endcredits (original) (raw)
Dear Yuletide Writer of Wondrousness,
Hello there! If you've actually matched me on any of the fandoms below . . . well, I'm astounded and delighted and am mentally bestowing virtual hugs and cookies on you as you read this. You obviously have excellent taste in 90's horror movies. :D
( General PreferencesCollapse )
( In the Mouth of Madness (1994)Collapse )
November 1st, 2010
In the wake of the LJ privacy debacle, I've friends-locked most of my entries for the moment. Feel free to comment and say hello — I'll invariably add you back if you've got an active journal and we have fandoms/interests in common.
October 17th, 2010
So, I have a fondness for all of the Prophecy films—even the execrable fifth one—because I'm simply Not Rational about badass angels. I mean, come on: Misha as Castiel! Bettany as Michael! Walken as Gabriel! Durand as Gabriel! Andy Whitfield as Gabriel! Tilda Swinton as, um, Gabriel! (Gabriel is popular it seems?) The evidence speaks for itself: wings + badassery + angst = win!
It might be sacrilege to say it, but the fourth Prophecy film is my favourite by a country mile. Yes, this is the one that doesn't star Christopher Walken. The one that has nary a connection to the preceding trilogy, besides featuring two characters played by entirely different actors. My love is unreasonable. It's straight-to-video, it's low-budget, it was made in tandem with (and using the same team and some of the same sets as) a handful of other junk food horror sequels: Dracula II, Hellraiser #-oh-god-what-number-are-we-even-on-now?
And yet, it really is sort of awesome.
It's more of a psychological, noir-ish cop film than a horror film. Instead of pretending Bucharest is [insert non-Romanian city here] like every other project that's shot in Eastern Europe to save money, the team have run with the location and sculpted the mythos to fit, with interesting references to Ceausescu and the revolution, etc. It stars the foul-mouthed awesome that is Sean Pertwee (go watch Dog Soldiers now, people), and the astounding pretty that is John Light (go watch the 2003 version of The Lion in Winter now, people).
I have a one-line synopsis that might make you want to seek it out, but it's completely spoilery, so click ahead at your peril. I'll warn you: that vertiginous moment of penny droppage pretty much made this film for me, and I'm glad I wasn't spoiled for it.
( spoilers and picspammery and a whole herd of teal deer withinCollapse )
And now I have probably expended more words on The Prophecy: Uprising than anyone else in the universe, including the actual scriptwriters. My sad little fandom-of-one is so cold and lonely. If you've seen the film and stumble across this, please say hello! I will talk about how awesome Sean Pertwee and John Light are until the cows come home, and I desperately need someone with whom I can discuss the LOLarity of their respective hairstyles in Blue Juice and Dresden.