遊俠 - Wiktionary, the free dictionary (original) (raw)

See also: 游侠

| | to roam; travel | knight-errant; chivalrous; heroic | | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------- | | trad. (遊俠/游俠) | / | | | simp. (游侠) | | |

Attested earliest as a compound noun in Han Feizi:

相容两立。……游侠举行不可。 [Classical Chinese, _simp._]
From: Han Feizi, circa 2nd century BCE, translated based on W. K. Liao's version
Gù bù xiàngróng zhī shì, bù liǎnglì yě....... Fèi jìngshàng wèifǎ zhī mín, ér yǎng yóuxiá sījiàn zhī shǔ. Jǔxíng rú cǐ, zhìqiáng bùkě dé yě. [Pinyin]
Therefore, incompatible things do not coexist. For [...] to neglect the men who respect the superior and revere the law, and at the same time to maintain gangs of wandering cavaliers and self-seeking swordsmen: out of such incompatible acts, how can a state attain order and strength?

Also attested as a phrasal verb in Six Secret Teachings (六韜 (Liùtāo)):

游侠犯历不从。 [Classical Chinese, _simp._]
From: Six Secret Teachings, c. 475 – 221 BCE, translated based on Ralph D. Sawyer's version
Mín yǒu bùshì nóngsāng, rènqì yóuxiá, fànlì fǎjìn, bùcóng lìjiào zhě, shāng wáng zhī huà. [Pinyin]
When the people are not engaged in agriculture and sericulture but instead give rein to their temper and travel about as bravados, disdaining and transgressing the laws and prohibitions, not following the instructions of the officials, it harms the king's transforming influence.

BaxterSagart system 1.1 (2014)
Reading # 1/1
ModernBeijing(Pinyin) yóu
MiddleChinese yuw
OldChinese /*[N-]ru/
English wander about
Notes for Old Chinese notations in the Baxter–Sagart system: * Parentheses "()" indicate uncertain presence; * Square brackets "[]" indicate uncertain identity, e.g. *[t] as coda may in fact be *-t or *-p; * Angle brackets "<>" indicate infix; * Hyphen "-" indicates morpheme boundary; * Period "." indicates syllable boundary.
Zhengzhang system (2003)
Reading # 1/1 1/1
No. 15546 5915
Rimesubdivision 1 2
CorrespondingMC rime
OldChinese /*lu/ /*ɡeːb/


  1. (historical) knight-errant
  2. (roleplaying games, fantasy) ranger