փ - Wiktionary, the free dictionary (original) (raw)


From Wiktionary, the free dictionary

See also: Փ

The template Template:hy-letter does not use the parameter(s):

1= 2=Փ

Please see Module:checkparams for help with this warning.


փ lowercase (uppercase Փ)

  1. The 35th letter of Armenian alphabet, called փյուր (pʻyur). Represents aspirated voiceless bilabial plosive: [pʰ]. Transliterated as pʿ (Hübschmann-Meillet-Benveniste) or p’ (ISO 9985).

փ (p)

  1. A letter of the Armeno-Turkish script, named փիւր (pür). Represents voiceless bilabial plosive: [p]. Transliterated as p.
