Athena Cykes (original) (raw)

A writing idea that me and another friend came up with. I haven't posted in a while because I didn't know what to do. So, I hope this works out. Sorry if there is grammar errors. I had my glasses off and I stayed up pretty late to do this. The last part was just something I wanted to add at the end. I hope you enjoy it! I tried my best! This is my first post on here. 👉👈😔 I don't know how I feel about this but I wanted to do this.

It was 7:00 AM in the morning. The sound of my alarm going off on my phone was annoying. I groaned just wanting to sleep and not go to work. I am not a morning person. I am a night owl. Time to wake up, but I'm gonna sleep in more. I clicked the snooze button and continued to sleep. After a few mintues, it went off again and again. After that, I decided to shut it off and get up.

I stretched and looked out the window. The sun was rising up meaning it was a new day. I looked out my window, and the leaves were turning, fall is to arrive soon. When the sun rises, so must a Von Karma, to shine proper justice upon the impure law.

I got out of bed and made my bed. A Von Karma is perfect and must have everything cleaned and organized. Once it was all neat, I walked over to my closet and picked out the outfit I wear normally wear. I went to the bathroom and hopped into the shower. Ahhh, the relaxing hot warm water against my skin. It woke me a bit more. After about an hour of taking a shower, I got out and dried myself off. I got dressed into my clothes. I did my make-up and blow dried my hair. I brushed my hair. And done. I grabbed all my things and went back to my room. I fold my pjs and laid them on my bed. I headed downstairs to eat some breakfast.

Once I made it to the kitchen, I decided to make a waffle. I put the waffle in the toaster and waited for it to pop up. I let it cool down for about 2 minutes, while it cooled down I grabbed a plate and pulled out the serup. I put the waffle on the plate and poured some serup onto it. I grabbed a fork and began to eat. Yummy! After eating, I cleaned up. Washing the dishes. Then, I headed off to the bathroom again.

I brushed my teeth, flossed, and mouth washed. Gotta keep my teeth perfect and cleaned. Even if I don't smile nor laugh. After that, I headed to my room.

I put my high heel boots on and grabbed all my job stuff. Suitcase with the case files in it. My whip, of course. Can't forget about that. Next, I made sure everything in the house was all neat, organized, and perfect. I then turned off the all the lights and headed out the door to work.

I was in the car listening to music and jamming out. Not usually of me to do but I was feeling it. The drive was about 30 mintues long. I pulled into the parking lot and parked. I turned off the engine and grabbed my belongings, opening the door and slamming it shut. I made sure it was locked. I headed inside to go to my office.

I arrived at my office and set my stuff down. I checked my emails and got files and paperwork for court. Basically, all throughout the day I was working and such. Kinda boring but I love my job very much. And yes, I ate some lunch don't worry. I ate some Swiss rolls. A lunch/snack. I wasn't feeling much.

It was the end of the day and it was time to head off to home. I made sure everything looked neat, organized, and perfect like I always do. I grabbed everything and headed out the doors and to my car. I got in and again, jammed out to music. After about how long of a drive, I pulled inot my driveway and parked. I headed inside my house.

Once I was inside, I took a deep breath. It was nice to be home again. I went up to my room and put away my work stuff. I went down stairs and made some dinner. I decided to eat pizza. Yeah. Pizza. After eating, I cleaned up again.

I headed to my bedroom and grabbed my pjs and going to the bathroom to change into them. I brushed my teeth, flossed, mouth washed. I looked in the mirror. Yeah, beautiful prosecutor.

I crawled into my bed and covered myself in blankets. I set my alarm on my phone and plugged it in. Can't let it die, I need it. I closed my eyes and went to sleep. A Von Karma must have beauty sleep. Need a perfect sleep schedule. Goodnight. Sweet dreams. Sleep well.

Franziska sighed. "Am I perfect? I am though. Why does everyone say I'm not." She was looking down at her whip, not sure why to ask that out loud. "A Von Karma is always perfect. Papa said to me and Miles. But why does Miles want to find the truth?" The prosecutor woman started to question a lot of things in her head. She stood up and started to walk, hearing the echo of her heels on the polished tiled floor. Franziska was lost in her thoughts and hoped Miles wasn't here to listen to her questions that she said out loud. She looked at the pictures hung on the walls, thinking. Every pleasant memory she had, of course, there was a negative thorn driven deep into her mind. Often times it was easier to forget them all together, but even she couldn't keep her mind from drifting while in a place such as this. She would not change. Not stray. She failed in the past, she won't do it again. She is a Von Karma and lives up to that name.