Kladiola Gjini | Aleksander Xhuvani, Elbasan, Albania (original) (raw)

Drafts by Kladiola Gjini

Research paper thumbnail of Webinar discussion on Covid19

Sëmundja koronvirus Covid-19 ka një impakt të jashtëzakonshëm në jetën shoqërore dhe aktivitetin ... more Sëmundja koronvirus Covid-19 ka një impakt të jashtëzakonshëm në jetën shoqërore dhe aktivitetin ekonomik tëçdo shteti në botë. Disa kërkues mendojnë se impakti i Covid-19 mund të jetë edhe më i keq sesa kriza financiare e vitit 2008. Një ekonomi moderne përfshin punonjësit, firmat, prodhuesit, konsumatorët, bankat dhe ndërmjetësit financiarë etj etj. Ç dokushështë punonjësi, klienti huadhënësi i dikujt tjetër. Nëse do të ketë vendime individuale ose të përbashkëta jo të përshtatshme kjo do të ndikonte në mënyrë zinxhir në ekonomi. Njerëzit e vetë-izoluar kanë më pak mundësi shpenzimi, dhe madje të përballur me perspektivën e pasiguritë për të ardhdhmen ata mund të nxiten për të ulur akoma më shumë shpenzimet e tyre. Kjo do të vështirësonte fitimin e firmave. Firmat të përballura me një kërkesë në rënie për produktet e tyre (madje disa sektorë do të kenë ulje ose kolaps të plotë si turizmi) do të ulin kostot e tyre duke pushuar punonjësit nga puna. Edhe bankat nga ana e tyre do të ulin huadhëniet e tyre. Furnitorët nga ana e tyre do duhet të paguhen etj etj. Për më tepër mund të shtohet edhe paniku së bashku me mungesën e besimit. Të gjitha këtoçojnë në dështime domino (njëri pas tjetrit) të bizneseve.

Research paper thumbnail of Covid-19 pandemic situation in Albania, Italy, Greece and worldwide

COVID-19 CORONAVIRUS has been spreading globally. The outbreak of the Coronavirus occurred in Wuh... more COVID-19 CORONAVIRUS has been spreading globally. The outbreak of the Coronavirus occurred in Wuhan the province of Hubei in China during December 2019. The epicenter of the outbreak is considered to be China, and/or its travelers.
In this project we are presenting here some data about Albania, Italy, Greece and the world.
Total number of cases here includes also deaths and recovered/discharged patients (cases with an outcome).
In the total number of deaths there is a change of the diagnosis classification (date 12 of March 2020).

Papers by Kladiola Gjini

Research paper thumbnail of What Do We Know About Female Entrepreneurship in Albania? Overcoming Challenges and Driving Economic Growth

Research paper thumbnail of Alternative Teaching Approaches: Economics for Future Generations

International journal of pluralism and economics education, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of What Do We Know About Female Entrepreneurship in Albania? Overcoming Challenges and Driving Economic Growth

Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics book series (SPBE), 2024

This paper explores the current state of female entrepreneurship in Albania and the challenges fa... more This paper explores the current state of female entrepreneurship in Albania and the challenges faced by women entrepreneurs in driving economic growth. Despite progress made in recent years, Albania still lags behind in gender equality, with women entrepreneurs facing significant challenges in accessing finance, training, and markets. The COVID-19 pandemic has further exacerbated these challenges, with women-led businesses disproportionately affected. The promotion of female entrepreneurship has the potential to drive economic growth and reduce gender disparities in Albania, but it requires a concerted effort from policymakers, business support organizations, and society as a whole.

Research paper thumbnail of Small and Medium Sized Entreprises; Growth Factors

European Scientific Journal, ESJ, Mar 26, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of SMEs and trade after COVID19; uncertainity for Albanian firms

MIRDEC 20th- Rome , 2023

The importance of SMEs has been acknowledged from many years now, not only from their dominating ... more The importance of SMEs has been acknowledged from many years now, not only from their dominating position in numbers, but also for their impact in job creation, poverty reduction, and economic growth.
Even though international trade is dominated by the operation of large firms, nowadays with the global economy many SMEs are becoming more engaged into global markets. Globalization and especially international trade brings benefits and increases the welfare through lower production costs and prices, the economies of scales and better allocating the resources. The main purpose of this paper is to recognize the role played by SMEs and large firms in the international trade in Albania, as well as to explore the patterns of the Albanian international trade during the 2013-2021 periods. We also want to present some challenges that affected SMEs during and after COVID-19 pandemic. Data are retrieved from the National Institute of Statistics of Albania (INSTAT). By analyzing trade data with enterprises statistics, we can have a better understanding of the impact of SMEs in the trade transactions. This paper can be useful to other researchers in the field who want to compare results from their own countries, as well as highlight the issues that SMEs face in Albania.

Research paper thumbnail of Total Factor Productivity and Most Favored Nations Tariffs: Evidence from Croatia

Journal of Educational and Social Research, 2017

One of the most important topics in empirical trade research is the link between productivity and... more One of the most important topics in empirical trade research is the link between productivity and trade liberalization. In this paper we will focus on the effect of MFN tariffs in the total factor productivity of Croatian firms over the period 2003-2012. This period is characterized by an increased openness toward European Union for Croatian firms. The aim of this paper is to present evidence on the negative link between productivity and tariffs by using the Levinsohn and Petrin (2003) method to estimate productivity of firms. Then we will use TFP as a dependent variable for firm characteristics and trade policy indicator (MFN tariffs). The results are in line with most other studies, confirming the negative relationship between TFP and tariffs. The results show that exporting firms have a higher productivity than non-exporting. We also conclude that up to a certain age productivity increases and then decreases.

Research paper thumbnail of Learning by Exporting and Self-Selection Hypotheses: Evidence from Croatia

How to Cope With Disrupted Times, 2018


Revista Kerkimi, Aug 3, 2019

Në këtë artikull do të vlerësohet produktiviteti total i faktorëve për firmat në Shqipëri për per... more Në këtë artikull do të vlerësohet produktiviteti total i faktorëve për firmat në Shqipëri për periudhën 2003-2012, duke përdorur Anketimet e Performancës së Ndërmarrjeve dhe Mjedisit të Biznesit (BEEPS) nga EBRD dhe Banka Botërore. Produktiviteti nënkupton se sa efiçient është prodhimi, pra se sa sasi outputi prodhohet me një set të caktuar inputesh. Ai gjendet si mbetje (residual) nga funksioni i prodhimit. Përdorimi i metodës së katrorëve më të vegjël (OLS) për vlerësimin e produktivitetit total të faktorëve (TFP) çon në zhvendosje endogjene dhe anim të koefiçientëve. Prandaj TFP në këtë artikull është vlerësuar duke përdorur metodën gjysmë-parametrike të Levinsohn dhe Petrin (2003), të cilët përdorin inputet e ndërmjetme, si për shembull energjia, materialet, si një variabël alternativ për të zgjidhur çështjen e njëkohshmërisë. Gjithashtu, në këtë artikull është analizuar lidhja eksport-produktivitet total i faktorëve në tri drejtime: së pari në aspektin e eksport premium (diferenca midis firmave eksportuese dhe joeksportuese); së dyti në aspektin e vetselektimit (sesi produktiviteti i lartë ndikon pozitivisht në eksport) dhe së treti në aspektin e të mësuarit nga eksportimi (sesi firmat, pasi fillojnë eksportimin, përmirësojnë produktivitetin e tyre). Fakte nga shtete të ndryshme sugjerojnë se mesatarisht firmat eksportuese janë më produktive dhe kanë performancë më të mirë në krahasim me firmat joeksportuese. Nisur nga mostra e ulët, me pak vëzhgime, në mënyrë të kufizuar mund të konfirmohet se firmat eksportuese kanë një performancë ekonomike më të mirë sesa firmat joeksportuese. Gjithashtu, rezultatet konfirmojnë se firmat më produktive vetëselektohen në tregun ndërkombëtar, ashtu si dhe firmat, pasi hyjnë në tregun e jashtëm, pësojnë një rritje në produktivitet. Në literaturë nuk gjenden shumë artikuj rreth produktivitetit dhe sjelljes eksportuese të firmave në Shqipëri, prandaj mendoj se ky artikull mund të sjellë një kontribut sado të vogël në literaturë. Fjalë kyçe: Produktivitet total i faktorëve; Eksport; SME; Të mësosh nga eksportimi; Vetë-selektim.

Research paper thumbnail of Total Factor Productivity and Most Favored Nations Tariffs: Evidence from Croatia

One of the most important topics in empirical trade research is the link between productivity and... more One of the most important topics in empirical trade research is the link between productivity and trade liberalization. In this paper we will focus on the effect of MFN tariffs in the total factor productivity of Croatian firms over the period 2003-2012. This period is characterized by an increased openness toward European Union for Croatian firms. The aim of this paper is to present evidence on the negative link between productivity and tariffs by using the Levinsohn and Petrin (2003) method to estimate productivity of firms. Then we will use TFP as a dependent variable for firm characteristics and trade policy indicator (MFN tariffs). The results are in line with most other studies, confirming the negative relationship between TFP and tariffs. The results show that exporting firms have a higher productivity than non-exporting. We also conclude that up to a certain age productivity increases and then decreases.

Research paper thumbnail of Small & Medium sized enterprises: growth factors

Research paper thumbnail of The transfer price role

In this paper we want to analyze the issues of transfer pricing. Due to globalization, internatio... more In this paper we want to analyze the issues of transfer pricing. Due to globalization, international commerce and global marketing the importance of transfer pricing has grown rapidly. The investigation of advantages and disadvantages of the three approaches to transfer pricing is proposed in this paper even if it is dicult to make suggestions on the best method. The international point of view of transfer pricing has its own importance, by the role that it plays in corporate taxation strategies. Also, we will examine in this paper some ethical issues. We will conclude that transfer pricing can create conicts but in the end can align corporate and personnel goals when it is strategically practiced in order to maximize company prots as a whole.

Research paper thumbnail of Reflections about a large student  engagement & involvement in the society politics

Students will be the leaders of future changes, not only as individuals but also through their me... more Students will be the leaders of future changes, not only as individuals but also through their membership in dierent groups. Encouraged by ideas and experiences from foreign universities, from dierent initiatives for an eective leadership development programme, in this presentation we suggest several recommendations for changes in order to build a more active role of students in our university. Our faculty, by its own interdisciplinary nature, can be the promoter of a better stimulating environment, for the orientation and management of students' interests from all disciplines. Based on new visions and positive experiences from other academic institutions in the world, students will be motivated for more active engagement and collaboration at a university level. Student involvement in sensibilization campaigns, in community projects and in leadership development programmes will contribute to public politics and to the citizenship of tomorrow. These kind of activities will be very valuable for the student curricular and extracurricular activities, for their future career, for project management skills and for expanding their network of social and professional contacts. The formation of critical and creative citizens brings progress to the whole society. Creating a new spirit of engagement will enable everyone to see him/her self as a responsible actor in the collective life-an essential value of democratic civilizations. These are some aspects of our presentation in this conference that will be accompanied by actual analyses and reections from contemporary European experiences.

Research paper thumbnail of Albania as a Mediterranean country

Talks by Kladiola Gjini


Research paper thumbnail of European Fund for the Balkan

Experiencing Europe South-east Europe and EU= Leadership Development Programme

Books by Kladiola Gjini

Research paper thumbnail of Microeconomics exercises

Translations by Kladiola Gjini

Research paper thumbnail of Të kuptojmë luhatjet (shock-et) ekonomike të shkaktuara nga koronavirusi

Harvard Business Review Home, 2020

Ky eshte nje artikull i publikuar nga Philipp Carlsson-Szlezak , Martin Reeves & Paul Swartz ne H... more Ky eshte nje artikull i publikuar nga Philipp Carlsson-Szlezak , Martin Reeves & Paul Swartz ne Harvard Business Review.

Research paper thumbnail of Kosto e Coronavirus për ekonominë botërore sipas Kombeve të Bashkuara

World Economic Forum, 2020

Nje artikull nga Kombet e Bashkuara, i publikuar ne World Economic Forum, i cili parashikon kosto... more Nje artikull nga Kombet e Bashkuara, i publikuar ne World Economic Forum, i cili parashikon kostot ekonomike boterore te virusit Coronavirus Covid-19.

Research paper thumbnail of Webinar discussion on Covid19

Sëmundja koronvirus Covid-19 ka një impakt të jashtëzakonshëm në jetën shoqërore dhe aktivitetin ... more Sëmundja koronvirus Covid-19 ka një impakt të jashtëzakonshëm në jetën shoqërore dhe aktivitetin ekonomik tëçdo shteti në botë. Disa kërkues mendojnë se impakti i Covid-19 mund të jetë edhe më i keq sesa kriza financiare e vitit 2008. Një ekonomi moderne përfshin punonjësit, firmat, prodhuesit, konsumatorët, bankat dhe ndërmjetësit financiarë etj etj. Ç dokushështë punonjësi, klienti huadhënësi i dikujt tjetër. Nëse do të ketë vendime individuale ose të përbashkëta jo të përshtatshme kjo do të ndikonte në mënyrë zinxhir në ekonomi. Njerëzit e vetë-izoluar kanë më pak mundësi shpenzimi, dhe madje të përballur me perspektivën e pasiguritë për të ardhdhmen ata mund të nxiten për të ulur akoma më shumë shpenzimet e tyre. Kjo do të vështirësonte fitimin e firmave. Firmat të përballura me një kërkesë në rënie për produktet e tyre (madje disa sektorë do të kenë ulje ose kolaps të plotë si turizmi) do të ulin kostot e tyre duke pushuar punonjësit nga puna. Edhe bankat nga ana e tyre do të ulin huadhëniet e tyre. Furnitorët nga ana e tyre do duhet të paguhen etj etj. Për më tepër mund të shtohet edhe paniku së bashku me mungesën e besimit. Të gjitha këtoçojnë në dështime domino (njëri pas tjetrit) të bizneseve.

Research paper thumbnail of Covid-19 pandemic situation in Albania, Italy, Greece and worldwide

COVID-19 CORONAVIRUS has been spreading globally. The outbreak of the Coronavirus occurred in Wuh... more COVID-19 CORONAVIRUS has been spreading globally. The outbreak of the Coronavirus occurred in Wuhan the province of Hubei in China during December 2019. The epicenter of the outbreak is considered to be China, and/or its travelers.
In this project we are presenting here some data about Albania, Italy, Greece and the world.
Total number of cases here includes also deaths and recovered/discharged patients (cases with an outcome).
In the total number of deaths there is a change of the diagnosis classification (date 12 of March 2020).

Research paper thumbnail of What Do We Know About Female Entrepreneurship in Albania? Overcoming Challenges and Driving Economic Growth

Research paper thumbnail of Alternative Teaching Approaches: Economics for Future Generations

International journal of pluralism and economics education, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of What Do We Know About Female Entrepreneurship in Albania? Overcoming Challenges and Driving Economic Growth

Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics book series (SPBE), 2024

This paper explores the current state of female entrepreneurship in Albania and the challenges fa... more This paper explores the current state of female entrepreneurship in Albania and the challenges faced by women entrepreneurs in driving economic growth. Despite progress made in recent years, Albania still lags behind in gender equality, with women entrepreneurs facing significant challenges in accessing finance, training, and markets. The COVID-19 pandemic has further exacerbated these challenges, with women-led businesses disproportionately affected. The promotion of female entrepreneurship has the potential to drive economic growth and reduce gender disparities in Albania, but it requires a concerted effort from policymakers, business support organizations, and society as a whole.

Research paper thumbnail of Small and Medium Sized Entreprises; Growth Factors

European Scientific Journal, ESJ, Mar 26, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of SMEs and trade after COVID19; uncertainity for Albanian firms

MIRDEC 20th- Rome , 2023

The importance of SMEs has been acknowledged from many years now, not only from their dominating ... more The importance of SMEs has been acknowledged from many years now, not only from their dominating position in numbers, but also for their impact in job creation, poverty reduction, and economic growth.
Even though international trade is dominated by the operation of large firms, nowadays with the global economy many SMEs are becoming more engaged into global markets. Globalization and especially international trade brings benefits and increases the welfare through lower production costs and prices, the economies of scales and better allocating the resources. The main purpose of this paper is to recognize the role played by SMEs and large firms in the international trade in Albania, as well as to explore the patterns of the Albanian international trade during the 2013-2021 periods. We also want to present some challenges that affected SMEs during and after COVID-19 pandemic. Data are retrieved from the National Institute of Statistics of Albania (INSTAT). By analyzing trade data with enterprises statistics, we can have a better understanding of the impact of SMEs in the trade transactions. This paper can be useful to other researchers in the field who want to compare results from their own countries, as well as highlight the issues that SMEs face in Albania.

Research paper thumbnail of Total Factor Productivity and Most Favored Nations Tariffs: Evidence from Croatia

Journal of Educational and Social Research, 2017

One of the most important topics in empirical trade research is the link between productivity and... more One of the most important topics in empirical trade research is the link between productivity and trade liberalization. In this paper we will focus on the effect of MFN tariffs in the total factor productivity of Croatian firms over the period 2003-2012. This period is characterized by an increased openness toward European Union for Croatian firms. The aim of this paper is to present evidence on the negative link between productivity and tariffs by using the Levinsohn and Petrin (2003) method to estimate productivity of firms. Then we will use TFP as a dependent variable for firm characteristics and trade policy indicator (MFN tariffs). The results are in line with most other studies, confirming the negative relationship between TFP and tariffs. The results show that exporting firms have a higher productivity than non-exporting. We also conclude that up to a certain age productivity increases and then decreases.

Research paper thumbnail of Learning by Exporting and Self-Selection Hypotheses: Evidence from Croatia

How to Cope With Disrupted Times, 2018


Revista Kerkimi, Aug 3, 2019

Në këtë artikull do të vlerësohet produktiviteti total i faktorëve për firmat në Shqipëri për per... more Në këtë artikull do të vlerësohet produktiviteti total i faktorëve për firmat në Shqipëri për periudhën 2003-2012, duke përdorur Anketimet e Performancës së Ndërmarrjeve dhe Mjedisit të Biznesit (BEEPS) nga EBRD dhe Banka Botërore. Produktiviteti nënkupton se sa efiçient është prodhimi, pra se sa sasi outputi prodhohet me një set të caktuar inputesh. Ai gjendet si mbetje (residual) nga funksioni i prodhimit. Përdorimi i metodës së katrorëve më të vegjël (OLS) për vlerësimin e produktivitetit total të faktorëve (TFP) çon në zhvendosje endogjene dhe anim të koefiçientëve. Prandaj TFP në këtë artikull është vlerësuar duke përdorur metodën gjysmë-parametrike të Levinsohn dhe Petrin (2003), të cilët përdorin inputet e ndërmjetme, si për shembull energjia, materialet, si një variabël alternativ për të zgjidhur çështjen e njëkohshmërisë. Gjithashtu, në këtë artikull është analizuar lidhja eksport-produktivitet total i faktorëve në tri drejtime: së pari në aspektin e eksport premium (diferenca midis firmave eksportuese dhe joeksportuese); së dyti në aspektin e vetselektimit (sesi produktiviteti i lartë ndikon pozitivisht në eksport) dhe së treti në aspektin e të mësuarit nga eksportimi (sesi firmat, pasi fillojnë eksportimin, përmirësojnë produktivitetin e tyre). Fakte nga shtete të ndryshme sugjerojnë se mesatarisht firmat eksportuese janë më produktive dhe kanë performancë më të mirë në krahasim me firmat joeksportuese. Nisur nga mostra e ulët, me pak vëzhgime, në mënyrë të kufizuar mund të konfirmohet se firmat eksportuese kanë një performancë ekonomike më të mirë sesa firmat joeksportuese. Gjithashtu, rezultatet konfirmojnë se firmat më produktive vetëselektohen në tregun ndërkombëtar, ashtu si dhe firmat, pasi hyjnë në tregun e jashtëm, pësojnë një rritje në produktivitet. Në literaturë nuk gjenden shumë artikuj rreth produktivitetit dhe sjelljes eksportuese të firmave në Shqipëri, prandaj mendoj se ky artikull mund të sjellë një kontribut sado të vogël në literaturë. Fjalë kyçe: Produktivitet total i faktorëve; Eksport; SME; Të mësosh nga eksportimi; Vetë-selektim.

Research paper thumbnail of Total Factor Productivity and Most Favored Nations Tariffs: Evidence from Croatia

One of the most important topics in empirical trade research is the link between productivity and... more One of the most important topics in empirical trade research is the link between productivity and trade liberalization. In this paper we will focus on the effect of MFN tariffs in the total factor productivity of Croatian firms over the period 2003-2012. This period is characterized by an increased openness toward European Union for Croatian firms. The aim of this paper is to present evidence on the negative link between productivity and tariffs by using the Levinsohn and Petrin (2003) method to estimate productivity of firms. Then we will use TFP as a dependent variable for firm characteristics and trade policy indicator (MFN tariffs). The results are in line with most other studies, confirming the negative relationship between TFP and tariffs. The results show that exporting firms have a higher productivity than non-exporting. We also conclude that up to a certain age productivity increases and then decreases.

Research paper thumbnail of Small & Medium sized enterprises: growth factors

Research paper thumbnail of The transfer price role

In this paper we want to analyze the issues of transfer pricing. Due to globalization, internatio... more In this paper we want to analyze the issues of transfer pricing. Due to globalization, international commerce and global marketing the importance of transfer pricing has grown rapidly. The investigation of advantages and disadvantages of the three approaches to transfer pricing is proposed in this paper even if it is dicult to make suggestions on the best method. The international point of view of transfer pricing has its own importance, by the role that it plays in corporate taxation strategies. Also, we will examine in this paper some ethical issues. We will conclude that transfer pricing can create conicts but in the end can align corporate and personnel goals when it is strategically practiced in order to maximize company prots as a whole.

Research paper thumbnail of Reflections about a large student  engagement & involvement in the society politics

Students will be the leaders of future changes, not only as individuals but also through their me... more Students will be the leaders of future changes, not only as individuals but also through their membership in dierent groups. Encouraged by ideas and experiences from foreign universities, from dierent initiatives for an eective leadership development programme, in this presentation we suggest several recommendations for changes in order to build a more active role of students in our university. Our faculty, by its own interdisciplinary nature, can be the promoter of a better stimulating environment, for the orientation and management of students' interests from all disciplines. Based on new visions and positive experiences from other academic institutions in the world, students will be motivated for more active engagement and collaboration at a university level. Student involvement in sensibilization campaigns, in community projects and in leadership development programmes will contribute to public politics and to the citizenship of tomorrow. These kind of activities will be very valuable for the student curricular and extracurricular activities, for their future career, for project management skills and for expanding their network of social and professional contacts. The formation of critical and creative citizens brings progress to the whole society. Creating a new spirit of engagement will enable everyone to see him/her self as a responsible actor in the collective life-an essential value of democratic civilizations. These are some aspects of our presentation in this conference that will be accompanied by actual analyses and reections from contemporary European experiences.

Research paper thumbnail of Albania as a Mediterranean country

Research paper thumbnail of Të kuptojmë luhatjet (shock-et) ekonomike të shkaktuara nga koronavirusi

Harvard Business Review Home, 2020

Ky eshte nje artikull i publikuar nga Philipp Carlsson-Szlezak , Martin Reeves & Paul Swartz ne H... more Ky eshte nje artikull i publikuar nga Philipp Carlsson-Szlezak , Martin Reeves & Paul Swartz ne Harvard Business Review.

Research paper thumbnail of Kosto e Coronavirus për ekonominë botërore sipas Kombeve të Bashkuara

World Economic Forum, 2020

Nje artikull nga Kombet e Bashkuara, i publikuar ne World Economic Forum, i cili parashikon kosto... more Nje artikull nga Kombet e Bashkuara, i publikuar ne World Economic Forum, i cili parashikon kostot ekonomike boterore te virusit Coronavirus Covid-19.

Research paper thumbnail of Economists must think broader – or risk becoming irrelevant

The Guardian , 2019

Një artikull nga The Guardian i shkruar nga Mohamed El-Erian, i cili flet për sfidat që i presin ... more Një artikull nga The Guardian i shkruar nga Mohamed El-Erian, i cili flet për sfidat që i presin ekonomistët e shekullit të XXI.
Mohamed El-Erian është këshilltar kryesor ekonomik në Allianz dhe ka qenë kryetar i Këshillit të Zhvillimit Global të Barack Obama.

Research paper thumbnail of Fitues të çmimit NOBEL ndër vite

Këtu paraqiten fituesit e çmimit NOBEL në Ekonomi që nga viti 1969.

Research paper thumbnail of Varoufakis's Great Game

A do te dale Greqia nga Eurozona? A ka nje plan B ministri i financave Varoufakis? Cilet jane akt... more A do te dale Greqia nga Eurozona? A ka nje plan B ministri i financave Varoufakis? Cilet jane aktoret qe mund te kene ndikuar ne nje pershkallezim te situates ne Greqi? A do te tregoje historia qe Varoufakis ka qene nje fillestar ne politike, apo nje teoricien ekspert i Game theory?

Research paper thumbnail of Why the oil price is falling?

Perse po bie çmimi i naftes? A po ndryshon kerkesa per nafte nga aktiviteti i dobet ekonomik? Po ... more Perse po bie çmimi i naftes? A po ndryshon kerkesa per nafte nga aktiviteti i dobet ekonomik? Po super prodhimi i Amerikes po krijon nje oferte te tepert? Si ndikojne trazirat Irak-Siri? Cfare ndikimi do te kete urrejtja e Arabise Saudite ndaj Iranit dhe Rusise? Si perfundim a do te copezohet apo jo industria e naftes?


Masters International Research & Development Center, 2017

In this paper we empirically assess the macroeconomic productivity-export link for Bosnian firms ... more In this paper we empirically assess the macroeconomic productivity-export link for Bosnian firms over the 2003-2012 period, based on the Bureau Van Dijk Electronic Publishing (BvDEP) Amadeus dataset.
The aim of this paper is to gain further insight into these topics by paying special attention to Learning by exporting and Self-selection effects. We start by estimating total factor productivity by the Levisohn
and Petrin (2003) method which uses a semi-parametric estimator and then analyze both LBE and SS effects with FE and Probit methods. In light of this relationship between total factor productivity and
export, TFP is regressed on various variables i.e. lagged TFP, age, number of employees, size, export status, ownership and sector. This paper will be useful to readers who have already done research in
these fields (or similar fields) or those who want to compare results from their own studies.


In this paper we estimate the probability to export by adopting a (random effect panel) Probit mo... more In this paper we estimate the probability to export by adopting a (random effect panel) Probit model for Croatian firm level data over the 2002-2013 periods. We strongly support the hypothesis that self-selection into export markets occurs for more productive firms. The effects of total factor productivity in export are shown to be in the long run. Furthermore, we find a significant effect for lagged productivity on export participation. Our findings support the learning by exporting hypothesis, that export participation has a positive strong effect on productivity. Given the importance of the subject, this paper invites further research in firm performance-export relationship for Croatia. export, self-selection hypothesis, learning by exporting hypothesis, productivity size ownership sector export status

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Thomas Seegmuller and Xavier Raurich 16:15-16:45 Coffee break 16:45-18:15 Murat Sertel Lecture: C... more Thomas Seegmuller and Xavier Raurich 16:15-16:45 Coffee break 16:45-18:15 Murat Sertel Lecture: Chair: Unal Zenginobuz Room: Voula Patoulidou A

Research paper thumbnail of Introduction to Microeconomics Study Guide


Excited to announce my recent role as a Reviewing Economist for this book

Research paper thumbnail of Introduction to Microeconomics

Inomics, 2024

Excited to announce my recent role as a Reviewing Economist for this book