Prana (original) (raw)
Everything that was, is, or shall be, is nothing but the different modes of expression of the universal force. The universal prana is thus the Para-Prakiti (pure Nature), immanent energy or force which is derived from the infinite Spirit, and which permeates and sustains the universe. ~ Yogananda
Prana (प्राण, prāṇa) is the Sanskrit word for "life force"; in yoga, Indian medicine, and martial arts, the term refers to a cosmic energy believed to come from the sun and connecting the elements of the universe. The universal principle of energy or force, responsible for the body's life, heat and maintenance, prana is the sum total of all energy that is manifest in the universe. This life energy, prana has been vividly invoked and described in Vedas. In Ayurveda, tantra and Tibetan medicine "praṇā vāyu" is the basic vāyu (wind, air) from which all the other vāyus arise.
- Beware of venomous vibrations. Strive for the future and succumb not to the spell of the present. Follow the simplest path as you ascend the mountain. Powerful, exalted visions require pure surroundings, and prana. Christ’s deeds were consummated amidst the beauties of nature. Never did He dwell for long in cities.
- Agni Yoga, Leaves of Morya’s Garden, Book One, The Call, 51. (1924)
- Realize the healing power of prana. The torpor of life is dispelled in the pure rays of the sunset.
- Agni Yoga, Leaves of Morya’s Garden, Book One, The Call, 138. (1924)
- Read, and consider how many times even Christ withdrew into solitude. Even His Spirit had need of prana. Observe—the manifestations of each day are full of deep meaning.
- Agni Yoga, Leaves of Morya’s Garden, Book One, The Call, 370. (1924)
- It is often better to defer a decision until morning. The morning is permeated with prana. After sundown it is harmful to remain tense. Evening is the time to give. Morning is the time to receive knowledge.
- Agni Yoga, Leaves of Morya’s Garden, Book One, The Call, 380. (1924)
- Solar prana - this is that vital and magnetic fluid which radiates from the sun, and which is transmitted to man's etheric body through the agency of certain deva entities of a very high order, and of a golden hue. It is passed through their bodies and emitted as powerful radiations, which are applied direct through certain plexi in the uppermost part of the etheric body. . . . These golden hued pranic entities are in the air above us, and are specially active in such parts of the world as California, in those tropical countries where the air is pure and dry, and the rays of the sun are recognised as being specially beneficial. Relations between man and this group of devas are very close, but fraught as yet with much danger to man. These devas are of a very powerful order, and, along their own line, are further evolved than man himself. Unprotected man lies at their mercy, and in this lack of protection, and man's failure to understand the laws of magnetic resistance, or of solar repulsion comes, for instance, the menace of sunstroke.
- Alice Bailey, A Treatise on White Magic, p. 90, (1934)
- Primarily the functions of the etheric body are three in number: 1. It is the receiver of prana. 2. It is the assimilator of prana. 3. It is the transmitter of prana.
- Alice Bailey, A Treatise on White Magic, p. 97, (1934)
- The pranic emanations of the sun are absorbed by the etheric body, via certain centres which are found principally in the upper part of the body, from whence they are directed downwards to the centre which is called the etheric spleen. . . . The main centre for the reception of prana at present, is a centre between the shoulder blades.
- Alice Bailey, A Treatise on White Magic, p. 98, (1934)
- On Prana. You can discover much on the nature of prana if you use.. my book A Treatise on Cosmic Fire and The Light of the Soul, [v] the whole subject is considered. Suffice it to say that: 1. There is nothing in manifestation except energy, taking form, using and actuating forms and dissipating forms. 2. This energy is divided into three types of so-called electrical phenomena, called in The Secret Doctrine and in A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, fire by friction, solar fire, and electrical fire.
3. Prana is the name given to the energy which is drawn upon the physical plane from the etheric aspect of all phenomenal life. That etheric aspect of the divine energy is a synthesis of energies. If the energy in which an individual primarily lives and moves and has the focus of his being is, for instance, predominantly astral, then the major expression of energy in his equipment will be astral or emotional feeling energy. He will react all the time to physical energy or prana and to astral energy or the many sentient emotional forces. These work out pre-eminently through the spleen, the solar plexus and the throat, and affect in different ways the physical spleen, the stomach and the thyroid gland.
4. Interest in these two types of energy, when evidenced by an individual, is based on the fact that they are the two in which he himself is habitually immersed and to which he most easily and normally responds.- Alice Bailey, A Treatise on the Seven Rays: Volume 4: Esoteric Healing (1953) p. 328-329
- The five triangles are the five jnanendriyas (jnana means “knowledge”; indriyas means “the senses”), the five karmendriyas (motor organs), and the five pranas (breathing activities). The bindu at the center is the symbol of the balanced soul.
- Ashok Bedi on Kali Yantra in: Crossing the Healing Zone: From Illness to Wellness, Nicolas-Hays, Inc., 4 January 2013, p. 163
Prana is Great God or masculine principle – Shiva in Hindu thought – who represents the transcendent Prana or immortal life energy beyond life and death. This power was called Indra in Vedic thought, the foremost of the Vedic deities, who represents. - David Frawley.
Mantras can work to hold and sustain our prana. Prana, [we could say], is the spirit of mantra. Mantra in turn is the expression of prana.- David Frawley.
When right posture (asana) has been attained there follows right control of prana and proper inspiration and expiration of the breath. - Patanjali.
- The Vedas define the two fundamental forces in the universe as Prana or life-energy, which we experience mainly through the breath, and Vak, which is speech, articulation or expression overall.
- David Frawley in: Mantra Yoga and the Primal Sound: Secrets of Seed (Bija) Mantras, Lotus Press, 2010, p. 48.
- Prana is Great God or masculine principle – Shiva in Hindu thought – who represents the transcendent Prana or immortal life energy beyond life and death. This power was called Indra in Vedic thought, the foremost of the Vedic deities, who represents.
- David Frawley in: "Mantra Yoga and the Primal Sound: Secrets of Seed (Bija) Mantras", p. 48.
- The ruling power of Prana as will, insight and the urge to transcend. Vak or speech is the Goddess or feminine principle, Shakti or the Devi (Goddess) relative to Shiva, and Indrani, the feminine aspect of Indra.
- David Frawley in: "Mantra Yoga and the Primal Sound: Secrets of Seed (Bija) Mantras", p. 48.
- Prana is spirit which is formless, while speech is the basis of form and matter through naming process. Name and form arise from speech while being and consciousness are sustained by prana. Prana and speech are intertwined, like husband and wife, or the right and left sides of the body. They always move together. Prana is the energy behind speech, which moves through the breath.
- David Frawley in: "Mantra Yoga and the Primal Sound: Secrets of Seed (Bija) Mantras", p. 48.
- Prana and Vak are two facets of the same underlying reality. Prana is unmanifest speech, and speech is manifest prana. Prana naturally creates sound, which is the hissing sound of the breath.
- David Frawley in: "Mantra Yoga and the Primal Sound: Secrets of Seed (Bija) Mantras", p. 48.
- Mantras can work to hold and sustain our prana. Prana, [we could say], is the spirit of mantra. Mantra in turn is the expression of prana.
- David Frawley in: "Mantra Yoga and the Primal Sound: Secrets of Seed (Bija) Mantras", p. 48.
- The Vedics created an elaborate science spanning yoga, meditation and diet for pooling this higher-dimensional energy, which they termed “prana,” into their bodies. The Taoists developed a similar science for cultivating “chi”. Early in the 20th Century, Nikola Tesla theorized the existence of “scalar” waves (subsequently popularized by Tom Bearden) that transcend spatial limitations and are capable of acting instantaneously at a distance. Tesla created a prototype scalar system for free electricity using no generators or wires. Later, Wilhelm Reich became famous experimenting with “orgone” energy. Aether, prana, chi, scalar, orgone— all are names for the light-based aspect of the same spiritual or torsion energy that gave (and continues to give) rise to the holographic multiverse.
- Sol Luckman in: Conscious Healing: Book One on the Regenetics Method,, 2009, p. 96.
- All life is conscious, all consciousness alive." "Whenever a form is infused with life (prana), consciousness (chetana) appears by reflection of awareness in matter.
- Nisargadatta Maharaj in: Excerpts from I Am That Dialogues of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj,
- The word " prana " is perhaps as old as the word "yoga" itself, but the elaborate technique concerning its control, which … take place as a result of its intense and prolonged practice, have been acknowledged at several places in the yoga texts. … to mean two different things, namely : (i) the life force or the principle of life and, (ii) the air (vayu) which flows in the body.
- Ramana Maharshi in: Mountain Path, Volume 4, Sri Ramanasramam., 1967, p. 208.
- When right posture (asana) has been attained there follows right control of prana and proper inspiration and expiration of the breath.
- Patanjali, in: Alice Bailey, The Light of the Soul: Paraphrase of the Yoga Sutras of Pantanjali, Lucis Publishing Companies, 14 May 2012, p. 116.
- Prana is a subtle invisible force (high valence ion charged oxygenated air) - is the life-force that pervades the body. It is the factor that connects the body and the mind, because it is connected on one side with the body and on the other side with the mind. It is the connecting link between the body and the mind. The body and the mind have no direct connection. They are connected through Prana only.
- Dr Charulata Pradhan in: Modern Approaches and Innovation in Psychology, kohinoorncmaip.
...filling all space, the Akasha or luminiferousether, which is acted upon by the life-giving Prana or creative force, calling into existence, in never ending cycles, all things and phenomena. - Nikola Tesla.
A genuine smile distributes the cosmic current, Prana to every body cell.The happy man is less subject to disease, for happiness actually attracts into the body a greater supply of the Universal life energy. - Yogananda.
Prana is implicate to matter but explicate to mind; mind is implicate to prana but explicate to soul; soul is implicate to mind but explicate to spirit; and the spirit is the source and suchness of the entire sequence. - Ken Wilber.
- ...filling all space, the Akasha or luminiferousether, which is acted upon by the life-giving Prana or creative force, calling into existence, in never ending cycles, all things and phenomena.
- Nikola Tesla in: Philip Goldberg American Veda: From Emerson and the Beatles to Yoga and Meditation How Indian Spirituality Changed the Wes, Crown Publishing Group, 2 November 2010, p. 378.
- RtaM pibantau sukRtasya loke
guhAM praviStau parame parArdhe
chAyAtapau brahmavido vadanti
paJcAgnayo ye ca tri-NAciketAH - Translation:O Naciketa, the expansions of Lord Visnu as the tiny living being (jiva) and the Supersoul both stay within the cave of the heart of this body. In that cavity the living being, resting on the main prana, enjoys the results of activities, and the Supersoul, acting as witness enables him to enjoy them. Those who are well-versed in knowledge of Brahman and those householders who carefully follow the Vedic regulations say that the difference between the two is like the difference between a shadow and the sun.
- Katha Upanisad (1.3.1) quoted in: Prana, Harekrisna Organization.
- esho anur atma cetasa veditavya yasmin pranah pancadha samvivesha
pranais cittamsattvam otam prajanam yasmin vishuddhe vibhavatyesha atma - Translation: The atomic soul can be perceived by perfect intelligence as floating in the five kinds of life airs (prana, apana, vyana, samana and udana). When the consciousness (that pervades from the soul through the entire body) is purified from the contamination of the five kinds of material airs, its spiritual influence is exhibited.
- Mundaka Upanishad (3.1. quoted in::"Prana".
- Prana is implicate to matter but explicate to mind; mind is implicate to prana but explicate to soul; soul is implicate to mind but explicate to spirit; and the spirit is the source and suchness of the entire sequence.
- Ken Wilber in: Eye to Eye, Shambhala Publications, 2001, p. 178.
- The Seva Yagna – altruist service of the society is a noble example of Yagna. The Gnana Yagna, similarly implies the service of people by enlightening their lives in the glow of knowledge and education. The Prana Yagna implies --- the service of saving the lives of people from suffering and agonies and inspiring liveliness and respect for life in them.
- Yajna in: The Integrated Science of Yagna, AWGP, p. 4.
- PRANAYAMA IS DERIVED from two Sanskrit words -prana (life) and ayama (control). Pranayama is therefore life control and not "breath control." The broadest meaning of the word prana is force of energy. In this sense, the universe is filled with prana; all creation is a manifestation of force, a play of force. Everything that was, is, or shall be, is nothing but the different modes of expression of the universal force. The universal prana is thus the Para-Prakiti (pure Nature), immanent energy or force which is derived from the infinite Spirit, and which permeates and sustains the universe.
- Paramahansa Yogananda in: Tamara Jo Cortez Flow Notes: A Collection, BalboaPress, 23 January 2013, p. 121.
- A genuine smile distributes the cosmic current, Prana to every body cell.The happy man is less subject to disease, for happiness actually attracts into the body a greater supply of the Universal life energy.
- Yogananda in: AOL Bulletin – 4th June, 2014 – Smile, It’s Contagious!:FYI – Smile the Cosmic Current, Academy of Light.
Yajur Veda: Authentic English Translation
Yajurveda and Atharva Veda in: translation by Agniveer _Yajur Veda: Authentic English Translation,_Agniveer, 09-Nov-2013
Scholars well-versed in the science of yajna go forward to the noble people and proclaim that they strengthen and extend the yajna over the earth and to the sky so that they receive, like the two fold movements of prana and apana, the fragrance of the yajna of love and non-violence and send it onward to the heavens. - Yajurveda.
- The power of Agni is light and energy/electricity which creates and produces the circuitous currents going up as prana in the universe as well as in the body, and the complimentary current going down as apana in the body as well as in the universe. This universal energy of Agni is a mighty power which is the light of heaven and burns in the sun.
- In: p. 42.
- Scholars well-versed in the science of yajna go forward to the noble people and proclaim that they strengthen and extend the yajna over the earth and to the sky so that they receive, like the two fold movements of prana and apana, the fragrance of the yajna of love and non-violence and send it onward to the heavens.
- In: p. 98.
- There are eleven in the vital energy (prana), existing by their own virtue (ear, skin, eye, tongue, nose, speech, hands, legs, two organs of excretion, and mind: these are organs of perception and volition). May all these powers of life and nature join and contribute to this common yajna of the ruler and the people.
- In: p. 148.
- Agni, with one akshara, syllable, Om and Gayatri verse conquered prana, vitality. So should I win that. (The ruler, bright as Agni, should win the heart of the people with good policies and advance them. So should the people support him).
- In: p. 226.
- Noble men of wisdom and virtue obtain waters/energies, sweet, invigorating, illuminating and enlightening by which they strengthen, cleanse and consecrate their prana, udana, and electric vitalities and ward off all conflicts and negativities of life.
- In: p. 237.
- Man of knowledge and vision, I accept and welcome you as a man initiated by fire in this world of Savita's creation along with the force and attraction of the energy of prana and the attraction and retention of the life-giving air.
- In: p. 265.
- It is in the waters and in the vitality of prana, and it creates the waters and the vitality. It activates the senses, moves the animals and magnetizes the earth. It creates the universal law and abides in it. It forms the mountains and the clouds and it showers with the rain. It is the truth and dynamic reality of existence, and it is great overall.
- In: p. 311.
- Agni, universal spirit, is the first and foremost in existence, the eastern horizon of the world. Its offspring is prana, vital energy, life-breath of existence. The offspring of prana is spring. The song of spring is gayatri, joy. Joy is the music of spring from gayatri, the gayatra saman, soft, sweet and low. From gayatra, the upanshu, the receiver of soma, ladle for libation.
- In Atharva Veda, p. 386.
- Growing expansive, encompassing, enrich the sky, strengthen the sky for the sake of prana, apana, vyana and udana energy, and for honour and strength of character.
- In: p. 401.
- Worship Him with nine faculties of prana and mind who created the paternal and protective forces of nature and the earth which is the supreme mother of His children.
- In: p. 413.
...meditation and concentration on the secrets of mysteries, my mid breath and inner strength, my vital heat that controls the winds and electric currents of the body system and the water, the pranic vitality related to prana and udana (breath and upper motions of energy wind), and inner light between the solar and lunar plexi and its effects on health,...
- ...meditation and concentration on the secrets of mysteries, my mid breath and inner strength, my vital heat that controls the winds and electric currents of the body system and the water, the pranic vitality related to prana and udana (breath and upper motions of energy wind), and inner light between the solar and lunar plexi and its effects on health, and the energy for movement and my movements, and my purity of mind and vital energy, and my churner and dairy foods and apparatuses, may all these grow strong and be good and auspicious for me and all by yajna.
- In: p. 546.
- Prana, life, is precious and sacred. The cow is precious and sacred, inviolable. Varuna, Lord Supreme, the eminent sage, is great. If ever we injure, violate or revile these, then, O Varuna, O generous sage, deliver us from that sin.
- In: p. 634.
- Let the man of yajna perform the yajna in honour of Ashvinis, prana and apana powers of nature and the physicians with the milk and ghee of the goat. Let the Ashvinis partake of the holy food. Let them eat and raise the pranic vitality from the middle part of the body, for sure, before the anti-system forces of ailments take hold of the body and make their home there.
- In: p. 689.
- May life grow by yajna and be dedicated, may prana energy grow by yajna and be dedicated, may apana energy grow by yajna and be dedicated, may vyana energy grow by yajna and be dedicated, may udana energy grow by yajna and be dedicated,…
- In: p. 724.
- Receive the energy of the winds by the incoming breath of prana and the outgoing breath of apana by the nostrils. With the lower and upper lips observe the selfcontrol of truth and the discipline of yama and niyama. With the light of higher knowledge illumine the inner personality.
- In: p. 775.
- The moon is born of the cosmic mind, the sun is born of the eye, the air and prana energy is born from the ear, and the fire is born from the mouth.
- In: p. 912.
Early morning we invoke Mitra and Varuna, and pray for the energy of prana and udana. Early morning we invoke the Ashvins and pray for learning and wisdom. Early morning we invoke Bhaga, and pray for strength and prosperity. We invoke Pusha and pray for health and nourishment. We invoke Brahmanaspati, lord omniscient, and pray for knowledge and vision.
- Early morning we invoke Mitra and Varuna, and pray for the energy of prana and udana. Early morning we invoke the Ashvins and pray for learning and wisdom. Early morning we invoke Bhaga, and pray for strength and prosperity. We invoke Pusha and pray for health and nourishment. We invoke Brahmanaspati, lord omniscient, and pray for knowledge and vision.
- In: p. 983.
- We accept you for all round protection of body, mind and soul and the study of prana energy, in honesty of word and deed. Surely, we accept you for the science of food and nourishment and udana vayu, all sustaining energy. This is the divine voice.
- In: p. 1031
- The end of the body is ash. The prana-vayu merges with the cosmic energy. And this soul is immortal.
- In: p. 1056.
Prana is born of the Self. Like a man and his shadow, the Self and Prana are in seperable. Prana enters the body at birth, that the desires of the mind, continuing from past lives, may be fulfilled.
IslamKotob Upanishad-Commentary-full, IslamKotob
- Prana is born of the Self. Like a man and his shadow, the Self and Prana are in seperable. Prana enters the body at birth, that the desires of the mind, continuing from past lives, may be fulfilled.
- In: P.191.
- Just as the cosmos is an extension of the Consciousness that is Brahman, in the same way our individual prana is an extension of our Self (atman). It is inseperable from the Self because it is the Self. This is the authentic non-duality (advaita) of the Upanishads, not a negation or denial of either Prakriti or prana. Seeing them as separate from Spirit, and therefore dual, is the error – not acknowledging their intimate reality.
- In: P.191-92.
- Prana provides the continuity between our present and past and past lives – both minds and bodies. It is also the force that enables the continuation of our evolution from past lives carries us through the present life and future ones as well. Prana is truly life itself.
- In: p. 192 .
- As a king employes officials to rule over different portfolios of his kingdom, so Prana associates with himself four other Pranas, each a portion of himself and each assigned a separate function.
- Prashna Upanishad quoted in: p. 192.
- We usually speak of “five pranas”, but there is really only pure Prana and its four modalities.
- In: p. 192.
- Prana: Vital energy; life-breath; life-force. In the human body the prana is divided into five forms: 1)Prana:the prana moves upwards; 2) Apana: The prana that moves downwards producing the excretory functions in general; 3)Yvana: The prana that holds prana and apana together and produces circulation in the body; 4)Samana: The prana that carries the gosser material of food to the apana and brings the subtler material to each limb; the general forces of digestion; and Udana: The prana which brings up or carries down what has been drunk or eaten; the general force of assimilation.
- In: p. 192.
- The Prana himself dwells in the eye, ear, mouth, and nose; the Apana, which is the second prana, rules the organs of excretion and generation; the Samana: which is the third prana, inhibits the navel and governs digestion and assimilation.
- In: p. 192.
- The Self dwells in the lotus of the heart, whence radiate a hundred and one nerves [nadis]. From each of these proceed one hundred others, which are smaller; and from each of these, again seventy-two thousand others, which are smaller still. In all these moves the Vyana, which is the fourth Prana.
And then at the moment of death, through the nerve in the center of the spine, the Udana, which is the fifth Prana, leads the virtuous man upward to higher birth, the sinful man downward to lower birth, and the man who is both virtuous and sinful to rebirth in the world of men.- Prasna Upanishad in: p. 192.
- This is not the case with God. He thought–and so it was. Consequently, in the [following] list of cosmic ingredients, we must not think of them as “stuff” but as cosmic thoughts. Prana. First the Universal Life Force (vishwaprana) was manifested.
- In: p. 201.