夆 - Wiktionary, the free dictionary (original) (raw)

(Kangxi radical 34, +4, 7 strokes, cangjie input 竹水手十 (HEQJ), four-corner 27504, composition)

  1. resist
A user suggests that this Chinese entry be cleaned up, giving the reason: “This character belongs to phonetic series 丰. The character that belongs to series 丯 is 𡕗. Historic pronunciation /ɦɑiH/ in section Pronunciation may need to be moved too”.
Please see the discussion on Requests for cleanup(+) for more information and remove this template after the problem has been dealt with.
simp. and trad.

| | Old Chinese | | | -------------------------------- | ---------------------- | | | *proːŋ | | | *proːŋ | | | *proːŋ | | | *pʰroːŋs, *pʰroːŋs | | | *broːŋʔ, *breːŋʔ | | | *broːŋʔ | | | *broːŋʔ | | | *broːŋʔ | | | *poːŋʔ | | | *poːŋʔ, *boːŋʔ | | | *poːŋʔ, *boŋs | | | *boːŋ | | | *boːŋ, *pʰoŋ | | | *boːŋ | | | *boːŋ | | | *boːŋ | | | *boːŋʔ, *boŋʔ | | | *boːŋʔ | | | *pʰoŋ | | | *pʰoŋ | | | *pʰoŋ | | | *pʰoŋ | | | *pʰoŋ | | | *pʰoŋ | | | *pʰoŋ | | | *pʰoŋ | | | *pʰoŋ | | | *pʰoŋ | | | *pʰoŋ, *boŋ, *ɡaːds | | | *pʰoŋʔ | | | *boŋ | | | *boŋ, *boŋs | | | *boŋ | | | *boŋ, *boŋs | | | *boŋʔ |

Phono-semantic compound (形聲形声, OC *pʰoŋ, *boŋ, *ɡaːds) : semantic (“foot, walk”) + phonetic (OC *pʰoŋ, “bush, brush”) – also idiomatic, a foot walking through brush, which resists being moved through.

  1. to meet

  1. a surname

  1. Contraction of 予儂予侬 (hō͘ lâng, literally “by person”)
    1. precedes a verb to indicate the passive voice
      雄蜂干焦后蜂交尾可能因為食物無夠hőng趕出巢外。 [Hokkien, _trad._]
      雄蜂干焦后蜂交尾可能因为食物无够hőng赶出巢外。 [Hokkien, _simp._]
      From: 2020, 環境資訊中心, "【蠻野講堂】台語棲地復育系列座談─植物ê媒人:蜂、蝴蝶佮蛾仔"
      Hêng-phang kan-ta kah hiō-phang kau-bóe, soah ah khó-lêng tiō ē in-ūi chia̍h-mi̍h bô-kàu hőng kóaⁿ-chhut siū-gōa. [Pe̍h-ōe-jī]
      A male bee only copulate with the queen bee, and he may be banished from the honeycomb because of insufficient food after that.
    2. be ... [passive voice of a verb] by a person/people
      舊年香港反送中事件幾若hőng。 [Hokkien, _trad._]
      旧年香港反送中事件几若hőng。 [Hokkien, _simp._]
      From: 2020, 公視新聞網 PNN, "反送中人士指控 懲教所人員對ﰀ起跤動手"
      Kū-nî ê Hiang-káng hoán-sàng-tiong sū-kiāⁿ, iú kúi-nā chheng lâng hőng lia̍h--khì. [Pe̍h-ōe-jī]
      On the anti-extradition law amendment bill incident last year, there was several thousands of people being arrested by people.
For pronunciation and definitions of – see (“Apoidea or Vespa; etc.”).(This character is the second-round simplified form of ).
Notes:Simplified Chinese is mainly used in Mainland China, Malaysia, and Singapore.Traditional Chinese is mainly used in Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan.
For pronunciation and definitions of – see (“peak; summit; hump; etc.”).(This character is the second-round simplified form of ).
Notes:Simplified Chinese is mainly used in Mainland China, Malaysia, and Singapore.Traditional Chinese is mainly used in Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan.
For pronunciation and definitions of – see (“signal fire; the tower where such a signal fire is lit”).(This character is the second-round simplified form of ).
Notes:Simplified Chinese is mainly used in Mainland China, Malaysia, and Singapore.Traditional Chinese is mainly used in Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan.

(Hyōgai kanji)

  1. resist

(bong) (hangeul , revised bong, McCune–Reischauer pong)

  1. chisel
  2. to pull
  3. to guide, lead