Sunken Fossil World (original) (raw)

東方剛欲異聞 (とうほうごうよくいぶん) 水没 (すいぼつ) した沈愁地獄 (ちんしゅうじごく) Touhou Gouyoku IbunSunken Fossil World
Touhou Gouyoku Ibun
Developer Twilight Frontier / Team Shanghai Alice
Publisher Twilight Frontier / Team Shanghai Alice
Released 1st Trial: 2019-10-062nd Trial: 2020-10-18Full: 2021-10-24 Nintendo Switch: 2022-10-20
Genre Game
Gameplay Single-player Story Mode
Platforms Windows 8/10Nintendo Switch
Requirements Windows: Processor: Multi-core, 2.2 GHz Memory: 2 GB RAM Graphics: ShaderModel4.0 DirectX: Version 11 Storage: 350 MB available space Sound Card: XAudio compatible Screen resolution: 1280x720. Switch: Nintendo Switch
Official Site LinkSteam Page
Touhou Series chronology
Wily Beast and Weakest Creature Sunken Fossil World(2021) Unconnected Marketeers

Touhou Gouyoku Ibun(Strange Tale of Avarice) ~ Sunken Fossil World (東方剛欲異聞 ~ 水没した沈愁地獄, lit. Eastern Strange Tale of Avarice ~ Submerged Hell of Sunken Sorrow) is the 17.5th installment of the Touhou Project, created by Team Shanghai Alice, with Twilight Frontier's collaboration.


The first trial of Sunken Fossil World was displayed at the 2019 Reitaisai. However, due to delays, the full game was not finished until 24 October 2021, releasing after the 18th mainline game, Unconnected Marketeers. On 5 October 2022, preorders opened for the Nintendo Switch port, which released on October 20. Additions to the Switch version include a boss rush mode, Easy mode, Yuuma as a playable character, and official English and Chinese translations.


Main articles: Gameplay and Spell Cards

The game is described as a "horizontal side-scrolling danmaku water action game" on the official website.



Sunken Fossil World was the third game to have no English words in its original title, after Touhou Hisoutensoku and Great Fairy Wars. With the official English translation on the Nintendo Switch, it was given the English name of "Sunken Fossil World".


地上に黒い水が吹き出していた。 その水は異臭を放ち、身体に付くと簡単には落とせなかった。 とても生活用水として使える代物では無かった。その湧き出る黒い水を凶と見るもの、吉と見るもの、 神聖なものと見るもの、邪悪なものと見るもの、 天災と見るもの、経済的暁光だと見るもの、 様々な憶測が飛び交い、一部ではお祭り騒ぎにもなった。しかしある出来事を境に、浮かれていたものの背筋を凍らせる事となる。 飲料用の湧き水に、美しい清流に、憩いの場である温泉に…… 黒い水は場所を選ばず、湧き出し始めたのである Black water gushed out onto the surface. The water released an odd odour, and was hard to get off once stuck to one's body. It was not something that you could use as your everyday water.Some saw the gushing water as misfortune, some as good fortune; some saw it as holy, while others as evil; some saw it as a natural disaster, some saw it as a business opportunity, various theories were tossed around. Some even started a festival and made a fuss.But not long after, an event occurred that put a horrific damper on their buoyant moods. From the springs that they drank from, the beautiful clear streams, the hot springs at rest spots... from every location it possibly could, the black water began to gush out.


Most of the music in Sunken Fossil World was composed or arranged by ziki_7, who previously arranged a track for the soundtrack of Urban Legend in Limbo. The remaining two tracks, consisting of both of the final boss themes, were composed by ZUN.

English patches

Touhou Community Reliant Automatic Patcher / THCRAP

These patches are a community translation based on Touhou Wiki and the English Touhou Patch Center Portal.
Visit the thpatch game page to find the specific patch contents for Sunken Fossil World.

Additional Information


vte Touhou Project
PC-98 Highly Responsive to PrayersStory of Eastern WonderlandPhantasmagoria of Dim.DreamLotus Land StoryMystic Square
Windows Main series _Embodiment of Scarlet DevilPerfect Cherry BlossomImperishable NightPhantasmagoria of Flower ViewMountain of FaithSubterranean AnimismUndefined Fantastic ObjectTen DesiresDouble Dealing CharacterLegacy of Lunatic KingdomHidden Star in Four SeasonsWily Beast and Weakest CreatureUnconnected MarketeersUnfinished Dream of All Living Ghost_Spinoffs Immaterial and Missing PowerShoot the BulletScarlet Weather RhapsodyTouhou HisoutensokuDouble SpoilerGreat Fairy WarsHopeless MasqueradeImpossible Spell CardGold RushUrban Legend in LimboAntinomy of Common FlowersViolet Detector • Sunken Fossil World • 100th Black Market
Print works Touhou Kourindou Curiosities of Lotus Asia Touhou Sangetsusei Eastern and Little Nature Deity (Fairy of the Moon) • Strange and Bright Nature DeityOriental Sacred PlaceVisionary Fairies in Shrine Touhou Bougetsushou _Silent Sinner in BlueCage in Lunatic RunagateInaba of the Moon and Inaba of the Earth_Touhou Ibarakasen _Wild and Horned Hermit_Touhou Suzunaan _Forbidden Scrollery_Touhou Suichouka _Lotus Eaters_Touhou Chireikiden _Foul Detective Satori_Official Books _Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red (Extra of the Wind) • Seasonal Dream Vision (A Beautiful Flower Blooming Violet Every Sixty Years) • Perfect Memento in Strict Sense (Memorizable Gensokyo) • The Grimoire of MarisaSymposium of Post-mysticismAlternative Facts in Eastern UtopiaThe Grimoire of Usami_Magazines Strange Creators of Outer WorldStrange Articles of the Outer World
Official Touhou music ZUN's Music Collection Dolls in Pseudo ParadiseGhostly Field ClubChangeability of Strange DreamRetrospective 53 minutesMagical AstronomyUnknown Flower, Mesmerizing JourneyTrojan Green AsteroidNeo-traditionalism of JapanDr. Latency's Freak Report • [Dateless Bar "Old Adam"](/wiki/Dateless%5FBar%5F%22Old%5FAdam%22 "Dateless Bar "Old Adam"") • Rainbow-Colored SeptentrionTaboo Japan Disentanglement Akyu's Untouched Score _Vol. 1 (TH04)Vol. 2 (TH05)Vol. 3 (TH02)Vol. 4 (TH03)Vol. 5 (TH01)_Fighting Game Soundtracks _Immaterial and Missing Power OSTScarlet Weather Rhapsody OSTTouhou Hisoutensoku OSTHopeless Masquerade OSTUrban Legend in Limbo OSTUrban Legend in Limbo OST 2Antinomy of Common Flowers OST_Manga Extras Eastern and Little Nature Deity • Strange and Bright Nature Deity (Vol. 1) (Vol. 2) (Vol. 3)Silent Sinner in Blue • Oriental Sacred Place (Vol. 1) (Vol. 2) (Vol. 3) • _Bohemian Archive in Japanese RedPerfect Memento in Strict SenseThe Grimoire of MarisaForbidden Scrollery_Other ZUN's Strange Works • Strange Creators of Outer World (Vol. 1) (Vol. 2) (Vol. 3) (Vol. 4) (Vol. 5) (Vol. 6)Touhou Gouyoku Ibun OST
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Other ZUNCharactersTeam Shanghai AliceTwilight FrontierShunsatsu sare do?RebRankBossStageFandomRelease Timeline
vteGames by Twilight Frontier
pre-2010 Immaterial and Missing Power† • Super Marisa LandMegamariぱちゅコン Defend the library!Scarlet Weather Rhapsody† • Touhou Hisoutensoku TwilightFrontier Logo.png
2010-present New Super Marisa LandDynaMarisa 3DKomeiji Satori no Jousou Kyouiku‎Hopeless Masquerade† • Shoot Shoot NitoriMarisaLand LegacyUrban Legend in Limbo† • Antinomy of Common Flowers† • Sunken Fossil World†
† Official Touhou game made in collaboration with Team Shanghai Alice.
vte Sunken Fossil World
Story Main Scenario Reimu HakureiMarisa KirisameKanako YasakaMinamitsu MurasaJoon and Shion YorigamiFlandre ScarletYuuma Toutetsu Characters Reimu HakureiMarisa KirisameKanako YasakaMinamitsu MurasaJoon YorigamiShion YorigamiFlandre ScarletKogasa TataraYamame KurodaniYuugi HoshigumaUtsuho ReiujiKutaka NiwatariYuuma ToutetsuOkina Matara • (Suwako MoriyaIchirin KumoiByakuren Hijiri)Locations Forest of MagicUnderworld (Rainbow Cavern of Earth SpiritsHot Spring TownHell of Blazing FiresNuclear FurnaceHell of Blood Pools) • Scarlet Devil MansionLand of the Back Door Th175cover.jpg
Gameplay Spell Cards ReimuMarisaKogasaYamameYuugiYorigami SistersKanakoMinamitsuUtsuhoKutakaFlandreYuumaOkina
Documentation TranslationsMusicStages