ぞ - Wiktionary, the free dictionary (original) (raw)

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Stroke order
3 strokes

The hiragana character (so) with a dakuten ().


  1. The hiragana syllable (zo). Its equivalent in katakana is (zo).

From Old Japanese. Previously unvoiced as so until the Nara period.


  1. (colloquial, men's speech) a particle used at the end of sentences, which indicates certainty, emphasis or even a warning or a threat.
    Yaru zo!
    I'm gonna do it!
    Kore de sumanai zo!
    It doesn't end here!
    • よそで飯(めし)を盗(ぬす)んで食(く)うたりするんじゃない
      yoso de meshi o nusunde kūtari suru n ja nai zo
      You may not steal and eat food in other houses, ever.
  2. a particle used as a suffix to an interrogative word to mark it indefinite.
    • 何(ど)処(こ)で歌(うた)うたふ声(こえ)が聞(きこ)えるやうやのう
      dokozo de uta utau koe ga kikoeru yō ya nō
      It feels like we can hear voice of singers somewhere.
  3. (archaic) a particle which makes a question emphasized or rhetorical, used at the end of a sentence or appended to an interrogative word.
    • 単(たん)純(じゅん)化(か)を貴(とうと)ぶ精(せい)神(しん)が無(な)くして、なんぞ、この種(しゅ)のことが起(お)きて来(こ)よう
      Tanjunka o tōtobu seishin ga nakushite, nanzo, kono shu no koto ga okite koyō zo.
      Without the spirit of treasuring simplification, how could this kind of things ever happen.
  4. (predicative, men's speech) topic particle used for emphasis
    Kore zo jiten no hontō no chikara da‼
    This is the true power of a dictionary!!