Elena Nikolopoulou | National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (original) (raw)


Papers by Elena Nikolopoulou

Research paper thumbnail of Μελέτη της έκφρασης των ισομορφών των υποδοχέων των γλυκοκορτικοειδών (GR) και του ινσουλινομιμητκού αυξητικού παράγοντα - I (IGF-1) σε φυσιολογικό και παθοφυσιολογικό νευρικό ιστό: ο βιολογικός ρόλος του GR και του IGF-1

Το στρες οδηγεί τον ανθρώπινο οργανισμό σε σημαντικές αλλαγές της συμπεριφοράς, που συνδέονται κα... more Το στρες οδηγεί τον ανθρώπινο οργανισμό σε σημαντικές αλλαγές της συμπεριφοράς, που συνδέονται και με δομικές αλλαγές σε συγκεκριμένες εγκεφαλικές περιοχές. Κατά την απόκριση του οργανισμού σε ένα στρεσογόνο ερέθισμα, βασικό ρόλο παίζει η παραγωγή των γλυκοκορτικοειδών και η πρόσδεσή τους στους αντίστοιχους υποδοχείς (Glucocorticoid Receptors- GR και Mineralocorticoid Receptors- MR). Οι GR στον εγκέφαλο επηρεάζουν τους μηχανισμούς ανατροφοδότησης για ρύθμιση της απόκρισης του οργανισμού στο στρες. Μεταβολές των GR οδηγούν σε ανωμαλίες της ρύθμισης και υπερέκκριση γλυκοκορτικοειδών. H διαταραγμένη GR-εξαρτώμενη απόκριση στο στρες μπορεί να είναι κρίσιμος παράγοντας στην εμφάνιση νευροψυχιατρικών διαταραχών, όπως η κατάθλιψη, κατά την οποία εμφανίζεται υπερ-κορτιζολεμία. Αναλυτικότερα, 3 περιοχές του εγκεφάλου, ο ιππόκαμπος, ο προ-μετωπιαίος φλοιός και η αμυγδαλή, οι οποίες είναι πλούσιες στην παρουσία GR, ρυθμίζουν την απόκριση του εγκεφάλου στο στρες. Η παρούσα μελέτη προτείνει ότι κατά την εκδήλωση διαταραχών του στρες, δημιουργούνται ανωμαλίες στην απόκριση που προκύπτουν από μεταβολές των GR. Έτσι, θα γίνει ανίχνευση της έκφρασης του GR, σε πρωτεϊνικό επίπεδο, σε τομές ανθρώπινου εγκεφάλου (postmortem) υγιών ατόμων και ατόμων με κατάθλιψη εν ζωή, ώστε να διευκρινιστεί πως η οποιαδήποτε αλλαγή της έκφρασης των GCs που εντοπίζεται σε ψυχιατρικά νοσήματα, σχετίζεται με αλλαγή στη λειτουργία και ρύθμιση του άξονα του στρες (Υποθάλαμος Υπόφυση Επινεφρίδια - ΥΥΕ) και τελικά με την εμφάνιση κατάθλιψης. Ταυτόχρονα, θα γίνει προσδιορισμός της έκφρασης των υποδοχέων GR και MR σε επίπεδο mRNA στα κεντρικά διαμερίσματα του άξονα του στρες, σε πειραματικό μοντέλο με υπέρ- και υπόθυρεοειδισμό και θα προσδιοριστεί η ενεργότητα του GR σε κεντρικούς και περιφερικούς ιστούς (ιππόκαμπος, καρδιά και θύμος αδένας), προκειμένου να τεκμηριωθεί το γεγονός πως σε παθολογικές καταστάσεις με μεταβολές των θυρεοειδικών ορμονών, επηρεάζονται άμεσα τα επιμέρους τμήματα του ΥΥΕ. Η απόκριση του οργανισμού και η προσαρμογή του στο στρες διαμορφώνονται με δράση νευροδιαβιδαστών μορίων, όπως οι αυξητικοί παράγοντες. Ο ινσουλινομιμητικός παράγοντας 1 (Insulin like growth factor 1 - IGF1) είναι ένα μόριο που παίζει σημαντικό ρόλο στη φυσιολογική ανάπτυξη του εγκεφάλου. Έτσι, θα γίνει προσδιορισμός της έκφρασης του IGF-1 σε περιστατικά κακοήθειας στον εγκέφαλο, ώστε να εντοπιστούν μεταβολές τους αυξητικού παράγοντα που σχετίζονται με την εμφάνιση όγκου και να διεξαχθούν χρήσιμα συμπεράσματα. Συμπερασματικά, γίνεται μία προσπάθεια συνολικής και πολύπλευρης προσέγγισης για κατανόηση της λειτουργίας του στρες, μέσα από βασικές αλλαγές που μπορούν να προκληθούν στον οργανισμό. Ο σκοπός είναι να εντοπιστούν αλληλεπιδράσεις στα συνδεόμενα συστήματα του οργανισμού με τελικό αποδέκτη τον ΥΥΕ άξονα με κύριο ρόλο των GR.

Research paper thumbnail of Cell Adhesion Molecules and In Vitro Fertilization

In Vivo, Sep 1, 2014

This review addresses issues regarding the need in the in vitro fertilization (IVF) field for fur... more This review addresses issues regarding the need in the in vitro fertilization (IVF) field for further predictive markers enhancing the standing embryo selection criteria. It aims to serve as a source of defining information for an audience interested in factors related to the wide range of multiple roles played by cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) in several aspects of IVF ultimately associated with the success of an IVF cycle. We begin by stressing the importance of enriching the standing embryo selection criteria available aiming for the golden standard: "extract as much information as possible focusing on non-invasive techniques" so as to guide us towards selecting the embryo with the highest implantation potential. We briefly describe the latest trends on how to best select the right embryo, moving closer towards elective single embryo transfer. These trends are: frozen embryo transfer for all, preimplantation genetic screening, non-invasive selection criteria, and time-lapse imaging. The main part of this review is dedicated to categorizing and presenting published research studies focused on the involvement of CAMs in IVF and its final outcome. Specifically, we discuss the association of CAMs with conditions and complications that arise from performing assisted reproductive techniques, such as ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, the state of the endometrium, and tubal pregnancies, as well as the levels of CAMs in biological materials available in the IVF laboratory such as follicular fluid, trophectoderm, ovarian granulosa cells, oocytes, and embryos. To conclude, since CAMs have been successfully employed as a diagnostic tool in several pathologies in routine clinical work, we suggest that their multi-faceted nature could serve as a prognostic marker in assisted reproduction, aiming to enrich the list of non-invasive selection and predictive criteria in the IVF setting. We propose that in light of the welldocumented involvement of CAMs in the developmental processes of fertilization, embryogenesis, implantation, placentation, and embryonic development, further studies could contribute significantly to achieving a higher quality of treatment and management of infertility.

Research paper thumbnail of Modulation of central glucocorticoid receptors in short- and long-term experimental hyperthyroidism.

Hyperthyroidism is associated with a significant increase in circulating glucocorticoid levels an... more Hyperthyroidism is associated with a significant increase in circulating glucocorticoid levels and hyperactivity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. The aim of this study was to examine whether the HPA axis hyperactivity observed in hyperthyroidism may be explained by a disturbed feedback inhibition of endogenous glucocorticoids through two specific intracellular receptors in the brain: the high affinity mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) and the lower affinity glucocorticoid receptor (GR). Cytosolic receptor binding and gene expression was assessed in rats with short (7 days) and long standing (60 days) eu- and hyperthyroidism. Glucocorticoid receptor number and binding affinity (Kd) in the hippocampus were measured using [(3)H2]-dexamethasone radioreceptor assay. In situ hybridization was employed to examine the effects of hyperthyroidism on the GR and MR mRNA levels in the hippocampus and the pituitary. Both short- and long-term hyperthyroid rats showed pronounced reduction in the concentration of cytosolic GR in the hippocampus, without changes in binding affinity or changes in GR expression. In contrast, GR mRNA in the pituitary increased after 7 days and decreased after 60 days of thyroxin treatment. MR mRNA was moderately affected. Hyperthyroidism is associated with significant decreases in hippocampal GR levels supporting the hypothesis that hyperactivity of the HPA axis observed in experimentally induced hyperthyroidism may be attributed, at least in part, to decreased negative feedback at the level of the hippocampus. These findings further support the notion that a central locus is principally responsible for the hyperactivity of the HPA axis observed in hyperthyroidism.

Research paper thumbnail of Down-regulation of hippocampal glucocorticoid receptors in adult hyperthyroid rats


Research paper thumbnail of Cell adhesion molecules and in vitro fertilization

In vivo (Athens, Greece)

This review addresses issues regarding the need in the in vitro fertilization (IVF) field for fur... more This review addresses issues regarding the need in the in vitro fertilization (IVF) field for further predictive markers enhancing the standing embryo selection criteria. It aims to serve as a source of defining information for an audience interested in factors related to the wide range of multiple roles played by cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) in several aspects of IVF ultimately associated with the success of an IVF cycle. We begin by stressing the importance of enriching the standing embryo selection criteria available aiming for the golden standard: "extract as much information as possible focusing on non-invasive techniques" so as to guide us towards selecting the embryo with the highest implantation potential. We briefly describe the latest trends on how to best select the right embryo, moving closer towards elective single embryo transfer. These trends are: frozen embryo transfer for all, preimplantation genetic screening, non-invasive selection criteria, and time-l...

Research paper thumbnail of Modulation of central glucocorticoid receptors in short- and long-term experimental hyperthyroidism

Endocrine, Jan 27, 2015

Hyperthyroidism is associated with a significant increase in circulating glucocorticoid levels an... more Hyperthyroidism is associated with a significant increase in circulating glucocorticoid levels and hyperactivity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. The aim of this study was to examine whether the HPA axis hyperactivity observed in hyperthyroidism may be explained by a disturbed feedback inhibition of endogenous glucocorticoids through two specific intracellular receptors in the brain: the high affinity mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) and the lower affinity glucocorticoid receptor (GR). Cytosolic receptor binding and gene expression was assessed in rats with short (7 days) and long standing (60 days) eu- and hyperthyroidism. Glucocorticoid receptor number and binding affinity (Kd) in the hippocampus were measured using [(3)H2]-dexamethasone radioreceptor assay. In situ hybridization was employed to examine the effects of hyperthyroidism on the GR and MR mRNA levels in the hippocampus and the pituitary. Both short- and long-term hyperthyroid rats showed pronounced redu...

Research paper thumbnail of Decreased DNA Disruption in the Porcine Neocortex with Erythromycin Preconditioning during Prolonged Hypothermic Circulatory Arrest: Evidence for Neuroprotection.

BACKGROUND AND AIM OF THE STUDY: We have previously reported that the neocortex is selectively vu... more BACKGROUND AND AIM OF THE STUDY: We have previously reported that the neocortex is selectively vulnerable to injury in an acute porcine model of hypothermic circulatory arrest (HCA) at 18°C. In view of recent evidence showing that pharmacologic preconditioning with a single dose of erythromycin induces tolerance against transient global cerebral ischemia in rats, we hypothesized that erythromycin would reduce the number of apoptotic neurons in the neocortex in an acute porcine model of HCA at 18°C.METHODS: Fourteen piglets underwent 75 min of HCA at 18°C following pretreatment with erythromycin (25 mg/kg, IV) (n = 8) or vehicle (Normal Saline 0.9%) (n = 6), applied 12 hr before arrest. Three served as normal controls. After gradual rewarming to a temperature of 36°C, treatment animals were sacrificed and brains were perfusion-fixed and cryopreserved. Neuronal apoptosis after HCA was observed morphologically with hematoxylin and eosin staining, and characterized by in situ DNA fragmentation using terminal deoxynucleotidyl-transferase-mediated biotin-dUTP nick end-labeling (TUNEL) histochemistry.RESULTS: Pre-ischemic conditioning with a single dose of the antibiotic erythromycin reduced neuronal apoptosis in the neocortex of the porcine brain. TUNEL-positive cells indicating DNA fragmentation and neuronal injury were significantly greater in the neocortex of animals treated with 18°C HCA (2.55 ± 1.17) compared to animals undergoing HCA after erythromycin preconditioning (1.76 ± 0.91) (p ≤ 0.001).CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that cerebral protection during HCA may be achieved with erythromycin pharmacological preconditioning in the porcine model. doi: 10.1111/jocs.12544 (J Card Surg 2015;30:525-531).© 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

Research paper thumbnail of Μελέτη της έκφρασης των ισομορφών των υποδοχέων των γλυκοκορτικοειδών (GR) και του ινσουλινομιμητκού αυξητικού παράγοντα - I (IGF-1) σε φυσιολογικό και παθοφυσιολογικό νευρικό ιστό: ο βιολογικός ρόλος του GR και του IGF-1

Το στρες οδηγεί τον ανθρώπινο οργανισμό σε σημαντικές αλλαγές της συμπεριφοράς, που συνδέονται κα... more Το στρες οδηγεί τον ανθρώπινο οργανισμό σε σημαντικές αλλαγές της συμπεριφοράς, που συνδέονται και με δομικές αλλαγές σε συγκεκριμένες εγκεφαλικές περιοχές. Κατά την απόκριση του οργανισμού σε ένα στρεσογόνο ερέθισμα, βασικό ρόλο παίζει η παραγωγή των γλυκοκορτικοειδών και η πρόσδεσή τους στους αντίστοιχους υποδοχείς (Glucocorticoid Receptors- GR και Mineralocorticoid Receptors- MR). Οι GR στον εγκέφαλο επηρεάζουν τους μηχανισμούς ανατροφοδότησης για ρύθμιση της απόκρισης του οργανισμού στο στρες. Μεταβολές των GR οδηγούν σε ανωμαλίες της ρύθμισης και υπερέκκριση γλυκοκορτικοειδών. H διαταραγμένη GR-εξαρτώμενη απόκριση στο στρες μπορεί να είναι κρίσιμος παράγοντας στην εμφάνιση νευροψυχιατρικών διαταραχών, όπως η κατάθλιψη, κατά την οποία εμφανίζεται υπερ-κορτιζολεμία. Αναλυτικότερα, 3 περιοχές του εγκεφάλου, ο ιππόκαμπος, ο προ-μετωπιαίος φλοιός και η αμυγδαλή, οι οποίες είναι πλούσιες στην παρουσία GR, ρυθμίζουν την απόκριση του εγκεφάλου στο στρες. Η παρούσα μελέτη προτείνει ότι κατά την εκδήλωση διαταραχών του στρες, δημιουργούνται ανωμαλίες στην απόκριση που προκύπτουν από μεταβολές των GR. Έτσι, θα γίνει ανίχνευση της έκφρασης του GR, σε πρωτεϊνικό επίπεδο, σε τομές ανθρώπινου εγκεφάλου (postmortem) υγιών ατόμων και ατόμων με κατάθλιψη εν ζωή, ώστε να διευκρινιστεί πως η οποιαδήποτε αλλαγή της έκφρασης των GCs που εντοπίζεται σε ψυχιατρικά νοσήματα, σχετίζεται με αλλαγή στη λειτουργία και ρύθμιση του άξονα του στρες (Υποθάλαμος Υπόφυση Επινεφρίδια - ΥΥΕ) και τελικά με την εμφάνιση κατάθλιψης. Ταυτόχρονα, θα γίνει προσδιορισμός της έκφρασης των υποδοχέων GR και MR σε επίπεδο mRNA στα κεντρικά διαμερίσματα του άξονα του στρες, σε πειραματικό μοντέλο με υπέρ- και υπόθυρεοειδισμό και θα προσδιοριστεί η ενεργότητα του GR σε κεντρικούς και περιφερικούς ιστούς (ιππόκαμπος, καρδιά και θύμος αδένας), προκειμένου να τεκμηριωθεί το γεγονός πως σε παθολογικές καταστάσεις με μεταβολές των θυρεοειδικών ορμονών, επηρεάζονται άμεσα τα επιμέρους τμήματα του ΥΥΕ. Η απόκριση του οργανισμού και η προσαρμογή του στο στρες διαμορφώνονται με δράση νευροδιαβιδαστών μορίων, όπως οι αυξητικοί παράγοντες. Ο ινσουλινομιμητικός παράγοντας 1 (Insulin like growth factor 1 - IGF1) είναι ένα μόριο που παίζει σημαντικό ρόλο στη φυσιολογική ανάπτυξη του εγκεφάλου. Έτσι, θα γίνει προσδιορισμός της έκφρασης του IGF-1 σε περιστατικά κακοήθειας στον εγκέφαλο, ώστε να εντοπιστούν μεταβολές τους αυξητικού παράγοντα που σχετίζονται με την εμφάνιση όγκου και να διεξαχθούν χρήσιμα συμπεράσματα. Συμπερασματικά, γίνεται μία προσπάθεια συνολικής και πολύπλευρης προσέγγισης για κατανόηση της λειτουργίας του στρες, μέσα από βασικές αλλαγές που μπορούν να προκληθούν στον οργανισμό. Ο σκοπός είναι να εντοπιστούν αλληλεπιδράσεις στα συνδεόμενα συστήματα του οργανισμού με τελικό αποδέκτη τον ΥΥΕ άξονα με κύριο ρόλο των GR.

Research paper thumbnail of Cell Adhesion Molecules and In Vitro Fertilization

In Vivo, Sep 1, 2014

This review addresses issues regarding the need in the in vitro fertilization (IVF) field for fur... more This review addresses issues regarding the need in the in vitro fertilization (IVF) field for further predictive markers enhancing the standing embryo selection criteria. It aims to serve as a source of defining information for an audience interested in factors related to the wide range of multiple roles played by cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) in several aspects of IVF ultimately associated with the success of an IVF cycle. We begin by stressing the importance of enriching the standing embryo selection criteria available aiming for the golden standard: "extract as much information as possible focusing on non-invasive techniques" so as to guide us towards selecting the embryo with the highest implantation potential. We briefly describe the latest trends on how to best select the right embryo, moving closer towards elective single embryo transfer. These trends are: frozen embryo transfer for all, preimplantation genetic screening, non-invasive selection criteria, and time-lapse imaging. The main part of this review is dedicated to categorizing and presenting published research studies focused on the involvement of CAMs in IVF and its final outcome. Specifically, we discuss the association of CAMs with conditions and complications that arise from performing assisted reproductive techniques, such as ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, the state of the endometrium, and tubal pregnancies, as well as the levels of CAMs in biological materials available in the IVF laboratory such as follicular fluid, trophectoderm, ovarian granulosa cells, oocytes, and embryos. To conclude, since CAMs have been successfully employed as a diagnostic tool in several pathologies in routine clinical work, we suggest that their multi-faceted nature could serve as a prognostic marker in assisted reproduction, aiming to enrich the list of non-invasive selection and predictive criteria in the IVF setting. We propose that in light of the welldocumented involvement of CAMs in the developmental processes of fertilization, embryogenesis, implantation, placentation, and embryonic development, further studies could contribute significantly to achieving a higher quality of treatment and management of infertility.

Research paper thumbnail of Modulation of central glucocorticoid receptors in short- and long-term experimental hyperthyroidism.

Hyperthyroidism is associated with a significant increase in circulating glucocorticoid levels an... more Hyperthyroidism is associated with a significant increase in circulating glucocorticoid levels and hyperactivity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. The aim of this study was to examine whether the HPA axis hyperactivity observed in hyperthyroidism may be explained by a disturbed feedback inhibition of endogenous glucocorticoids through two specific intracellular receptors in the brain: the high affinity mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) and the lower affinity glucocorticoid receptor (GR). Cytosolic receptor binding and gene expression was assessed in rats with short (7 days) and long standing (60 days) eu- and hyperthyroidism. Glucocorticoid receptor number and binding affinity (Kd) in the hippocampus were measured using [(3)H2]-dexamethasone radioreceptor assay. In situ hybridization was employed to examine the effects of hyperthyroidism on the GR and MR mRNA levels in the hippocampus and the pituitary. Both short- and long-term hyperthyroid rats showed pronounced reduction in the concentration of cytosolic GR in the hippocampus, without changes in binding affinity or changes in GR expression. In contrast, GR mRNA in the pituitary increased after 7 days and decreased after 60 days of thyroxin treatment. MR mRNA was moderately affected. Hyperthyroidism is associated with significant decreases in hippocampal GR levels supporting the hypothesis that hyperactivity of the HPA axis observed in experimentally induced hyperthyroidism may be attributed, at least in part, to decreased negative feedback at the level of the hippocampus. These findings further support the notion that a central locus is principally responsible for the hyperactivity of the HPA axis observed in hyperthyroidism.

Research paper thumbnail of Down-regulation of hippocampal glucocorticoid receptors in adult hyperthyroid rats


Research paper thumbnail of Cell adhesion molecules and in vitro fertilization

In vivo (Athens, Greece)

This review addresses issues regarding the need in the in vitro fertilization (IVF) field for fur... more This review addresses issues regarding the need in the in vitro fertilization (IVF) field for further predictive markers enhancing the standing embryo selection criteria. It aims to serve as a source of defining information for an audience interested in factors related to the wide range of multiple roles played by cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) in several aspects of IVF ultimately associated with the success of an IVF cycle. We begin by stressing the importance of enriching the standing embryo selection criteria available aiming for the golden standard: "extract as much information as possible focusing on non-invasive techniques" so as to guide us towards selecting the embryo with the highest implantation potential. We briefly describe the latest trends on how to best select the right embryo, moving closer towards elective single embryo transfer. These trends are: frozen embryo transfer for all, preimplantation genetic screening, non-invasive selection criteria, and time-l...

Research paper thumbnail of Modulation of central glucocorticoid receptors in short- and long-term experimental hyperthyroidism

Endocrine, Jan 27, 2015

Hyperthyroidism is associated with a significant increase in circulating glucocorticoid levels an... more Hyperthyroidism is associated with a significant increase in circulating glucocorticoid levels and hyperactivity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. The aim of this study was to examine whether the HPA axis hyperactivity observed in hyperthyroidism may be explained by a disturbed feedback inhibition of endogenous glucocorticoids through two specific intracellular receptors in the brain: the high affinity mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) and the lower affinity glucocorticoid receptor (GR). Cytosolic receptor binding and gene expression was assessed in rats with short (7 days) and long standing (60 days) eu- and hyperthyroidism. Glucocorticoid receptor number and binding affinity (Kd) in the hippocampus were measured using [(3)H2]-dexamethasone radioreceptor assay. In situ hybridization was employed to examine the effects of hyperthyroidism on the GR and MR mRNA levels in the hippocampus and the pituitary. Both short- and long-term hyperthyroid rats showed pronounced redu...

Research paper thumbnail of Decreased DNA Disruption in the Porcine Neocortex with Erythromycin Preconditioning during Prolonged Hypothermic Circulatory Arrest: Evidence for Neuroprotection.

BACKGROUND AND AIM OF THE STUDY: We have previously reported that the neocortex is selectively vu... more BACKGROUND AND AIM OF THE STUDY: We have previously reported that the neocortex is selectively vulnerable to injury in an acute porcine model of hypothermic circulatory arrest (HCA) at 18°C. In view of recent evidence showing that pharmacologic preconditioning with a single dose of erythromycin induces tolerance against transient global cerebral ischemia in rats, we hypothesized that erythromycin would reduce the number of apoptotic neurons in the neocortex in an acute porcine model of HCA at 18°C.METHODS: Fourteen piglets underwent 75 min of HCA at 18°C following pretreatment with erythromycin (25 mg/kg, IV) (n = 8) or vehicle (Normal Saline 0.9%) (n = 6), applied 12 hr before arrest. Three served as normal controls. After gradual rewarming to a temperature of 36°C, treatment animals were sacrificed and brains were perfusion-fixed and cryopreserved. Neuronal apoptosis after HCA was observed morphologically with hematoxylin and eosin staining, and characterized by in situ DNA fragmentation using terminal deoxynucleotidyl-transferase-mediated biotin-dUTP nick end-labeling (TUNEL) histochemistry.RESULTS: Pre-ischemic conditioning with a single dose of the antibiotic erythromycin reduced neuronal apoptosis in the neocortex of the porcine brain. TUNEL-positive cells indicating DNA fragmentation and neuronal injury were significantly greater in the neocortex of animals treated with 18°C HCA (2.55 ± 1.17) compared to animals undergoing HCA after erythromycin preconditioning (1.76 ± 0.91) (p ≤ 0.001).CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that cerebral protection during HCA may be achieved with erythromycin pharmacological preconditioning in the porcine model. doi: 10.1111/jocs.12544 (J Card Surg 2015;30:525-531).© 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.