… 0.6     <int>       1 1F606 fully-… TRUE    TRUE   
#>  6 😅    grin… Smil… face-s… 0.6     <int>       1 1F605 fully-… TRUE    TRUE   
#>  7 🤣    roll… Smil… face-s… 3.0     <int>       1 1F923 fully-… TRUE    TRUE   
#>  8 😂    face… Smil… face-s… 0.6     <int>       1 1F602 fully-… TRUE    TRUE   
#>  9 🙂    slig… Smil… face-s… 1.0     <int>       1 1F642 fully-… TRUE    TRUE   
#> 10 🙃    upsi… Smil… face-s… 1.0     <int>       1 1F643 fully-… TRUE    TRUE   
#> # … with 4,692 more rows, 8 more variables: vendor_twitter <lgl>,
#> #   vendor_one <lgl>, vendor_facebook <lgl>, vendor_messenger <lgl>,
#> #   vendor_samsung <lgl>, vendor_windows <lgl>, keywords <list>,
#> #   aliases <list>, and abbreviated variable names ¹​subgroup, ²​qualified,
#> #   ³​vendor_apple, ⁴​vendor_google

the emoji_name is a vector of emojis with descriptive names

#>                        grinning                   grinning_face 
#>                            "😀"                            "😀" 
#>                          smiley     grinning_face_with_big_eyes 
#>                            "😃"                            "😃" 
#>                           smile grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes 
#>                            "😄"                            "😄" 
#>                            grin  beaming_face_with_smiling_eyes 
#>                            "😁"                            "😁" 
#>                        laughing                       satisfied 
#>                            "😆"                            "😆"

Each of the emojis have zero or more keywords associated with them.

#> $Aries
#> [1] "ram"   "aries"
#> $army
#> [1] "military_helmet"
#> $arrivals
#> [1] "flight_arrival"
#> $arriving
#> [1] "flight_arrival"
#> $arrow
#>  [1] "cupid"                     "calling"                  
#>  [3] "envelope_with_arrow"       "bow_and_arrow"            
#>  [5] "up_arrow"                  "up_right_arrow"           
#>  [7] "right_arrow"               "down_right_arrow"         
#>  [9] "down_arrow"                "down_left_arrow"          
#> [11] "left_arrow"                "up_left_arrow"            
#> [13] "up_down_arrow"             "right_arrow_curving_left" 
#> [15] "left_arrow_curving_right"  "right_arrow_curving_up"   
#> [17] "right_arrow_curving_down"  "arrows_clockwise"         
#> [19] "arrows_counterclockwise"   "back"                     
#> [21] "end"                       "on"                       
#> [23] "soon"                      "top"                      
#> [25] "twisted_rightwards_arrows" "repeat"                   
#> [27] "repeat_one"                "play_button"              
#> [29] "fast_forward"              "reverse_button"           
#> [31] "rewind"                    "last_track_button"        
#> [33] "arrow_up_small"            "arrow_double_up"          
#> [35] "arrow_down_small"          "arrow_double_down"        
#> $art
#> [1] "performing_arts" "art"

when can use emoji_keyword together with emoji_name to show then emojis for each keyword.

lapply(emoji_keyword[c(150:155)], function(x) unname(emoji_name[x]))
#> $Aries
#> [1] "🐏" "♈"
#> $army
#> [1] "🪖"
#> $arrivals
#> [1] "🛬"
#> $arriving
#> [1] "🛬"
#> $arrow
#>  [1] "💘" "📲" "📩" "🏹" "⬆️"  "↗️"  "➡️"  "↘️"  "⬇️"  "↙️"  "⬅️"  "↖️"  "↕️"  "↩️"  "↪️" 
#> [16] "⤴️"  "⤵️"  "🔃" "🔄" "🔙" "🔚" "🔛" "🔜" "🔝" "🔀" "🔁" "🔂" "▶️"  "⏩" "◀️" 
#> [31] "⏪" "⏮️"  "🔼" "⏫" "🔽" "⏬"
#> $art
#> [1] "🎭" "🎨"

Code of Conduct

Please note that the emoji project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.