Weather Ungaran & temperature by month (original) (raw)
Ungaran Climate (Indonesia)
Data and graphs for weather & climate
in Ungaran
- >>Weather by month // weather averages Ungaran
- >>Climate graph // Weather by Month Ungaran
- >>average temperature by month Ungaran
- >>Weather Ungaran
This city has a tropical climate.has a tropical climate. Throughout the majority of the year, Ungaran experiences notable precipitation levels. However, there exists a brief period characterized by scarce rainfall. The Köppen-Geiger climate classification is Am. The temperature in this location is approximately 24.1 °C | 75.4 °F, as determined by statistical analysis. Annually, approximately 3003 mm | 118.2 inch of precipitation descends.
Because Ungaran is located near the equator, the summers are not easy to define. According to our analysis, the optimal period for embarking on a journey is during March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October.
Climate graph // Weather by Month Ungaran
The driest month is August, with 36 mm | 1.4 inch of rainfall. The majority of rainfall occurs during the month with the highest precipitation, which is January, and has an average amount of 510 mm | 20.1 inch.
The warmest month of the year is September, with an average temperature of 25.4 °C | 77.7 °F. During the month of February, the mean temperature registers at a minimum value of 23.3 °C | 73.9 °F. This represents the coldest monthly average throughout the entire year.
Weather by month // weather averages Ungaran
| | Avg. Temperature °C (°F) | Min. Temperature °C (°F) | Max. Temperature °C (°F) | Precipitation / Rainfall mm (in) | Humidity (%) | Rainy days (d) | avg. Sun hours (hours) | | | --------------------------- | ------------------------ | ------------------------ | -------------------------------- | ------------ | -------------- | ---------------------- | --- | | January | 23.3 (73.9) | 21.2 (70.1) | 26.3 (79.4) | 510 (20.1) | 89% | 21 | 7.0 | | February | 23.3 (73.9) | 21.2 (70.1) | 26.3 (79.3) | 477 (18.8) | 90% | 20 | 7.0 | | March | 23.5 (74.3) | 21.1 (70) | 26.9 (80.3) | 432 (17) | 89% | 21 | 7.0 | | April | 23.8 (74.9) | 21.1 (70.1) | 27.4 (81.3) | 281 (11.1) | 87% | 20 | 7.0 | | May | 24 (75.3) | 21 (69.9) | 27.8 (82) | 134 (5.3) | 83% | 14 | 8.0 | | June | 24 (75.2) | 20.6 (69.1) | 28 (82.4) | 87 (3.4) | 78% | 10 | 8.0 | | July | 24.1 (75.4) | 20.3 (68.5) | 28.6 (83.5) | 54 (2.1) | 70% | 8 | 8.0 | | August | 24.6 (76.4) | 20.4 (68.8) | 29.5 (85) | 36 (1.4) | 64% | 4 | 9.0 | | September | 25.4 (77.7) | 21.4 (70.5) | 30.3 (86.5) | 57 (2.2) | 63% | 6 | 9.0 | | October | 25.4 (77.6) | 21.9 (71.5) | 29.9 (85.8) | 148 (5.8) | 69% | 13 | 9.0 | | November | 24.4 (76) | 21.8 (71.2) | 28.2 (82.8) | 313 (12.3) | 82% | 18 | 8.0 | | December | 23.6 (74.5) | 21.4 (70.5) | 27 (80.6) | 474 (18.7) | 88% | 21 | 7.0 |
| | January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December | | | -------------------------------- | ----------------- | ----------------- | ----------------- | ----------------- | --------------- | ----------------- | ----------------- | ----------------- | ----------------- | ----------------- | ----------------- | ----------------- | | Avg. Temperature °C (°F) | 23.3 °C (73.9) °F | 23.3 °C (73.9) °F | 23.5 °C (74.3) °F | 23.8 °C (74.9) °F | 24 °C (75.3) °F | 24 °C (75.2) °F | 24.1 °C (75.4) °F | 24.6 °C (76.4) °F | 25.4 °C (77.7) °F | 25.4 °C (77.6) °F | 24.4 °C (76) °F | 23.6 °C (74.5) °F | | Min. Temperature °C (°F) | 21.2 °C (70.1) °F | 21.2 °C (70.1) °F | 21.1 °C (70) °F | 21.1 °C (70.1) °F | 21 °C (69.9) °F | 20.6 °C (69.1) °F | 20.3 °C (68.5) °F | 20.4 °C (68.8) °F | 21.4 °C (70.5) °F | 21.9 °C (71.5) °F | 21.8 °C (71.2) °F | 21.4 °C (70.5) °F | | Max. Temperature °C (°F) | 26.3 °C (79.4) °F | 26.3 °C (79.3) °F | 26.9 °C (80.3) °F | 27.4 °C (81.3) °F | 27.8 °C (82) °F | 28 °C (82.4) °F | 28.6 °C (83.5) °F | 29.5 °C (85) °F | 30.3 °C (86.5) °F | 29.9 °C (85.8) °F | 28.2 °C (82.8) °F | 27 °C (80.6) °F | | Precipitation / Rainfall mm (in) | 510 (20) | 477 (18) | 432 (17) | 281 (11) | 134 (5) | 87 (3) | 54 (2) | 36 (1) | 57 (2) | 148 (5) | 313 (12) | 474 (18) | | Humidity(%) | 89% | 90% | 89% | 87% | 83% | 78% | 70% | 64% | 63% | 69% | 82% | 88% | | Rainy days (d) | 21 | 20 | 21 | 19 | 15 | 9 | 7 | 5 | 6 | 13 | 18 | 21 | | avg. Sun hours (hours) | 7.2 | 7.0 | 7.3 | 7.5 | 7.9 | 8.1 | 8.3 | 8.7 | 8.9 | 8.7 | 7.8 | 7.4 |
Data: 1991 - 2021 Min. Temperature °C (°F), Max. Temperature °C (°F), Precipitation / Rainfall mm (in), Humidity, Rainy days. Data: 1999 - 2019: avg. Sun hours
The difference in precipitation between the driest month and the wettest month is 474 mm | 19 inch. Throughout the year, there is a fluctuation in average temperatures by 2.1 °C | 3.9 °F.
The month of highest relative humidity is February (89.75 %). The month with the lowest relative humidity is September (62.58 %). The month which sees the most rainfall is January (6.20 days). The driest month of the year is August (28.37 days).
Hours of sunshine in Ungaran
- avg. hours of sun
- Total hours of sun
In Ungaran, the month with the most daily hours of sunshine is September with an average of 8.7 hours of sunshine. In total there are 269.64 hours of sunshine throughout September.
The month exhibiting the least number of daily sunshine hours in Ungaran is January, presenting an average of only 7.44 hours per day. The total accumulation of sunlight during this period amounts to approximately 230.67.
Around 2889.55 hours of sunshine are counted in Ungaran throughout the year. On average there are 240.8 hours of sunshine per month.
Airport close to Ungaran
The closest Airports of Ungaran are: Achmad Yani International Airport (SRG) 17.20km,Adisumarmo International Airport (SOC) 57.58km,Adisucipto International Airport (JOG) 72.83km
You can reach Ungaran from this Cities by Plane: Pekanbaru (PKU), Mataram (LOP), Singapore (SIN), Jakarta (CGK), Kuala Lumpur (KUL), Surabaya (SUB), Pangkalan Bun (PKN)